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ESP Card Magic Vol. 12: Various Authors Part 3
by Aldo Colombini

#2 DVD (download+stream) author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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ESP Card Magic Vol. 12: Various Authors Part 3 by Aldo Colombini
This product is also part of:
  • WILD ESP-RESSIONS (Aldo Colombini): You show two sets of ESP cards. You predict a choice of an ESP symbol (say the Star), then four different symbols change to blank cards and four letters appear on the back of four cards to spell the selected symbol: S-T-A-R!
  • PERFECT (Jozsef Kovacs): Five (say) red-backed cards are used as predictions and are dealt onto five blue-packets, at random. If the red card is a Square, the other cards are all Squares, etc. Perfect match.
  • ESP-ABILITY (Aldo Colombini): A deck is shown all shuffled and a spectator deals the cards switching pairs (or triplets) of cards. When the cards are dealt, all pairs consist of matching symbols.
  • QUADRIGULA (Werner Miller): Three stunning matches in this wonderful routine and, once again, self-working.
  • THREESP (Max Maven): You show an envelope with a prediction. After a card is selected a packet is shuffled and the spectator picks a second card. This matches the first selection. You open the envelope and show another matching symbol. You’ll love the method.
  • ESP-CIAL EFFECTS (Aldo Colombini): A unique combination routine using regular playing cards and ESP cards. After a stunning revelation of five symbols, all the other cards are blank.
  • WITH AN ESP DECK (Peter Kane): Two effects with a single method! One is an assembly the other is a mental routine.
  • SPIRIT STAR (Howard Adams): A card is selected. You show two cards blank on both sides and seconds later, the same symbol appears on one of the cards.
  • SECRET CHAUVINISTS (Stephen Minch): Two spectators shuffle the cards and pick a symbol each. You will reveal them. You will love the method and the subtleties used in this effect.
  • MENTAL ENVELOPE (Aldo Colombini): Five cards are placed in a row on the table and you show an envelope. The spectator moves the envelope around and ends on a card. It matches your prediction in the envelope!

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / ESP