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McDonald's Aces and Freak Out
by Paul A. Lelekis


(2 reviews, 7 customer ratings) ★★★★

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McDonald's Aces and Freak Out by Paul A. Lelekis

Included are 8 videos plus an informative Preface with pointers and performing tips.

McDonald's Aces is a time-honored gem-stone ... one of the finest routines ever created ... and so easy to do. Learn all about the one-armed magician, "Mac" McDonald, his traveling magic show with Louis Tannen, and Mac's performance of McDonald's Aces for Presidents and European Royalty.

This is not just a trick ... or just an assembly - it is an entire elegant routine with a number of revelations, from beginning to end - the perfect opener or closer. You will be proud to perform this beautiful routine.

Also included are 2-1/2 pages of the elegant history of the Jacks, or Knaves for your patter.

FREAK OUT. In addition is this monstrous ESP routine. This is as close to real ESP and mind-reading as it gets - and it is simplicity itself. No sleights. This is definitely a magician-fooler. Here is what the spectator sees ...

An ordinary deck of cards is shuffled. The spectator cuts the deck and the other half is immediately cased. (This is what fools magicians - they're thinking "WTF!") She next memorizes the card at the face of the packet and then she shuffles that half, and places it aside. The performer truly has no idea what the selection is. The spectators can "burn" your hands. The seer has not once looked at any of the cards ... yet, he looks into her eyes - and tells her what the name of her selection is. Her jaw will drop!

There are no stooges, no peeks, no glimpses, no shiners, no gaffs, no TV Magic cards, no nothing ... and yet, the performer is 100% correct every time ... and best of all, this brilliant routine is ridiculously easy to do.

1st edition 2019, PDF 19 pages, videos 9 min.

Reviewed by Roy Eidem (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 05 January, 2020

Paul is a gifted magic writer. Here is a venerable Classic of magic that is worthy of study & performance. The tutorial videos alone include sleights which alone are worth the price. If you want to learn a magic classic & potentially new sleights & not a u-tube one trick pony, this is easily money well spent.

Reviewed by Christopher Weber
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 04 January, 2020

Two awesome effects for one low price! It’s the bargain of the year and it’s only January! Paul’s clear and clean handling of the classic McDonald’s Aces is sensational. This beautiful presentation is well worth studying and absorbing so you’ll always have a blockbuster effect ready to go. The effect flows along brilliantly and makes perfect sense. A concise history of McDonald’s Aces is included as well as a very interesting short essay on the History of the Jacks that could provide some great patter and presentation material for you. You’ll learn a number of effective moves along the way that you can utilize with countless other card illusions in your repertoire. Don’t skip the Preface and Introductions! Here as with all of Paul’s books he gives a ton of real-world advice on presentation, entertainment, audience management, and humor. Well worth the price of the book right there! You’ll be reminded of the power of entertainment in all art forms! Freak Out! is a Knockout ESP experiment that you will have a lot of fun performing. Easy set-up and a very puzzling effect with a very strong amazement factor! There are lots of excellent presentational ideas and patter here as well as a few more nice moves that can be used with other effects. Here’s some stuff you’ll use for sure.