January 2016 - December 2016
1296 pages
[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 1 - January 2016 - 96 pages
- Cover - The 14th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Charmen Tissue with Coe Norton
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- In Memoriam - Barrie Richardson (1934-2015) - by Jon Racherbaumer
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- This month four exceptionally tangential books are briefly noted
- Now Performing
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Coffee Vase and Bran Bowl
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Too P.C. Or Not Too P.C. That Is The Question
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - No More Card Tricks
- No More Card Tricks
- DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Arthur Trace
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Visions of Saragossa Poker Deal - John Hostler
- Time Traveling Tissue - Kenichi Komiya
- Royal Expansion - Harapan Ong
- Pulling Back The Curtain - The 14th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History - Dustin Stinett
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- JawDroppers! - Harry Lorayne
- The Death Camp Magicians - William V. Rauscher with Werner Reich
- Kids Show Masterplan: Creating Incredible Magic for Children - Danny Orleans
- Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
- online video file available - Trick Review Video Supplement - Danny Orleans
- AmazeBox - Mark Shortland
- Touched - Morgan Strebler
- Victorian Coins in Glass - Kainoa Harbottle
- Three-way Clear Force Shopping Bag - Eran Blizovsky
- The Social Deck - Soma
- Pen or Pencil - Mickael Chatelain
- Red Pill - Chris Ramsay
- Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
- At the Table Live Lecture Series - Martin Lewis (and others)
- BH Sandwich - Yu Byeong Hun
- Big Four Poker - Tom Dobrowolski
- Thick Card Project - Liam Montier
- Master Course in Cups & Balls Vols. 1 and 2 - Daryl
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 2 - February 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - Franz Harary's House of Magic
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Tenyo Fast Food Magic - Yasuo Amano
- online video file available - Franz Harary - House of Magic
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Bits of Business
- Now Performing
- In Memoriam - Daniel G. Waldron (1929-2015) - by Gabe Fajuri
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Flights of Fancy - Eugene Burger
- Flights of Fancy
- Lost Horizons - Max Maven
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Tesseract
- Sand Care and Feeding - West McDonough
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- The Last Card Up the Sleeve
- Lodestones - Tom Stone
- online video file available - Lodestones - Tom Stone - The Stockholm Opener
- A Matter of Taste
- Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- Adapting Concepts
- online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Pocket Utility Switch - Mike O'Brien
- Do As You Want
- Hatline Prediction
- Thought Card to Pocket - Larry Jennings
- One-Hand Wild Coin - Gregg Webb
- Swain's Aces
- online video file available - Jim Swain - Swain's Aces
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- House of Magic by Franz Harary - Lis de Matos
- online video file available - Franz Harary - Private Tour
- online video file available - Franz Harary - Car Appearance
- online video file available - Franz Harary - The Orb
- Penn & Teller: At the Top of Their Game Show - Carl Mercurio
- Performer Who Fooled Penn & Teller
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- Tenyoism (with 4 DVDs) - Richard Kaufman
- Key Mysteries - Steve Drury
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Nanomagics - Román García
- Storyteller - Ravi Mayar
- At the Table Live Lectures: Marcelo Insua
- Blaze: Tony & Jordan, "Les French Twins"
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Klaus the Mouse - Card-Shark
- Sympathetic 10 - Jörg Alexander
- Heist - Jack Wise
- Object Permanence - Tyler Twombly
- Jumbo Quick Monte - Meir Yedid
- HPad - Henri Beaumont
- The Search Engine Pen - Jeff Prace
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 3 - March 2016 - 96 pages
- Cover - The Forgotten Stars of Magic
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Franz Harary - A New Video Tour - Hiroshi, Chen and Lee
- online video file available - Fred Kaps on Michael Parkinson
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Scam-A-Bamma-Ramma
- Now Performing
- In Memoriam - James Patton (1940-2016) - by Michael A. Perovich
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- The Case of the Missing Hats
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- This Time ... I Absolutely, Positively Knew That One!
