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Air Dream Illusion
by Timo Dante


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Air Dream Illusion by Timo Dante

New and good illusions are hard to find nowadays. In this manuscript magic consultant and illusion designer Timo Dante publishes an illusion from his own collection.

As a magician you always want to look good and appear as such on stage. Air Dream is an appearance-illusion that even fools magicians: Just a thin platform with a frame attached to it. A cloth is held in front of the frame and the magician instantly appears in a mysterious way.

  • Every artist’s dream!
  • No black art, no darkened stage!
You are looking for a new and great appearance? Then Air Dream is the right illusion for you.

This manuscript presents a novel stage illusion. The effect is described thoroughly and in detail; Timo publishes the exact measurements making these plans ideal for the illusionist who is handy with tools or intends to have the props built for him.

1st edition 2010; 20 pages.
word count: 1238 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Nathan Anon
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 23 April, 2012

This ebook is a very poor quality product. The description is very misleading into thinking the buy will be purchasing a "new" method and that this is a "magician fooler". Unfortunately this is nothing special.

The product has been typed very poorly Word and the drawings look like they were done in MS-Paint.

The "dimensions" in the book (that go with the terrible "illustrations") are not enough for a builder to assemble properly.

My main question is, if this is such a great illusion and a magician fooler, where is a photo of the final build to even prove this has been tested?? All there is in here are the concept drawings (in MS-Paint) and I suspect this hasn't ever been audience tested or even built.

Basically another product where a magician is trying to make some $$ by revealing secrets. There is nothing new in this design to make this more deceptive than any other illusion out there. My advice, don't bother with this.