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Hal Saxon

Hal Saxon

Hal has been a big fan of astonishing close-up magic for over 4 decades. He loves the ageless classics of close-up magic … real impromptu magic; things like coins, cards and silks. Magic that is captivating and can be carried in your pocket and be pulled out at a moment's notice.

Imagine performing incredible mesmerizing close-up spur-of-the-moment magic that you can pull right from your pocket with no setup, no crazy sleight of hand, no weird moves to master. Further visualize slow, right before your eyes mind-blowing magic feats that leave your spectators speechless and wanting more all performed with magic’s classic thumb tip! Wait, what? Did you say the thumb tip? Yes, the thumb tip. Dozens of astonishing thumb tip effects; new twists on age-old classics and a few things I’m sure you’ve never thought of. Effects for beginner, intermediate and advanced magicians.

Just for a moment, imagine the advanced ultimate silk vanish with a dual rotation steal that can be performed right under a spectator’s eyes utilizing the thumb tip. Incredibly angle proof. Even most magicians miss it! (No, it’s not the Slydini back steal.)

Hal thinks this is what magic is all about. Magic should be fun, thought-provoking and should really catch people totally off guard. This type of close-up magic brands people an instant legend and can become your trademark.

Hal learned long ago that your magic should elicit an emotional response. What do I want my spectators to feel? How about this for an emotional response? Wow! That was so unbelievably cool and surprisingly different. I’ve seen that trick done a thousand times and I sure didn’t see that coming. Even seasoned magicians will say, “Thumb tip? No way!”

To Hal impromptu close-up thumb tip magic is perhaps the most fun and most exciting form of magic. It is not the easiest, but it sure is the most rewarding especially when done right and it takes the spectators breath away and they are totally speechless. Close-up thumb tip magic is REAL classic magic.

Close-up thumb tip magic is NOT the self-working mechanical magic tricks of the modern era, but awesome magic that has truly withstood the test of time.

Real magic is not fast wacky hand gestures. Real magic is where something magical happens; a vanish, production, transformation or transposition from apparently empty hands along with rolled up or short sleeves from a consummate professional. By consummate professional, someone young or seasoned who performs an effect in a planned, proactive and intentional manner. One who is controlled in their approach not sleazy or with weird, ridiculous, manipulative hand movements. You see, it’s not about speed. It is about being believed ... It’s not about speed. It is about being natural ... That’s real magic!


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★★★★ $17 $12
Hal Saxon
Swami Theory 101 by Hal Saxon

"As a total newbie, I've always wanted to explore swami or nail writing, but there were too many choices so I had no idea where to start. I also love the list of tricks. I think I'll proceed down the lie detector route too. Thanks a bunch Hal." - Bill Peterson

Swami Theory 101 is a workshop-style swami writing tutorial for true beginners to this form of magic and mentalism.

The swami writer magic and mentalism trick is a classic effect where the magician appears to predict or reveal a thought-of piece of information, such as a number or word. The trick relies on a small, concealed...

$20 $10
Hal Saxon
Two Amazing (Thumb Tip) Vanishes by Hal Saxon

These two TT vanishes are beginner vanishes, but they are oh-so different.

These are real foolers. Fit whatever you want in vanish one. It is a full gimmick vanish. Vanish two will hold just about anything as well. You will need a TT gimmick from your magic shop as described in the video. These are absolutely unmodified gimmicks. You probably already have one.

These two vanishes are angle-proof, close-up, easy to learn, and very deceptive. Perform these right in front of your spectator's eyes. No one, I mean no one sees the gimmick.

Vanish one is a deceptive play on the old beginner...

★★★ $35 $25
Hal Saxon
Beginner Sanada Gimmick Course by Hal Saxon

"Oh Hal, this course is amazing. I've been a magician for 24 years and just like you, I thought there was a void in beginner Sanada training. You have very nice handling and down to earth teaching." - Nick Williams

"This (Sanada) training is very good. I highly recommend it. A great starting point and loaded with good information. My favorite tricks you teach are the wormhole and faux hypnosis routines! Very well done and I love your thinking outside the box." - Matt Hilton

The Sanada Gimmick is an amazingly magical tool. And folks, it's available at your magic shop for well under...

★★★★ $25 $17.50
Hal Saxon
The Gimmick-less Vault Vanish Stunner by Hal Saxon

The Gimmick-Less Bank Vault Vanish is an EDC impromptu stunner.