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- online video file available - By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle - Inferential Wild Coin
- Inferential Wild Coin
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Split Winnings
- Split Winnings
- DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Loser! - Dave Forrest
- Made to Measure - Shiv Duggal
- online video file available - Made to Measure - Shiv Duggal
- Double Duke - Michal Kocio?ek
- The Forgotten Stars of Magic
- Ball, cone and Handkerchief - Dai Vernon
- online video file available - Ball, Cone and Handkerchief - Dai Vernon
- Convening Kings - Francis Carlyle
- The Squeeze - Away Coin - Ross Bertram
- online video file available - Ross Bertram's The Squeeze-Away Coin
- And the Part of a Garment - Two Stunts - Emil Jarrow
- Jacob's Ladder - Dr. Jacob Daley
- The Disconcerting Coins - Cliff Green
- The Revolving Pass - Tony Slydini
- A Quarter and a Half - Mohammed Bey (S. Leo Horowitz)
- Scarne's Power of Thought - John Scarne
- Close-Up Magic - Bert Allerton
- Magic Chicago: Celebrating 10 Years in the Windy City - Danny Orleans
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
- At the Table Live Lecture Series - Woody Aragon (and others)
- Intro to Sponge Balls: aka Sponge Ball Square Meal - Michael Dardant
- Transition - Jamie Docherty
- Bring It (3-disc set) - Will Fern
- Books Reviewed by John Guastaferro
- Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Volume 9 - Steve Beam
- Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Volume 10 - Steve Beam
- Kahnjuring: Deceptive Practices With Playing Cards - Scott Kahn
- Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
- RISE - Sean Scott
- Wordsmyth - Francis Menotti
- Smoke & Mirrors - Dan & Dave Buck
- Contained - Jay Sankey
- Knitting Ninja - Chad Long
- Sweet 'n Salty - Vernet
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 4 - April 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - Irene Larsen 1936-2016
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Tom Mullica with Duke
- online video file available - Silvan's Collection
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Crank Cases to Consider
- Now Performing
- In Memoriam - James C. Doty (1927-2016) - by Joe M. Turner
- In Memoriam - Tihany (Franz Czeisler) (1916-2016) - by Lupe Nielsen
- Lessons I Learned from Tihany - Joaquin Ayala
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Love And Magic - Eugene Burger
- Love And Magic
- Lost Horizons - Max Maven
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- Visual vs. Non-Visual
- online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães - Visual
- online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães - Visual
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Strangers on a Train - Lewis Jones
- The Freshest Coin Transpo In The world - Jonathan Friedman
- Lodestones - Tom Stone
- The Pocket Problem
- online video file available - Lodestones - Tom Stone - The Pocket Problem
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Tom [Thomas Blaine] Mullica's Accessible Legacy - Jon Racherbaumer
- online video file available - Tom Mullica - Tom-Foolery Show
- online video file available - Tom Mullica - Card in Mouth
- online video file available - Tom Mullica - Silent Act
- online video file available - Tom Mullica - Egg Bag
- online video file available - Tom Mullica - Mullica Wallet
- Irene Larsen: 1936-2016 - Dustin Stinett
- Irene Larsen: The Genii Interview - Max Maven
- Pure Magic - Erika Larsen
- Princess Irene: A Brief Tribute to Royalty - Jim Steinmeyer
- Pure Oma - Liberty Larsen
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
- Factory Blanks - Tom Stone
- Gift Card - Constantinos Pantelias
- Gone Deck - Shin Lim & Tom Elderfield
- Phantom - Peter Eggink
- Telekinetic - Diamond Jim Tyler
- Insidious - Michael Scanzello
- Unbound - Gimmickless Invisible Deck - Darryl Davis
- Over This World - Alex Pandrea
- Space Time - Tom Elderfield
- Jot - Jordan Wheabster
- SCIN (Signed Card in Nose) - Phil Knoxville
- The Chameleon Deck - Dominique Duvivier
- Street Thief - A.G.
- Fabulous! - Steve Shufton
- Blink - Skymember Presents
- The One 2.0 - Anthony Stan
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Implausibilities - Hudson Taylor
- The Rough and Smooth Project - Lawrence Turner
- Five Stunts - Chuang Wei Tung
- Induction (2-DVD set) - Spidey
- Phase - Josh Janousky
- Books Reviewed by David Britland
- Impromptu - Martin Gardner - edited by Todd Karr
- An Essay on Magic - Robert Neale
- Conjurors, Cardsharps and Conmen - Bernard Reid
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 5 - May 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - H?kasen
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - 4 Nightmares DX - Toru Suzuki
- online video file available - Riveting Zig Zag Cig - Yasuo Amano
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Still Wanna Bet?
