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The baker who was forced to sell insurances, then work as photographer, and when that failed due to theft of his equipment he finally tried his luck with a magic lecture tour across the nation and never looked back. He became a close-up magic sensation.
- Some Personal Thoughts On Magic
- Tempo And Timing
- My Own Personal Problems
- My Routine
- To You - My Lecture Audience
- Now For The Tricks:
- Coins Thru The Table
- Winged Silver
- Glass Thru Table
- Impossible Marked Coins Transposition
- The Sun And Moon
- Han Pin Chen
- Meeting At The Summit
- About Albert Goshman
1st edition 1965, 19 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 17 pages.
word count: 7753 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text