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Club 71 - The Magician
Club 71: 1990
Geoff Maltby
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Club 71: 1970 - 2007 (all issues)
Issue 45
Kiddies Column: Brian Eden continues his series, entertaining the modern child, Part six - assistants
OOOOH AN' 'E WAS STRONG: A Kids routine from Walt Lees
Open Competition Big Money Prizes
Basic Card Technique continues with the Kosky Switch Change
Letters. Your chance to say exactly what you want
Letters Writs and Court Cases arising from 'The Bodgit'
Magic of the Mind: Steve Jones contributes a smashing, intimate mental effect
Snoop's Scoops: Magic's only soap continues with Saucy Sausage secrets and Mr McCulture's box
Coin in Balloon: A clever variation on a theme from the prolific Angelo Carbone
Ventriloquism. Part five of Len Belmont's series on doing it to yourself
Unclassified ads. Buy, Sell, Swop. Your free Club information exchange.
Magic at work. John Fisher and the 'Best of Magic Series'
Catalogue supplement. 1990 Price List
Variations on a theme. Roy Johnson replies to Simon Lovell
Simon Lovell with Snap Lap. An impromptu coin effect you will use
Have you ever heard of? An unusual card effect by Melvin Lehair
Black holes...A different routine for the spot paddles from Don Simpson
Juggling. Lesson nine with the ball and mouthstick
Barrie Richardson offers his Mental Knockout
News and Reviews around the studio conducted by Geoff
Collectors' Corner and an interloper creeps in
Subscription information. How to keep it coming
What's in the next issue? Don't miss out
Issue 46
Kids Column. Brian Eden continues his series on entertaining the modern child with part seven.
The Long and the Short of it by Walt Lees
Patrick's Page with ideas on the use of the Mirror Tube
Competition: Your chance to win Big Prizes
Henriques' Dew Drops. We welcome Henrique to these pages with the first of an occasional series
Mental Magic. Another smashing offering from our resident guru, Barrie Richardson
Snoops Scoops continues with more news from magic's very own soap
Twisting the Aces Problem: A neat offering from Melvin Lehair
Memories of Oscar's The first in a series of recollections from Magician and P&J Professor, John Styles
Cabaret Time. The Miser's Silk with another guest appearance by Ali Cardabra
Steve's Teaser - A Question of Magic and Logic from Steve Jones
Subscription Information. How to keep it coming
Back issues to fill those gaps
Juggling by Bob Menary - Stick and Balls and Goblet
It's White or Red? Candle Magic by Angelo Carbone
Unclassified Ads. Buy, Sell and Swop
Ventriloquism. Len Belmont continues with part six
Next Issue Sneak preview of what's in store
Basic Card Technique: This time the Tent Vanish
Simon Lovell with a round up of the Blackpool Convention
News and Reviews around the studio conducted by Geoff
Collectors' Corner Patrick blows off the dust for us again
Issue 47
CHILDREN'S COLUMN. Part 8 of Brian Eden's Series.
A NEW BALLOON TWIST - Steve Mills with an entertaining and original children's effect
CHEEKY RING: An unusual Ring on Rope routine from Ali Cardabra
MEMORIES OF OSCARS' Part two of John Styles' trip down Memory Lane.
CABARET OUT OF THIS WORLD: Barrie Richardson with more Mental Magic
STEVE'S TEASER: A Tortuous Brain Damaging puzzle from our own Steve Jones, the guy who plays chess without a board.
CLOSE UP COMPETITIONS. Musings from Stephen Tucker
CRAB SANDWICH! Close-up Card Magic, this month by Melvin Lehair
COMPETITION: Your chance to win Big Prizes!
JUGGLING JOTTINGS: Bob Menary tells you what to do with three plates
STICK WITH SALLY: Angelo Carbone with a clever variation on Peter Kane's 'Sally'
HENRIQUE'S DEW DROPS: More pearls of wisdom dropping like the quality of mercy, though unstrained
NEWS and Theatrical Tales, though not of Hoffman
LETTERS: Your chance to tell us just what you think!
SNOOPS' SCOOPS: more from magic's only Soap Opera
BACK ISSUES: Your chance to find out what you have missed
ORIGINAL SCENE: Walt Lees with some thought provoking comments about originality
STEVE'S TEASER Solution - Your chance to cheat if you couln't solve it
SIMON SAYS: This issue Money Magic
VENTRILOQUISM: Len Belmont continues his D.I.Y Schizophrenia course
COLLECTOR'S CORNER: Patrick tells how he spent a wet weekend at Cheltenham
Issue 48
CHILDREN'S COLUMN: Part 9 of Brian Eden's Series.
