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Beyond Heaven
by Abhirup Roy


(2 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Beyond Heaven by Abhirup Roy

Beyond Heaven is a PDF and video project on a series of effects which relate to the plots of Saint and Sinner divination form photos (close up version) and a Living and Dead Test which is suitable for stage, parlor and close-up acts.

Effect 1 (Basic effect Outline)

Living and Dead Test: stage, parlor and close-up version

Even before the show starts you hand your spectator a picture in a photo frame which is one half of a complete photo and an old newspaper article, which acts as a prediction. Then you hand the other spectator a stack of photos which are torn in half, and the spectator is asked to deal the photos on the table and based on his / her intuition they are to stop at any photo which in turn is the match for the prediction which can be later confirmed form a newspaper article.

  • Multiple methods taught
  • Impromptu
  • Does not include multiple outs
  • Customize to your own presentation style
  • An added kicker at the end
  • Brief presentation included
  • Prediction can be read even before the effect starts
Effects 2:

Saint and Sinner Divination: You hand your spectator a set of 12 old photos and ask them with their intuition, to divide the photos into two piles, after the separation with some theatrical presentation and spectators justifications on - what they felt while separating - you turn back all the pictures and they have been successfully separated in to saints and sinners (which is written on the back of each photo).

  • Only 12 cards used
  • Anyone can get the cards for examination
  • Nothing added or taken away
  • Completely gimmick-less
  • Provides a logical solution to a separation effect

1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages, video length 36 min

Reviewed by Larry Ekin (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 05 March, 2022

Might possibly merit 4 stars. Decent graphics, an interesting plot and a bonus effect "Saints and Sinners" make it an attractive package, and one that, with a bit of effort can be improved. You can find your own headline/fake newspaper generator on the internet, so you might adapt the content to make it suit your own approach. But definitely worth the money.

Reviewed by James Floyd
★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 02 June, 2020

It's not at all good...a simple method...

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video