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- A McElroy Brothers Ventriloquist Figure
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- online video file available - By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle - A Sound Box Vanish
- Tones from the Underground - or a Sound Box Vanish
- You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Unplugged v2
- Unplugged v2
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- High Five - J.K. Hartman
- Hummer Job - Jon Racherbaumer
- voodoo - Fritz Alkemade
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Paul Daniels: A Life Well Lived (1938-2016) - Barry Murray
- H?kasen - Hirase Hose (1764) - Translation by Dan Sherer
- An Introduction to H?kasen - Max Maven
- online video file available - Maki Kitami - Cups and Balls
- online video file available - Maki Kitami - Japanese Egg Bag
- online video file available - Maki Kitami - Wazuma
- Bakemono
- Original Introduction (1764)
- The cups and Balls
- The Iron Rings
- The Technique of Putting Five Colors of Sand Into Water and Not Getting Them Even a Little Wet
- The Technique for the Seven Transformations of the Tanuki
- The Technique Wherein a Heihku Moves on Its Own
- The Technique of Biting Into a Pot
- The Technique of Grasping Red Hot Iron
- Swallowing a Ball and Removing It from Ear
- Escaping From and Tying Ropes
- Pranks with a Mandarin Orange
- A Strange Figure Appears in Demon-Fire
- Paper Into Live Loaches
- A Technique of Sword Swallowing
- Makeishura? the 3 Eyed
- Suspension and transformation
- Summoning a Gawatar?
- Burning Paper Without Leaving Traces of Being Burned
- Technique Wherein A Tatehina Moves About on Its Own
- To Assemble Monsters in the Garden and Bring Forth Multi-Colored Clouds
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- Framework - Tom Frame
- Signor Arvi: The Forgotten Illusionist - Trevor Dawson
- Locked: Locks in Mentalism & Magic - Jim Kleefeld
- The Other Stories - Leo Behnke
- The Magic of Skateboarding - Joe Ledoux
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Royalistic - Juan Tamariz
- Fishing! - G Alexander
- Automatic Dove Bag - Daniel Ka
- Ultimate Invisible Dove Harness - Daniel Ka
- Any Jacket Dove Pocket - Daniel Ka
- Sharpie Bug Writer - Vernet
- Marvelous Multiplying Boxes - Matthew Wright
- Nesting Deck Shells - Matthew Wright
- Paradigm Shift - Christopher Borer
- Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
- Camera Tricks (with magnets) - Casshan Wallace
- Cut Cards (with cards) - Jon Armstrong
- online video file available - Cut Cards - Jon Armstrong
- At the Table Live Lecture Series - Chris Ramsay; Gazzo (and others)
- The Magicianary Position - Arron Jones
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 6 - June 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - Hannibal
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Masters of Illusion 2016
- online video file available - Tomo Maeda Commercial
- online video file available - Tomo Maeda - The Making Of
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Partly Cloudy?
