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Dye Tube Masterclass
by Hal Saxon

#2 Paper & Paper Money author

(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Dye Tube Masterclass by Hal Saxon

The dye tube reimagined. The silk color change is no longer stale and boring.

The Dye Tube is Devious: "What? The old Dye Tube? Devious? Most magicians will say no the dye tube is not even remotely devious. It is stale, boring, and blaaa."

I say yes, the dye tube is incredibly devious when handled differently than the traditional handling of the last 100 years. Let's make your dye tube a valued part of your EDC Every Day Carry again.

Devious is defined as insidious, deceitful, not straightforward; shifty or crooked. Imagine professional magicians using these terms to describe your devious dye tube performances. But not the dye tube as performed the old-fashioned way. If you've seen a dye tube performance or if you have a dye tube training video from the last 40-50 years ... oh it is stale and boring.

Read on ... If you're a magician, you'll know exactly what I mean when I say, "Traditional dye tube handling focuses on finger insertion for the steal. Then I'm stuck. My moves are very limited! Even the sucker ending is incredibly limited."

Silk color changes, vanishes, salt vanishes, bill changes are new again. Lightning-fast, angle proof and easy to master. Use commercially available dye tubes, balls etc., or build your own 25-cent dye tube gimmick at home in 5 minutes. Most of this 90-minute video training is facilitated with the 25-cent homemade dye tube gimmick.

HalSaxon dye tube handling focuses on flexibility, and the ability to use and show hands and fingers. And allows for the use of 30 or more of my incredible handling plug-ins for amazing misdirection and deceit. You'll learn how to separate the steal from the reveal.

If you've ever been frustrated by the staleness of the traditional silk color change, be frustrated no more. The devious handling I teach with the old dye tube is absolutely amazing in its insidiousness and it is so wonderfully deceptive. How could handling so simple have eluded magicians for so long?

Combining the craftiness and magical handling you can perform amazing never before seen miracles with everyday objects like silks, balls, money, paper, and more.

By adding more than 30 of my incredibly devious handling plug-ins to the dye tube, you will blow the minds of spectators and magicians alike. I have had 50 year performing professional magicians say, "Stop! Do that again. I sure didn't see that coming." And after a second time, I fool em again with a different version of handling with the same gimmick.

The traditional silk vanish or silk color change will never fulfill your expectations again. Imagine a silly silk color change that can become new again and earn a spot in your EDC-Every Day Carry. I don't think the magic world has realized the potential of this gimmick.

You can even build your own dye tube at home for about 25 cents. Up from the ashes like a Phoenix comes the dye tube, refreshed and new.

The first question I usually get is: "You're the thumb-tip guy. Is this a modified thumb tip?" Nope. Not a thumb tip of any kind. Surprised? Best of all, it's easy to perform.

This dye tube handling is amazingly simple but OMG it's a game changer.

Learn what a dye tube is. Discover commercially available dye tubes and even how you can make your own at home for about 25 cents in 5 minutes. You'll learn how to do amazing silk color changes, lightning-fast vanishes, bill changes, large salt vanishes, and more.

Not the old boring silk color change routines of the last 100 years. Handling that will amaze. Easy, no wacky moves, no fast gestures. Just normal handling that will make you say wow! Even if you're a 5-decade professional magician, you'll be amazed and you'll wonder where these moves have been all your life.

6 videos, a total of 90 minutes, PDF 3 pages.

Reviewed by Edwards Melvyn (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 08 October, 2024

I have played with the dye tube for many years. This man knows his stuff. His handling is very different from the traditional handling and much more practical. The explanations are very concise. A couple of close-ups would have helped. But you can get the basic concept from his great explanations. A great buy and it is a master class from a guy who knows and has worked out great methods.