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Club 71 - The Magician
Club 71: 1987
Geoff Maltby
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This product is also part of:
Club 71: 1970 - 2007 (all issues)
Issue 27
Editorial: Walt tells it as it is
Unclassified Ads: Buy, sell or swap
Blackpool Convention last minute news
Magic of the Mind by Len Vine
The Egg Bag: Variations on a theme by Gerard Mallon
Kiddies Column: The Fantasio Candle routined by Walt Lees
Mental Magic by Barrie Richardson
Card Sessions by John B. Wolf
Psycholour Plus by Norman Wilcox
Basic Card Technique: The Ascanio Spread
Children's Magic: Pranky Plaque
Close UP Card Magic by Stuart Colligan
That's The Way To Do It: Our series on Punch and Judy continues
Character Analysis by Harold Long
Magical Diary: Who, what, where and when?
Funny Fings: Len Belmont with further extracts from his magical diaries
The Art of Emerson: Part five of this intriguing approach to performance analysis
Stunts and Tricks: Win a pint with these betcha's
News and Reviews: Geoff Maltby with all that's new and happening in the studio
Cabaret Time: Tony Richards with a baffling vanish of a record
Issue 28
Walt Lees Editorial
Cabaret Time: Another Clever Idea from John B. Wolf
Basic Card Technique: The Series continues with a study of Key Card Placement
Subscription Information: How to keep up to date
Let's Take A Closer Look
Funny Fings: Another installment in the hilarious writings of Club Member Len Belmont
Mental Magic: Barrie Richardson continues his excellent series
Bar Magic: Mick Halford contributes this month's offering
News and Reviews: In and around the Studio by Geoff Maltby
Can You Keep A Secret? Important views on the subject of exposure
That's The Way To Do It: Walt continues his fascinating series on the Art of Punch and Judy
20th Century Card on Silk: Variation on a theme by Robert Hill
The Art of Emerson: Part Six of the series
Simon Says: More from the pen of Simon Lovell, who this issue appears to suffer a gender change
Kiddies Column: Special guest appearance by professional children's entertainer, Ali Cardabra
Issue 29
Editorial by Walt Lees
Basic Card Technique: The Olram Subtlety and the Flushtration Count
Letters: Your chance to have your say
Let's Take A Closer Look: 'Shear Magic' by Tony Richards
The Art of Emerson: Arthur concludes his fascinating series
Kiddies Column: 'Shine a Light' by Keith Downs
Shaming the Devil: A thought provoking article by Walt Lees
Mental Magic: Barrie Richardson continues his brilliant series of magic of the mind
Subscription Info
Ali-Cardabra: Zig Zag Silk
That's The Way To Do It: Walt continues his series on Punch and Judy
Funny Fings that happen to Len Belmont
Magical Diary: Who, what, where and when
Cabaret Time: The Book of Magic by Scrivante
Unclassified Ads: Buy, sell, exchange
Bar Magic: More magic and stunts to show at your local watering hole
News and Reviews: Round-up of events and latest happenings at the studio
How to find us
Auntie Simon Says: Simon Lovell at it again
Patrick's Page: Pat represents a stylish effect using the Boston Box
Issue 30
Editorial by Walt Lees
Letters: Your chance to have your say
Obitury: 'Dick' Turpin
Clip-Board Charlie: A comedy card routine for the cabaret performer.
Telekinesis: A clever psychic stunt from Hubert Lambert
The Art of Emerson: Arthur concludes his fascinating series
Card Sessions: Bart Harding contributes a very ingenious card stack
Magical Diary: Who, what, where and when
That's The Way To Do It: Walt continues his popular series on Punch and Judy
Hints and Tips: All about rope
Micro-Computer Wizardry: How to harness the silicon chip to help plan your shows.
Funny Fings that continue to happen to Len Belmont
How To Track Us Down
Woofle Waffle: Further crazy magic from our resident, nut-case Tony Richards
Basic Card Technique: This month we tackle the Mexican Turnover
Unclassified Ads: Buy, sell, exchange
Kiddies Column: Displaying Props - the important point of presentation
Subscription Information: Make sure you don't miss a single issue
Patrick's Page: A clever move with the Zombie
Kill That Cliche: A thought provoking article by Malcolm Yaffe
News: Round up of news and latest events at the studio
The Psychic Strongman: Barrie is joined by David Richardson to present this month's offering
New Competition
Auntie Simon Lovell Says: This month a Lovell first
Reviews: Geoff Maltby with details of all the newest
Issue 31
Editorial by Walt Lees
Letters: Your chance to have your say
Poets Corner: A new column adds an intellectual air to the magazine
Basic Card Technique: This month we tackle the Braue add-on
Stunts and Tricks: Geoff's continuing bar section
Mental Magic: Barrie Richardson continues his brilliant series
Subscription Information: Make sure that you don't miss a single issue
Magical Diary: Who, what, where and when
Let's Take A Closer Look at rope magic with the late Fred Robinson
Funny Fings that persist in happening to Len Belmont
Close-Up Card Magic from Sebastian Cody
That's The Way To Do It: Our popular series on Punch and Judy continues
Auntie Simon Lovell: This month the hoax revealed
Sticky Cards: A clever routine from John Wolfe
New Competition with prizes worth pound 150
Ancient and Modern: A pause for thought
Kiddies Column: The Magic Stocking by Scrivante
Raise a Laugh: Has Tony Richards finally gone over the top?
Unclassified Ads: Buy, sell, exchange
Card Sessions: A clever cards across by John Hotowka
Micro Computer Magic: Terri Rogers shows applications of the computer for the working magician
Variations on a Theme: New series that kicks off this month with Alan Shaxon and Peter Scarlet
News: Round-up of news and latest events at the studio
Harrogate Post-Mortem by Patrick Lindley
Issue 32
Editorial by Walt Lees
Let's Take A Closer Look with Tony Richards
Cabaret Time: Transpo Trap by David Kamm
Funny Fings that persist in happening to Len Belmont
Basic Card Technique: The Slip Cut
Hints and Tips from Stuart Colligon
Kiddies Column: 'Pussy Cat' by The Amazing Trebla
Mental Magic: Barrie Richardson continues his brilliant series
That's The Way To Do It: Our popular series on Punch and Judy continues
Trick or Treat: a pause for thought
The Old Tradition
Not A Lot: A neat idea from Sebastian Cody
Unclassified Ads: Buy, sell, exchange
Competition: Your chance to win big prizes
Magical Diary: Who, What Where and when
All Stuck Up: An addition to Terry Seabrooke's Wallet routine
Micro(Computer)Magic: This month the Word Processor
Subscription Info: Don't miss a single issue
Bar Magic: The Great Race
How To Find Us
News Around The Studio: Round up of the latest happenings at the studio
Simon Says: Young Lovell socks it to you
Poets Corner
Letters Page: Your chance to have your say
word count: 109977 which is equivalent to 439 standard pages of text
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