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Answers to Questions
by Geo DeLawrence & Robert A. Nelson


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Answers to Questions by Geo DeLawrence & Robert A. Nelson

Reveals the inside secrets for delivering informative, entertaining and sensational answers to audience questions. A "must-have" text for every mentalist and psychic entertainer.

The secret of success in doing a question and answer act lies in the performer's ability to answer the questions intelligently and to the point. The lack of this knowledge - how to answer the questions - has proven to be a major stumbling block to many performers. While not a new book on the subject, therein lies the gold. The authors' understanding of the subject was so complete and basically sound that this book has a definite place in the working library of every mentalist and psychic entertainer.

Every angle of the answer phase of the presentation is considered, diagnosed and logically explained in plain English. It has been said that "Knowledge is Power" and herein is contained the very knowledge that you need in order to craft "on the fly" answers that your audience will applaud.

Written by a pair of performers who received this information as a result of actual experience performing Q&A and mentalism acts. Understanding and applying the principles in this book will help you to become a better mentalist, resulting in more filled seats at your performances and increased wealth and self-esteem. Take your act to the next level with these tried and proven techniques.

Are you a Nelson collector? This was Item Number 16 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog. Now you can fill that missing spot in your collection.

NOTE: This title replaces and supercedes How to Answer Questions Through Crystal Gazing in our catalog.

"If you do mental work of any kind, you need this book." - Percy Abbott

6th edition 1958, PDF 44 pages.
word count: 13207 which is equivalent to 52 standard pages of text
