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Children's Showtime
by Michael Elliott


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Children's Showtime by Michael Elliott

Excerpt from the introduction by David Hemingway:

The plum of the book is undoubtedly the 'Parade of the Firemen.' This will surely be seen in the acts of many leading children's entertainers.

Michael Elliott has at last been persuaded to go into print with his wealth of experience in entertaining children. His approach is, in my opinion, completely new and his knowledge of commercial script writing shows through in many ways.

Many of his basic ideas may seem old, but are presented in a new and telling way. Atrocious puns may seem corny to you and me, but they are the very essence of what children enjoy. The 'bits of business' involved in his routines; for example, 'Sadie the Seal', are proven to be effective. Even the old 'Shaking Hands' gag is routined so as to be priceless.

  • Introduction
  • Part One: Safety Act For Young Children
    • Synopsis
    • Programme
    • List Of Props Required
    • The Fire Engine Prop
    • Traffic Light Prop
    • Other Props Required
    • Opening Sequence
    • Firebowl Production
    • Ladder Production
    • Jack And Jill
    • Spot The Silks
    • Rope And Rings
    • Dove Pan
    • Giant And Dwarf
    • Sammy The Snake
    • Kerb Drill
    • Closing Sequence
  • Part Two: Safety Act For Older Children
    • Synopsis
    • Stop-Go Paddle
    • Funny Funnel
    • Lesson In Magic
    • Fly-Away Birds
    • Road Signs
    • Rope Routine
    • Explanation Of Rope Routine
  • Part Three: Magical Journey Act For Older Children
    • Journey Act - Programme
    • Props Required
    • Stage Set-Up
    • Opening Sequence
    • Photo Album
    • Elusive Rabbits
    • Rice Bowls
    • Indian Rope Trick
    • Chinese Sticks
    • Sadie The Seal
    • Flap Slate And Coloured Chalks
    • Mis-Made Flag
    • Magic Welding
    • Finale

1st edition 1970, 40 pages; PDF 42 pages.
word count: 19277 which is equivalent to 77 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Michael Lyth
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 20 January, 2024

I have a physical copy and I must say its contents helped me greatly when I started full-time children's and adult entertainer. So to now see in PDF it is going to help so many readers in the art of performing for many young adults a must for the working magician bookshelf/computer.