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Clown Noses
by Aaron Isaacs


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Clown Noses by Aaron Isaacs

This is a sponge ball routine with a very pleasant theme. The effect is:

Magician asks a female spectator: "Have you ever seen a clown?" As she answers, the magician removes a red sponge ball from his pocket. "You have probably noticed clowns always wear these silly little noses on their faces. What you may not realize is if you pull on one just splits in two." The magician pulls at the one ball with both hands and produces a second one at his fingertips. "Now, clown noses are very lonely beings, when you place them into a dark place, like your hand," the magician sets one ball down and puts the other into his left hand "they get scared, and run away." The magician shows both hands completely empty. "And they run over here and hide in my pocket." Magician reaches into his right pocket and removes the sponge ball. "Would you hold this one for me? Hold it tight and don't let go." The magician puts the ball into the spectator's hand, then picks up the tabled one and puts it into his left hand. "I'll take this one. Did you see it jump? Because mine is gone." Magician shows his left hand empty. "Open your hand!" Spectator does and now has both balls in her hand. "How did you do that? You're great!"

1st edition 2002; 3 pages
word count: 1052 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text