Hal Saxon
Hal has been a big fan of astonishing close-up magic for over 4 decades. He loves the ageless classics of close-up magic … real impromptu magic; things like coins, cards and silks. Magic that is captivating and can be carried in your pocket and be pulled out at a moment's notice.
Imagine performing incredible mesmerizing close-up spur-of-the-moment magic that you can pull right from your pocket with no setup, no crazy sleight of hand, no weird moves to master. Further visualize slow, right before your eyes mind-blowing magic feats that leave your spectators speechless and wanting more all performed with magic’s classic thumb tip! Wait, what? Did you say the thumb tip? Yes, the thumb tip. Dozens of astonishing thumb tip effects; new twists on age-old classics and a few things I’m sure you’ve never thought of. Effects for beginner, intermediate and advanced magicians.
Just for a moment, imagine the advanced ultimate silk vanish with a dual rotation steal that can be performed right under a spectator’s eyes utilizing the thumb tip. Incredibly angle proof. Even most magicians miss it! (No, it’s not the Slydini back steal.)
Hal thinks this is what magic is all about. Magic should be fun, thought-provoking and should really catch people totally off guard. This type of close-up magic brands people an instant legend and can become your trademark.
Hal learned long ago that your magic should elicit an emotional response. What do I want my spectators to feel? How about this for an emotional response? Wow! That was so unbelievably cool and surprisingly different. I’ve seen that trick done a thousand times and I sure didn’t see that coming. Even seasoned magicians will say, “Thumb tip? No way!”
To Hal impromptu close-up thumb tip magic is perhaps the most fun and most exciting form of magic. It is not the easiest, but it sure is the most rewarding especially when done right and it takes the spectators breath away and they are totally speechless. Close-up thumb tip magic is REAL classic magic.
Close-up thumb tip magic is NOT the self-working mechanical magic tricks of the modern era, but awesome magic that has truly withstood the test of time.
Real magic is not fast wacky hand gestures. Real magic is where something magical happens; a vanish, production, transformation or transposition from apparently empty hands along with rolled up or short sleeves from a consummate professional. By consummate professional, someone young or seasoned who performs an effect in a planned, proactive and intentional manner. One who is controlled in their approach not sleazy or with weird, ridiculous, manipulative hand movements. You see, it’s not about speed. It is about being believed ... It’s not about speed. It is about being natural ... That’s real magic!
website: www.HalSaxonMagic.com