LOTTA BOTTLE by Jim Breedon Another grand kids' routine
CARD SESSIONS with a clever offering from Steven Tucker
VENTRILOQUISM: Len Belmont with part 8 of his two voiced series
MEMORIES OF OSCAR: Part three of John Styles' autobiographical series
SNOOPS SCOOPS. Herbie Loudvoice has trouble with H.M. Customs
COIN/CARD MAGIC by Melvin LeHair
JUGGLING JOTTINGS: Bob Menary continues and tells us what to do with three plates
LETTERS: Your chance to tell us what you think!
NEWS AND REVIEWS from around the studios
NEXT ISSUE. See what's afoot
CREATIVITY: A most interesting concept from Steve Jones
CLUEDO: A cute cabaret mental masterpiece from Brian Pearson
SNAP: Tim Dibbin and a pair of enchanted elastics
HENRIQUE'S DEW DROPS: Your favourite dealer is slagged of in what could be the last of a promising series!
1989 COMPETITION WINNERS: And Geoff tops up the prize pot
SIMON SAYS: This month Cards 'n Wallets 'n stuff
RESYMBOL E.S.P. Magic conceived by Phil Goldstein
COLLECTORS' CORNER: Patrick is joined by Peter Warlock and Stanley Simpson
Issue 49
KIDDIES COLUMN: The Miser's Dream for Children by Maurice Phillips
ENTERTAINING THE MODERN CHILD: Part 10 by Brian Eden covers 'Magical Creativity'
LETTERS: Your chance to have your say
THE MULTI-BACKED DECK by Jim Breedon is a clever, yet easy and different card effect
HENRIQUE'S DEWDROPS: Clever kids, silly agents and retirement!
MENTAL MAGIC: Barrie Richardson shows how to have Any card at any number
JUGGLING: Part 13 in this comprehensive teaching series covers the roly poly without jam
TWISTING BEER MATS by Elliot Fawkes covers the mats without the beer
SIMON SAYS: Young Lovell gives the lowdown on the IBM Convention (lots of beer there)
NEWS AND REVIEWS from around the studio (no beer at all)
COMPETITION: Your chance to win Big Prizes!
PREDIC2 - Magic of the mind by Phil Goldstein
SHARP PRACTICE - The first of an Important New Series for the serious card men, conducted by Justin Higham.
VENTRILOQUISM: Len Belmont up to his eyes in papier mache in chapter 9
SNOOPS SCOOPS: Animals on the prowl at Flatchester
MEMORIES OF OSCARS': In Part Four of John Styles series Mr Punch misses the draft
SPONGE COINS: Melvin LeHair does a coin trick with sponges!
THE MAGICIAN'S PRAYER by 'Brother' Steve Mills
COLLECTORS' CORNER: conducted by Patrick Lindley with a spiritualist's view of Maskelyne
Issue 50
KIDDIES COLUMN: A Brand new routine for the Emperor's piggy Bank
LETTERS PAGE: Your turn to have a go!
HENRIQUE'S DEWDROPS: This month he ponders devices, aids and shady dealers
VENTRILOQUISM: Len Belmont gets the little blighter working
STEVE JONES' Christmas teaser. Try this before you get stuck into the Christmas sherry
ILLUSION: Spot the Spots with Philip Sweeting
HOW TO SUCCEED IN MAGIC: First in an important new series about the Business of Magic
AGENDA: Didier Dupre with a clever diary dodge
MENTOPATHY. Mental Magic from the prolific Angelo Carbone
NEWS AND REVIEWS: around the studio with Geoff
CHOPPED PRICES: Melvin LeHair with clever Chop Cup Routine
SHARP PRACTISE: Justin Higham's card column for the more expert card workers
SIMON SAYS: This month Lovell is fingered(!)
SUBSCRIPTION INFO. How to keep it coming.
SOLUTION to Steve's Teaser. Cheats turn to this page.
CABARET TIME: We welcome back Tony Richards with "Re-incardation"
THE NEBRASKA BLIZZARD. Barrie Richardson explains how quick thing got him out of a hole - or did it?
PREVIEW: See what's in store for 1991
COLLECTORS' CORNER: This issue Patrick Corners Stanley Simpson and Robin Sharpe
word count: 152629 which is equivalent to 610 standard pages of text
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