This is a challenge effect you will win every time. This is 100% gimmick-less mind-blown EDC (Every Day Carry) magic. Close-up, angle proof, fast, easy, impromptu, EDC, instant full-view reset. Perfect for beginners and seasoned magicians.

This is a phenomenal example of separating the steal from the reveal. The steal happens well before the vault/fist is opened revealing utter emptiness. This effect absolutely destroys any other "Where is it? Which hand?" effect. The reactions are amazing. I literally have spectators that...

Hal Saxon
Pocket Magic Show Bundle by Hal Saxon

  • The starting point for beginners
  • Pocket Magic Show Video and eBook Bundle
  • The Thumb Tip 101 Magic Learning Series
  • The definitive beginner thumb tip magic course
  • 7 downloadable videos 1 hour and 48 minutes of pure gold
  • 3 amazing eBooks with 191 pages and links to 13 additional private videos

What people are saying...

"Hal, this is by far the most comprehensive beginner training for the thumb tip ever! Thank you." - Darrel, Davenport Iowa, USA

"Very well done. I have watched the videos over and over. This is awesome." - Kendall Johnson, California USA

"If you are new to magic,...

★★★★★ $10
Hal Saxon
A Different Silk Vanish by Hal Saxon

You will learn a new way of handling a silk vanish. This is accomplished with a thumb tip or dye tube. A real crowd-pleaser. Very angle-proof chock full of misdirection, and deceptive handling. Not the typical silk vanish. I have been performing this version for 25 years because ... it is different. This silk vanish throws everyone off of the scent of the thumb tip.

Edition 2.5 2023; video 14:13

Hal Saxon
Switcheroo by Hal Saxon

Invisibly switch a folded playing card (bill, cash, sugar pack, ...) against another right in front of their eyes.

Destined to be in your EDC (everyday carry). A real crowd-pleaser. A perfect close-up and table-hopping effect. A very fast, angle-proof, and up-close transformation with spectator involvement. Not a thumb-tip. This effect uses a homemade gimmick that most homes would have. The gimmick takes about five minutes to make. Both playing cards can be inspected.

You can also change bills, billets, cash a check, change sugar to sweeten low, etc.

Absolutely incredible misdirection...

★★★★★ $25
Hal Saxon
Dye Tube Masterclass by Hal Saxon

The dye tube reimagined. The silk color change is no longer stale and boring.

The Dye Tube is Devious: "What? The old Dye Tube? Devious? Most magicians will say no the dye tube is not even remotely devious. It is stale, boring, and blaaa."

I say yes, the dye tube is incredibly devious when handled differently than the traditional handling of the last 100 years. Let's make your dye tube a valued part of your EDC Every Day Carry again.

Devious is defined as insidious, deceitful, not straightforward; shifty or crooked. Imagine professional magicians using these terms to describe your...

Hal Saxon
Loaded Salt Shaker Vanish and Production by Hal Saxon

In this video I walk you slowly through the Loaded Salt Shaker Vanish and Reproduction. You can pour an entire shaker of salt in your hand, vanish it, and reproduce it. No TT or tips. This is accomplished with a cheap, easy-to-build homemade gimmick made from objects in almost every home on the planet. The build takes about 5 minutes.

The handling is key in making this work. The salt shaker is real, un-gimmicked and can be inspected. The funnel is real, un-gimmicked and inspectable. The salt cellar is also real and can be inspected. I use a few TT moves to throw off those in the know of...

Hal Saxon
21st Century Threads by Hal Saxon

The 21st Century Threads is an amazing effect that utilizes imaginary super elastic, incredibly strong, invisible threads to pull a silk from one hand, instantly around the performer's back and into the opposite hand. Swoooosh! It’s lightning fast. Most people see nothing, some people may see a blur of the silk as it flies.

This tutorial will show you my amazing Trademark Vanish that I know will become your everyday favorite vanish.

Imagine a king-size Vernet hard tip that can be vanished instantly. Bare hands, no rings, short sleeves and no watch. Absolutely angle-proof and lightning-fast....

★★★★★ $35
Hal Saxon
Thumb Tip Handling Masterclass by Hal Saxon

"It's a thing of beauty. Everything is covered and I believe it might be one of the best purchases magicians can make today. You cover everything in detail and it's a pleasure to watch. - Olivier Boes

I want us to reimagine and revolutionize our tipistry. Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, proficiency, and mastery. If we can pull this off, you'll also skyrocket your confidence with a thumb tip.

