$29.50(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This is the authoritative reference for false counts and displays. It is the only encyclopedia of its kind. If you read somewhere a reference to the Copdiddle Count or the Biddyro Count and you have no idea what they are and how they are done, Racherbaumer's Counthesaurus will provide the answer. More than 70 counts and displays are explained. False counts are particularly useful for small packet tricks. If you want to create your own small packet tricks and you need a false count with particular characteristics and features you will likely find it here.
Includes Robert Walker's trick "Hyper Twist" which incorporates a number of the false counts explained. Moves are ordered alphabetically for easy lookup. Includes a history of the false count by Max Maven. Profusely illustrated with photos.
- A Quick Tour Of Packet False Counts
- All-Alike Count
- Ascanio Spread
- Biddle Count
- Biddyro Count
- Broken-Up Elmsley Count
- Buckle Count
- Cards-To-Pocket Count
- Carlyle False Count
- Chaback Count
- Chanin Deal Count
- Clean-Up Display Move
- Collins Ace Vanish
- Copdiddle Count
- Dainty Pivot Spread
- D'amico Spread
- Duplication Display
- Elmback Count
- Elmsley Count
- Endfield False Count
- Everchange Count
- Eye Count
- Fifth Peel
- Fingertip Rhythm
- Flustration Count
- "Gem" False Count
- Gemini Display
- Ghostback Count
- Ghostover Count
- Glide Count
- Haback Count
- Hamman Count
- Hide-Out Count
- In Lieu Of Hamman Switch
- Jack's Rhythm Count
- Jimmy Cricket Count
- Jorback Count
- Jordan Count
- Kosky Count
- Latest Count Combination
- Marfoe Count
- Marlo's Flushtration Count
- Mirage Count
- Mirror Count
- Modified Haback Count
- Neo Jordan Count
- Nerve Count
- New Quick Three-Way
- No-Buckle Gemini Count
- Olram Counts
- Olram Subtlety
- Omega Count
- Opec Count
- Opos Count
- Optical Rhythm
- Partial Ascanio
- Pinch Grip
- Push-Off Count
- Quick Three-Way
- Razor-Edge Pivot Spread
- Repeat Code 345
- Rhythm Count
- Rhythm Flushtration Count
- Siva Count
- Six-Card Repeat Count
- Slide Three-Way
- Smile Count
- Smile Count: Pairs
- Snap-Turn Count
- Spirit Count
- Switchless Switch Count
- Takagi Turnover Count
- Townsend Elmsley Count
- Two-As-Four Count
- Two-For-Four Count
- Underside Reverse Spread
- Unlimited Count
- Veeser Concept
- Veeser Concept: Palm-Up Variation
- Afterword
- Hyper-Twist
- About The Author
1st edition 2004, 209 pages; PDF 189 pages.
word count: 36572 which is equivalent to 146 standard pages of text