$3(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
This is a very efficient method for this effect. I like it a lot. - Peter Duffie
I like this effect very much indeed and have performed it several times with great reactions. - David Gemmell
Nice trick. Very clean. I like it. - Cameron Francis
The deck (can be borrowed) is shuffled by a spectator and the black Kings are removed from the deck. A card is freely selected (can be signed) by a spectator before it's lost in the deck.
The performer spreads the deck and instructs the spectator to freely place the first King in any part of the deck. This is followed by the second King.
The whole deck is placed onto spectator's outstretching palm and just with a magical pass the Kings sandwich a face-down card and this proves to be spectator's signed selection. You end clean!
You will need to be able to a Spread Cull and a Double Undercut.
1st edition 2009; 5 pages.
word count: 611 which is equivalent to 2 standard pages of text