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Disaster to Laughter
by Brian T. Lees

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Disaster to Laughter by Brian T. Lees

As magicians we are hired to entertain. The show must go on is a harsh truth that we all accept responsibility for. The fact is performances do not always take place without problems. If you have ever found yourself standing in the lights, with a failed trick you know what I am talking about. The audience knows the magic was a complete flop. There is no one else on stage with you. When that happens, we all promise we will never put ourselves in that situation again.

Your magic may be "performance ready" but is it also "audience ready"? This text talks about conditioning for the unexpected. There are things a magician can do to prepare for problems. This text identifies ways to condition yourself to be able to work through those problems. Get ready for a different level of rehearsal. One that will help carry you through some of the toughest problems you may run into.

  • Preface
  • Conditioned responses
  • Entertainers conditioned responses
  • Problems and audience view
  • Back to rehearsal
  • Welcome to entertainment
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2018, 20 pages.
word count: 7233 which is equivalent to 28 standard pages of text