Unique magical effects and routine ideas made possible by the handle on a tea, demitasse or christening cup. Dozens of new moves, sleights, and subtleties beyond traditional cups and balls and chop cup routines.
Descriptions and definitions of T-cups and objects suitable for producing minor miracles and new feats of conjuring with free and ungaffed materials – simple teacups and small, common objects.
Explanation of more than sixty (60) moves using T-cups.
Detailed patterns of performance with T-cups using these moves.
A complete description and identification of 57 cup and ball / chop cup sleights you already know usable with T-cups.
Dozens of new sleights using T-cups and stones (any small object); and optional use of a saucer and wand. 40 currently.
A detailed description of (23) subtleties combining moves and sleights and misdirection to apparently replicate patterns of performance; plus an introduction to sway and appreciation methods that could change the way you do magic.
Many amazing effects using what you have learned.
Seven (7) complete routines using the effects and subtleties.
1st edition 2008, PDF 53 pages.
word count: 19516 which is equivalent to 78 standard pages of text