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Create Your Own Event
by Brian T. Lees

#1 Patter, Plots & Scripts author
#2 Theory, Articles & Reviews author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Create Your Own Event by Brian T. Lees

There is $ to be made with community events. There will always be community needs and non-profits that work to address them. This text helps you get started planning events with non-profit organizations. If the organization has event plans in place you can work with them. If they do not have plans this text helps you partner with them to coordinate activities before, during and after the event. When schedules slow down, events are always close by that you might tap into. Pending the size of those events income potentials can be substantial.

The marketing impact between the event and the planning committee can prompt future events and other performances. Between working with sponsors and the meet/greet sessions after the show, this could be one of the best promotions you can do for your magic.

  • Reasons for events
  • Sources for an event
  • Event plan
  • Initial contact
  • Accounting
  • Magicians income
  • Timeline
  • Day of event
  • Closing the event
  • Wrapping it up
1st edition 2020, PDF 27 pages.
word count: 8204 which is equivalent to 32 standard pages of text

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