Clettis Musson
(USA: 1907 - August 1988)
Clettis Valentine Musson learned magic at age 10. Joined the IBM in 1927. Pro with carnivals, circus, fairs, and school shows. Worked the Doc Hensley Road Show as "Kimi" and did a mental act as "Valentine". Had a full evening show.
Wrote Thirty-Five Weird and Psychic Effects (1937, 40pp), Forty-Four Foolers (1944; 2nd ed 1972, 49pp), Fire Magic (1952, 44pp), Minute Magic (1953, 36pp), Situation Comedy for Magicians (1954, 52pp; repr 1966), Close Up Capers (1982, 49pp), Exclusive Weird and Psychic Effects (1983), Further Weird and Psychic Effects (1983), and Additional Weird and Psychic Effects (1983). Edited Wizard-Gram - New Series (1953-65), a Chicago magic club monthly. Article in Ireland's YB: 1952.