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Complete Two Ball Sponge Ball Routine
by L. C. Collier


(1 review, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Complete Two Ball Sponge Ball Routine by L. C. Collier

Sponge balls are some of the best props you can imagine. They are cheap, light, can be pressed tiny, easy to manipulate, appropriate for kids and adults, and are very visual.

This routine plays big for walk around, close-up and street magic. Collier used this one often as opener to gather a crowd. You will need three sponge balls! The manuscript includes Collier's entire patter.

9 pages; illustrated
word count: 2091 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Carlos Negron (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 17 June, 2009

If you are new to sponge magic and know some things about it, but need a routine this is a good start. But you should know some things about using sponge balls already.

For the price you can not go wrong and the routine is solid worker stuff. My only pet peve here is that the description advertises that this could be done as a street routine. I have to say that unless you have a table you can not do this routine as written in the street (or the author does not describe the differences between doing this routine in the street vs. table hopping).

It did strike my imagination and gave me something to walk away with. You get to see and example of patter and presentation of the effect which I think a lot of books lack. The routine itself, to me, provides something different from standard sponge routines.

I gave it 3 for false advertisement, but that is just my opinion.