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Lost Horizons - Max Maven
- Mix Me Deadly
- Sample Set-Up Set
- DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
- online video file available - DaOrtiz al la Carte! - A Thought-Of Selection - Dani DaOrtiz
- A Thought-Of Selection
- Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Magic - Virtue And Vices - Eugene Burger
- Magic: Virtue And Vices
- Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- Little Details
- online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Lodestones - Tom Stone
- Polyrhythms, Primes, and Kid Shows
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Karma Sandwich - Zane Kinkade
- Tape Through Body - Chris Wardle
- Nuzzo's Propelled Palm - Dr. James Nuzzo
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Hannibal- Dustin Stinett
- online video file available - Christopher Hannibal
- online video file available - Christopher Hannibal
- online video file available - Christopher Hannibal - Free Trick Friday
- online video file available - Christopher Hannibal - TedxCharlotte
- online video file available - Christopher Hannibal
- Erika Larsen Reflects on Her Magical Legacy - Vicki Greenleaf
- Becoming Hanussen: Creating and Performing Palace of the Occult - Neil Tobin
- online video file available - Becoming Hanussen
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- Gene Anderson: The Book - Gene Anderson
- The Fairground Soo: A Brief Biography of Alfred John Peters - Dean C. Arnold
- In Order to Amaze: A Collection of memorized-deck magic - Pit Hartling
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Eclectica - John Carey
- The Count - Alex Pandrea
- Magic and Madness - Sean Heydon
- The Foundation - SansMind
- Influx - Tom Elderfield
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Steam 2.0 - Ali Nouira
- Slicer - Rizki Nanda
- Strongman - Jimmy Strange
- I.D.D. - Christopher Rawlins
- The Experience - Peter Turner
- Torque - Christopher Stevenson
- Bowled over - Christopher Talbot
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 7 - July 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - Simon Pierro
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - David Copperfield - Red Nose You See It, Red Nose You Don't
- online video file available - Simon Pierro on Ellen
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- Magic Wipe! An [iPhone] App by Simon Pierro
- online video file available - Simon Pierro - Magic Wipe App
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Going Neuro
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Billy O'Connor's Two Card Discovery
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- Practice What Yoy Preach - or Pugilism and coin Magic
- You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Straw Ingredient
- Straw Ingredient
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Box Ping Chien - Pablo Amira
- The Hole Trick - Christophe Fouquet
- Cigarettes and Candy - Kieron Johnson
- Without a Clue - Ryan Matney
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- The 48th Academy of Magical Arts Awards Show - Dustin Stinett
- Simon Pierro: The Magic of a Digital Native - Denis Behr
- online video file available - Simon Pierro
- online video file available - Simon Pierro
- online video file available - Simon Pierro
- online video file available - Simon Pierro
- online video file available - Simon Pierro
- online video file available - Simon Pierro
- YouTube Magic: The Stage is Yours - Simon Pierro
- Instant Digital Magic: Ready to Perform in 30 Seconds
- Set to Fool - Richard Kaufman
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Guastaferro
- Ultramodern - Ryan Matney
- Perplexities - Peter Duffie
- Card Activist - Peter Duffie
- Hooked on Cards - Peter Duffie
- All Done By Coindness - Tom Dobrowski
- Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
- Vanishing Coins - John Carney
- The Patrick Page Audio Archive - Patrick Page and Various Stars of Magic
- Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
- The Experiment - Vinny Zagoo [sic - Sagoo]
- Sans Minds Wallet (hip wallet street style) - Will Tsai
- Stand Up Assembly - Iñaki Zabaletta
- Fixed Fate (aka Predicted Card at Predicted number) - Cameron Francis
- Awe Struck - Adam W. Elbaum
- Float - Sans Minds creative Lab
- Blinked - Kartis
- RIP - Christopher Wiehl
- FigMENt - Tom Mullenger aka Jester Styles
- REM - Dave Forrest
- Inflexion - Dave Loosley
- Miracle Bingo - Doruk Ulgin
- Travel in Mind - Steve cook, Paul McCaig, Luca Volpe
- The Colossal coloring Book - Danny Orleans
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 8 - August 2016 - 104 pages
- Cover - Derek DelGaudio
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- In Memoriam - Bronwyn Clare Anderson Pipitone (1975-2016) - by David Oliver
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Are You Backing the Future Yet?
