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Astro Gems
by Ferry Gerats


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Astro Gems by Ferry Gerats

Divination of Zodiac sign involving a chart with the gems that are in accordance with astrology allocated to the star signs. Uses the branching anagram principle. A version of Bob Farmer's "Fate Accompli".

Effect: You reveal the zodiac-sign of someone you never met.

This is what happens:

A participant is handed a chart with all the zodiac signs and the gemstones which on the basis of astrology are allocated to these signs. While the participant focuses on the name of the gemstone of his sign, the mentalist first discloses some letters of that name and then reveals his zodiac sign.


The original uses the branching anagram principle. Since the names of zodiac signs aren't really suited for that principle the performance can result in an obvious guessing game. The design of Astro Gems eliminates that risk, so now you can be certain of success presenting this wonderful feat.

Astro Gems also has the following features/advantages:

  • Included in the PDF are templates, which make it easy to print the chart and cards that are needed for the performance.
  • The text of the PDF is in English. There are however also templates included with the names of zodiac signs and gemstones in
    • Danish
    • Dutch
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Norwegian
    • Portuguese
    • Brazilian Portuguese
    • Spanish
    • Swedish
    to enable performances in these languages. The progressive anagram has of course been adjusted to each language.
  • The maximum number of statements to secretly determine the sign is six.
  • Inherent to the progressive-anagram principle there will very likely be a moment you get a No for an answer. However you don't accept the denial. You are sure that the letter is there! And yes, it turns out that the thoughts of the participant must have gone astray to the letters of the zodiac sign as the letter is indeed in the name of his sign. After having turned the denial into a definite Yes, you can immediately reveal the zodiac sign.
  • Almost no memory work! Remembering the two strings of 5 letters is 95% of the memory work you have to do.
  • No mistakes when the participant doesn't know the spelling of his sign.
  • There is a comedy presentation included with a wonderful joke about an astrologer. For a professional just the joke is worth twice the price of Astro Gems!
"Astro Gems is based on a very clever idea and well thought out." - Patrick Schlagel (Authority on the progressive anagram principle. Author of Mnemosign.)

"Nice effect and very workable method. I like this a lot." - Mike Donoghue

"I have now read and starting to understand the concept. Seems like a fun and clever routine." - Mats G. Kjellström

"This routine looks fantastic!" - Ashton

"This really is a nice little routine without much difficulty involved." - John C

1st edition 2016, 42 pages.
word count: 8578 which is equivalent to 34 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 17 September, 2016

I LOVE mentalism effects which are simple, and have printable props that are interesting.

This is an effect I would definitely give a 10+ rating and I will use it along with my other printable props.

Well done !!!

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