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Full: Three self-working full deck effects
by Cameron Francis


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Full: Three self-working full deck effects by Cameron Francis

"Awesome effects and highly recommended!" - Donny Orbit

"(A) really great ebook!" - Raphael Czaja

"Nothing But Trouble is no trouble at all. Lovely trick!" - Paul Hallas

"FULL is right! FULL as in FULL of effects that could easily have been released individually! Awesome stuff - the usual Francis calibre!" - Dave Forrest

Blow your audiences away with almost no effort! Cameron Francis presents Full, an ebook containing three completely self-working full deck effects. All three tricks use completely normal decks and none of them require any skill which makes them perfect for the beginner and pro alike.

A multi-climax spelling effect which ends with the discovery of four Royal Flushes and the rest of the deck separating into the four suits!

A double prediction effect where the magician predicts the location of a mate in the deck and the identity of a mystery card. Instant reset.

A self-working card to pocket transposition with a kicker ending. Easy reset.

1st edition 2010; 16 pages.

word count: 3637 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Marc Rehula (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 01 February, 2012

This is a great ebook, actually providing what its subtitle says. There are three 'self-working' effects that allow you to work on presentation, rather than fancy moves. I immediately loved Over the Top, which, while it won't wow your magician friends, WILL entertain your audiences. The other two effects are good as well, which are also easy but allow you plenty of room to assert your own persona. One of my favorite e-purchases from Lybrary.

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video