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Propless Bank Night
by Unknown Mentalist


(2 reviews, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Propless Bank Night by Unknown Mentalist

A path breaking approach to the classic effect. No props needed.

"I think your Propless Bank Night is brilliant !!" - Marc Salem

"The idea of the anagram is very good. This concept can also be used with classic bank night routines. Well done and stay safe." - Luca Volpe

Everything happens in the participant's mind who is on the other end of a voice call with the performer, maybe thousands of miles away. The performer even tells the participant upfront the contents of each envelope involved in the routine. And yet the participant is stunned with the result.

A unique combination of classic principles. This can be performed one on one or to a small group over a voice call or video call or even via text messages. And yet packs a punch in terms of impact. Of course, this can also be performed in the usual face to face situations like close up, parlor, street or stage.

This is really a 100$ idea being released as a 3$ wonder, given the present global situation. No sleights, of course. No dual reality, no instant stooging, no set up, no preshow, no stooges, no envelopes, no props. Just the performer, the participant, the voice call and the IMPACT.

Note: Propless Bank Night Ver 2.0 is now uploaded. This contains real performance experiences shared by a user. It shows how this routine brought a warm smile to the participants (a student, an employee and a traveler) and joy to the performer. He also shared some novel, clever and valuable discoveries he made about this routine.

1st edition 2020, PDF 13 pages.
word count: 4179 which is equivalent to 16 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Prof Max
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 18 May, 2020

The Unknown Mentalist graciously sent me Propless Bank Night several weeks ago. I liked it so much that I started performing it over phone once or even twice, almost everyday. Propless Bank Night has several things going for it. A simple process, easy to perform with a nice 'feel good' punch in the end makes it a truly anytime, anywhere over any medium kind of effect. In fact, I started making more calls under the pretext of catching up and then slipping in this routine in the call.

While performing to a stressed student, a worrying employee and a disappointed traveler, especially, I discovered some nice and new subtleties in Propless Bank Night. I have already shared these with the author and he may share it with other readers if he deems fit.This little gem has given me so much satisfaction in performing that I am willing to happily send over a hundred bucks to the author for sharing this.

Reviewed by Kenneth Athon (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 04 May, 2020

The blurb states this is a $100 idea .... No. Way. I'm not saying this stinks, I'm saying it's not all that it's hyped up to be. I think $3 - $6 is just about right.