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Aura Royale
by Daniel Rowan

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Aura Royale by Daniel Rowan

This is a complete mentalist act that fits in your wallet as an everyday carry. You give the participant a "chakra resonance" card and provide a simple aura color reading. You finish by reading the volunteer's mind. You tell the participant the day she merely thought of. Nothing is written down. No sleight of hand. Works close-up and surrounded. Trick can be immediately repeated.

All materials needed are provided in PDF's in 3 sizes. Keywords are provided to allow you to easily create aura color readings.

Additionally, you can train your volunteers how to see their own aura as well as their friends and family. Never be unprepared to read auras and minds again. The trick makes an excellent giveaway and is appreciated as much by women as it is by men.

1st edition 2022, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 2697 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text