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Charlie Miller on the Card Index
by Charlie Miller


(3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Charlie Miller on the Card Index by Charlie Miller

An older publication, but a good one with valuable information. Charlie Miller, one of the world's most knowledgeable magicians, designed a modern form of Card Index, which is fully explained here. Among various routines and efffects included in the book is an article on the most famous of all "index" magicians, Arthur Lloyd, written by Chet Karkut, who now owns this act.


  • History
  • How to use the card index
  • Arrangement of cards
  • Impromptu card from pocket (Vic Torsberg)
  • Little index (Ken Little)
  • Reading by Touch (Louis Nikola)
  • Pocket prophecies (Annemann)
  • The Omega card prophecy
  • Orville Meyer's Twin Prediction
  • The improved Buckley method
  • Arthur Lloyd, the human card index

1st edition 1950s, 32 pages.
word count: 11271 which is equivalent to 45 standard pages of text
