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Club and Party Mentalism
by Robert A. Nelson


(4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Club and Party Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

This ebook provides the inside scoop on the fertile field of performing psychic entertainment in night clubs, casino showrooms, and private parties. It's written in language that even the beginning mentalist can understand, yet holds so much valuable, inside information that it will also help the working professional.

Learn how YOU can enter this wide-open field of entertainment - one which has very little competition and where the fees are high.

Complete coverage of CLUB and PARTY MENTALISM, with suggested effects and complete programs. Reveals the programs of famous mentalists and what they use, together with the author's own ideal mental and psychic club program. Concrete examples of what to use, that eliminates a lot of wasted effort through trial and error. Here is the needed, practical information -- compiled as a result of years of actual experience - to start you on a successful career in mentalism. Includes the NEW CONCEPT in mentalism, which you will definitely want to incorporate in your program.

Eleven Chapters:

  1. Club Mentalism and You
  2. Club Mentalism
  3. Program Requisites
  4. Audience Participation
  5. Programs of Famous Mentalists
  6. Suggested Material and Programs
  7. Nelson's Own Mental and Psychic Club Program
  8. Transition from Magic to Mentalism
  9. Party Mentalism
  10. Booking and Exploiting Yourself
  11. New Mental and Psychic Gems
Are you a Nelson collector? This was Item Number 606 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog. Now you can fill that missing spot in your collection.

1st edition 1960, expanded and corrected digital edition 2017, 86 pages.
word count: 20253 which is equivalent to 81 standard pages of text