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Vanishing and Reappearing Lamps
- Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Beyond Magic - Eugene Burger
- Beyond Magic
- Lost Horizons - Max Maven
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães - Visual
- Purely Visual
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
- Road - And So This Experiment Begins
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- One Handed Double Unlink - Jack Carpenter
- Impromptu Thought of Card to Pocket - Jared Molton
- My Signature Effect - Scott Kahn
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Grand Show of Magic - Randy Pitchford
- online video file available - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
- online video file available - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
- online video file available - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
- Derek DelGaudio: In and Of Itself - Dustin Stinett
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- The Performance Pieces & Divertissements of the Famous Handsome Jack, etc. - John Lovick
- Magnum Opossum: A Few Decades of Untamed Magic - John Hostler
- The Complete Walton, Vol. 3 - Roy Walton
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Premise and Presentation (4-DVD set) - Luke Jermay
- Bring Back the Shtick (2-DVD set) - Quentin Reynolds
- Full House - Justin Higham
- Entertainment Arts - Magical Mike
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- IFlight - Bill Perkins
- The DREAM Act - Shin Lim
- Magma - Kyle Marlett
- Vanishing Ring - Will Tsai & Red Tsai
- Priceless - Richard Sanders & Michel Huot
- Clign - Anthony Stan
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 9 - September 2016 - 104 pages
- Cover - Ricky Jay on Buchinger
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file missing - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- In Memoriam - Abner Pope Dickson, Jr. (1948-2016) - by Gary E. Bartlett
- Now Performing
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Willmann's Giant Fire Bowl
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Thoughts on Hummer's Monte
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Be Vewy, Vewy, Qwiet. I'm Hunting Wabbit Ideas!
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- A Token of My Affection or A Coin Trick to Cry Over
- Right-Handed - Josh Janousky
- online video file available - Right-Handed - Josh Janousky - DMV
- You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- O'Ferrall Display - Jafo
- Flip Toss - Jack Parker
- Bluff Finesse - Tom Stone
- The Magician and the Card Sharp - Kent Axell
- The Magic Path to the Way of The Journey - Rafael Pablo
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- The Book on Buchinger: Ricky Jay's Eccentric Quest for "The Little Man of Nuremberg" - Carl Mercurio
- online video file available - Matthias Buchinger
- Excerpt - Matthias Buchinger: The Greatest German Living - Ricky Jay
- Blink and You'll Miss It - Richard Wiseman
- Genesis: The Patrick Page Audio Archive Story - Barry Murray
- online audio file available - Pat Page
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- Standup Card Magic - Roberto Giobbi
- Secrets of a "Puerto Rican Gambler" - Stephen Minch
- Cool Kid Show Magic - Norm Barnhart
- Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
- iFlight - Bill Perkins
- Band Writer - Vernet Magic
- Lightening Comedy Wrist Tie Escape - Peter the Adequate
- Scarlet Monte - Malcolm Norton
- Space Time - Tom Elderfield
- Cortana - Felix Bodden
- The Informer - Lloyd Mobley
- Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
- Legacy (4-DVD set) - Fin Jon
- My Silly Tricks! - Hector Mancha
- Move Zero Volume 1 - John Bannon
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 10 - October 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - 25th Anniversary of The Magic & Mystery School
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Cardistry-Con 2016
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- In Memoriam - Lesley Hazlitt (1924-2016) - by David Britland
- online video file available - In Memoriam - Lesley Hazlitt of The Piddingtons
- online video file available - The Piddingtons - Is Thought Transference Possible
- Now Performing
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Food for Thought - Eugene Burger
- Food for Thought
- Lost Horizons - Max Maven
- Stack Cats, Senile Felines, And The Switchless Rotor
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
- Lodestones - Tom Stone
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Proteus Bound: Interlude Chapter Two
- Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
- On The Busk, November 2012
- Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
- Hidden Secrets - Andi Gladwin
- Convincing Depth Illusion - Andi Gladwin
- Road Trip Sandwich - Andi Gladwin
- Pop Top - Andi Gladwin
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- 25 Years of the Magic & Mystery School: Unveiling the Mysteries - Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.
- Celebrity circle
- Faculty
- Scholarship Program
- How to Become a Magic & Mystery School Member
- Cody Clark: A Different Way of Thinking - Dustin Stinett
- online video file available - Cody Clark
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
- Art of Magic Video Downloads - Various Artists
- Forces of Nature - Meir Yedid
- C2P (&-disc set) - Steve Valentine
- Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
- Trilogy Extreme - Brian Caswell & Alakazam Magic
- Smooth Prediction - The Other Brothers (Darryl David & Daryl Williams)
- The Wallet Clip - Ben Morris-Rains
- Praemovo - Alan Rorrison
- Regrowth - Alan Rorrison
- Never There - Morgan Strebler
- Leap of Faith - SansMinds Creative Lab
- Flaming Coffee - SansMinds Creative Lab
- Vice - Jeff Prace
- Blistering - Alex Latorre
- Lightning - Peter the Adequate
- Deal Sealer - Cody Fisher
- Ambitious Chips - Tango Magic
- Funeral Sampler - Fred Rosenbaum
- Books Reviewed by David Britland
- Mentalissimo - John Bannon
- The secrets of So Sato (with disc) - So Sato & Richard Kaufman
- Super Sized Silly - David Kaye
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 11 - November 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - Magic University - Johan Ståhl & Tome Stone
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Helder Guimarães - Verso Trailer
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- In Memoriam - Paul Ferris Osborne, Jr. (1948-2016) - by Dustin Stinett
- Now Performing
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Magicshops - Sanctum Santorums?