My methodology is to perform close up, with no weird or wacky moves. I just perform slow and deliberate with handling and moves that defy logic.

The Thumb...

★★★★★ $10
Hal Saxon
Elevate Your Tipistry by Hal Saxon

This is an intermediate to advanced thumb tip workshop for my friends at I want us to reimagine and revolutionize our tipistry. Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, proficiency, and mastery. If we can pull this off, you'll skyrocket your confidence with a thumb tip. In our thumb tip magic, objections create skeptics and I don't want to create skeptics, I want to create awe.

In this 29-minute workshop, I will discuss the misconceptions and no no's of thumb tip magic and how to correct these flaws. I will show you how to elevate your Tipistry and...

★★★★ $12
Hal Saxon
The Pepper In and Salt Out Magic Trick by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning the Pepper In and Salt Out Transformation and Vanish. This trick or effect is designed for beginner to advanced magicians. You will learn moves and handling that will serve you very well in dozens of other effects. There are several twists and turns that are very uncommon and not found in the normal salt/pepper shaker routines seen in the magic universe today.

Four things make this effect very special.

  1. Spectator Involvement. The spectator pours pepper from a pepper shaker into the closed fist of the magician.
  2. The...
Hal Saxon
The Big 3 Beginner Thumb Tip Tricks by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning three beautiful tricks with a thumb tip: the silk vanish, the bill change and the cut & restored string.

These 3 tricks or effects are designed for beginner magicians, but you will learn moves and handling that will serve you very well in dozens of other effects. This is a phenomenal starting point for thumb tip magic. Some nice twists like letting the magic happen in the spectator's hand.

The Silk Vanish:

A small silk is shown on both sides by a magician with short sleeves and no watch. (Cannot hide the hanky...

★★★★ $15
Hal Saxon
The Magnetic Thumb Tip Done Right by Hal Saxon

This isn't your fathers magnetic thumb tip. Your tipistry reimagined and revolutionized. Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, proficiency, or mastery.

This guide will show you how to dramatically improve your thumb tip ability (Tipistry) with magnets. How can something so simple and so overlooked be so amazing? One person posted on a forum many years ago and said, "Don't get a magnetic tip. You can do anything you can do with a magnetic tip with a PK Ring." (Magnetic ring). Nope. No way. Totally misguided. Absolutely untrue. Poor fellow, bless his heart. He...

★★★★★ $15
Hal Saxon
The Ultimate Angle Proof Vanish by Hal Saxon

This can be the most powerfully deceptive steal or vanish in your thumb tip arsenal. No, it is not the Slydini Back Steal or the Vernon Kick Steal.

"This is the best 10 minutes of thumb tip magic ever! Thank you so much Hal." - Kim Fitzpatrick

The Ultimate Angle Proof Vanish video is by far the number one video download I have ever offered on the thumb tip. This is an incredibly deceptive, under your nose steal or vanish for not just a silk, but anything you can possibly fit in a thumb tip. Performed slow and with no wacky hand movements or gestures or crazy sleights; I believe this is the best...

★★★★★ $12
Hal Saxon
Best Thumb Tip Modifications by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning the thirteen absolute best DIY thumb tip modifications for magicians. These modifications will allow you to make your thumb tip a lot more sneakier. You will be able to move your handling to a whole new level.

Some of the modifications will allow you to handle liquids. Some modifications will allow you to handle granules like pepper, sand, or salt. And yes, some modifications will allow you to do both within one modified tip.

You will discover modifications that will allow you to handle the thumb tip in incredibly...

★★★★★ $17.50
Hal Saxon
22 Thumb Tip Handling Positions by Hal Saxon

Can we move beyond the basic silk vanish? Can we do anything more magical than the old bill change? Can you improve on the basic salt vanish? The answer is, "Yes!". It all starts with your handling of the thumb tip.

I have almost 200 very magical effects that I perform with the basic thumb tip and people never see or even suspect a thumb tip. The secret to skyrocketing your thumb tip skills is to learn how to handle the thumb tip.

Not a day goes by that I don't get asked about how to match a thumb tip color to an individual skin tone. Everyone is concerned about someone seeing it. My...

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