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Amazing Magic Volume I
by Paul A. Lelekis


(4 reviews, 9 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Amazing Magic Volume I by Paul A. Lelekis

This ebook is the first of a series of ebooks that will "tackle" the intricacies of magical performance with a 'teach-in' of direct venues and many excellent effects. Stay 'close' to this series for a beautiful array of performable magic. This first ebook focuses on ESP.

6 included videos explain the moves.

In this first of a series ... the slant is on mentalism and ESP, a beautiful impromptu coin effect, and excellent card magic. Ever been asked to do a trick and you "have nothing"? Now you will always be ready ... to read their minds.


DIRECT COLLECTORS - This puzzling paradox is direct, hard-hitting, and will leave your spectators with a shocked look on their faces ... because it is impossible! Two videos will explain the moves and the inclusion of a Michael Skinner sleight and stratagem, make this effect even more amazing.

YOU MUST BE PSYCHIC! - Have 5 cards selected from a shuffled deck ... only the audience can see them - you can have your back turned. You will then divine each card, leaving the 5th card for last ... you name it ... and it is the card that the spectator only thought of. Freak 'em out!

TRIPLE MIRACLE - A blend of card magic with an ESP theme that will rock your spectators. This is no joke. If you want a powerful triple revelation with ESP effect, then this is the effect that you want ... and best of all ... it's a great closer.

APPARITION COIN - Are you at a party or gathering? You can dazzle them with an impromptu coin effect that is easy to do and very remarkable. This one is excellent. I'll bet none of you has ever seen this.

PAPER BAG BLINDFOLD - Kuda Bux astounded the world with his mentalism ... and everyone claimed that Kuda Bux was "the real thing". He described the impossible - with an examinable bag placed over his head.

SLPCTETC - Here's an excellent routine for a production of any 4-of-a-kind - in four different ways ... but this one is very, very easy to do and the spectator finds the fourth card.

SYMPATHETIC CARD MIRACLE - This Roy E. Smith routine fooled Ed Marlo so badly that he begged Roy for the secret. It became one of Marlo's favorite tricks to perform. A classic of magic dressed up for today's audience.

1st edition 2019, PDF 18 pages + 6 videos

Reviewed by Enrico Varella
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 26 February, 2019

These seven gems in this new book is certainly worth your while. Well within the average skills of the magician, these, time-tested, effects you and will use, almost immediately - with some rehearsal, of course. I used the Apparition Coin, straight away, in one of my coin routines. The videos accompanying this book should easily facilitate your learning of Direct Collectors. This went straight into my bank of anytime-anywhere card effects. I sought a brown-bag after reading Paper Bag Blindfold, for I intend to do Sight-less, mind-reading, routine - simple, and devious. Packs flat, should play big! SLCTETC spells well when you want a variation of 'Spectator Picks 4-Of-A-Kind'. Enjoy this book!

Reviewed by Rick Carruth
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 25 February, 2019

One of the highlights of my week is when Paul publishes a new ebook. Always very affordable and always full of good 'stuff'... an eclectic mix of effects for any skill level by a true worker. Amazing Magic 1 includes a nice array of card magic effects, sleights.. including videos, and a mental effect, a coin effect, and an ESP effect. The Best Buy for your money anywhere..

Reviewed by Roy Eidem
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 25 February, 2019

Paul Lelekis is a full-time close-up worker who knows magic what entertains & dazzles his audiences. For 10 bucks you get commercial routines, performance subtitles, & videos from a real pro.

Reviewed by Christoher Weber
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 24 February, 2019

It’s still winter here in the Northeast. I could use some “Amazing Magic” to warm things up. Here it is! Amazing Magic Vol.1 by Paul Lelekis. A wonderful collection of 7 effects that are all very solid straight-forward and performance tested for maximum audience impact. “Direct Collectors” features two great moves (video included) that are killer. A strong effect that as its title says is very direct. It rocks, and this one is worth the price of the book right here! “Triple Miracle” is an appealing prediction effect where Paul has brilliantly solved several of the little problems that are inherent with similar effects. A very cool coin move is taught in “Apparition Coin”. This move is entertaining to do and once you get the knack, it becomes one of those moves you’ll love to do just to fool yourself! What fun! Slctetc” is a very smooth four Ace production where each ace is produced in a different way; including a terrific method and patter for a well know force where the spectator cuts to the final ace. “Paper Bag Blindfold” is a riot! You’ll be making one for yourself as soon as you finish reading the method. It really works…check it out! “You Must Be Psychic” gives you the bare bones of an awesome effect that teaches a great stack that you might not be familiar with and has lots of room for you to add your own ESP patter. Finally, there is “Sympathetic Card Miracle” a modernized version of a fabulous Roy E. Smith routine. Very streamlined and backed up with some nice videos of the moves. A strong effect that you’ll find can be helpful in practicing a move you may have shied away from. Paul includes a convincing added subtlety that is a real kicker. Treat yourself to some Amazing Magic right now!