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- online video file available - By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle - Never Too Many Coins
- Never Too Many Coins or Let's Gab About Routining
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Pb
- Pb
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Floating Pencil - Jindai Nishikawa
- Lie To Me - Peter Duffie
- Coincealed - Raj Madhok
- Final Thoughts
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Tenyo 2017 - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Water Crystal
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Magic Maze
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Psycho Gravity
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Perpetual Puzzle
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Dream Psychometry
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Mentalist's Flash Cards
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Miracle Magic Square
- online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Hyper ESP Cards
- The Magic Play - Dustin Stinett
- online video file available - The Magic Play 1
- online video file available - The Magic Play 2
- A University for the Art of Amusement - Dr. Will Houstoun
- online video file available - Swedish U 1
- online video file available - Swedish U 2
- online video file available - Swedish U 3
- Pedagogical Methods - Tom Stone
- The Team & Students
- Plenty Up His Sleeve - Matthew Field
- Magic is an Art - Walter Ferrero
- Stockholm's Magic Bar - Mikael Hedna
- Sweets from Swedes
- Odd(s) Triumph - Tomas Blomberg
- Ourobouros - Axel Adlerereutz
- Group Dynamics - Peter Brynolf & Jonas Ljung
- online video file available - Swedish U 4 - Group Dynamics
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
- The Aretalogy of Vanni Bossi - Stephen Minch
- Outside the Box - Jeff Prace
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Move Zero, Volume 2 - John Bannon
- Pen-nomenon - Steven X
- At the Table Live Lecture: The Other Brothers - Carry Davis & Daryl Williams
- Routines - Guy Hollingworth
- Catch 23 - Asi Wind
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- TaeWANDo - Timothy Pressley
- Locked In Thought - Paul Brook
- Black Bird - Jeff Copeland
- Wired - Danny Weiser
- Larry's Bag - Mago Larry
- Astrological sign Book - Edwardo Kozuch
- NetWorker - Paul Brook
- Monte Test - Anthony Stan
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 79, Number 12 - December 2016 - 112 pages
- Cover - Julie Eng
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Facts-Of-The-Matter Matters
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Adolphe Blind's Card Rise
- Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Paper Magic - Eugene Burger
- Paper Magic
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- Lodestones vs. Panmagium - Tom Stone & Jonathan Pendragon
- Tricks of the Eye - Spatial Frequency Manipulations - Tom Stone
- Accidental prophecy - Jonathan Pendragon
- Psychic Paper - Tom Stone
- You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
- Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
- Filling Up the Spaces with Real Bricks
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Direct Triple Prediction - Harapan Ong
- Late Night Aces - Fritz Alkemade
- Scrabble Sum - Nicholas Sinamon
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Pete McCabe
- Magic Castle Schedule
- The World in Play - Carl Mercurio
- Julie Eng: Buried Treasure - David Ben
- online video file available - Julie Eng 1
- online video file available - Julie Eng 2
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
- Mnemonica Miracles (online) - Juan Tamariz
- Pasteboard: SansMinds Worker's Series - Various Artists
- Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
- Pizza Paddle - Rob Thompson
- Revolution - Gregory Wilson
- Imagination Holding Coins - Kainoa Harbottle
- Inferential Coins - Kainoa Harbottle
- TP Prediction - Ted Outerbridge
- UV Gypsy Thread - Ted Outerbridge
- Force of Will - Dave Hooper
- Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
- The Jerx, Volume 1 - Andy [Pseudonym]
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
word count: 548221 which is equivalent to 2192 standard pages of text