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Genii Volume 79 (2016)
by Richard Kaufman

#3 Magazines & Journals author
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Genii Volume 79 (2016) by Richard Kaufman

January 2016 - December 2016
1296 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 1 - January 2016 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - The 14th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Charmen Tissue with Coe Norton
    3. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    4. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
  5. In Memoriam - Barrie Richardson (1934-2015) - by Jon Racherbaumer
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • This month four exceptionally tangential books are briefly noted
  7. Now Performing
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Coffee Vase and Bran Bowl
  9. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Too P.C. Or Not Too P.C. That Is The Question
  10. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • Devant at the Bar
  11. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - No More Card Tricks
    • No More Card Tricks
  12. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • Expectations
  13. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • What's in a Name
  14. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Arthur Trace
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  15. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Visions of Saragossa Poker Deal - John Hostler
    3. Time Traveling Tissue - Kenichi Komiya
    4. Royal Expansion - Harapan Ong
  16. Pulling Back The Curtain - The 14th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History - Dustin Stinett
  17. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
      • JawDroppers! - Harry Lorayne
      • The Death Camp Magicians - William V. Rauscher with Werner Reich
      • Kids Show Masterplan: Creating Incredible Magic for Children - Danny Orleans
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • online video file available - Trick Review Video Supplement - Danny Orleans
      • AmazeBox - Mark Shortland
      • Touched - Morgan Strebler
      • Victorian Coins in Glass - Kainoa Harbottle
      • Three-way Clear Force Shopping Bag - Eran Blizovsky
      • The Social Deck - Soma
      • Pen or Pencil - Mickael Chatelain
      • Red Pill - Chris Ramsay
    3. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • At the Table Live Lecture Series - Martin Lewis (and others)
      • BH Sandwich - Yu Byeong Hun
      • Big Four Poker - Tom Dobrowolski
      • Thick Card Project - Liam Montier
      • Master Course in Cups & Balls Vols. 1 and 2 - Daryl
  18. Advertisers Index
  19. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 2 - February 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Franz Harary's House of Magic
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Tenyo Fast Food Magic - Yasuo Amano
    2. online video file available - Franz Harary - House of Magic
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Bits of Business
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - Daniel G. Waldron (1929-2015) - by Gabe Fajuri
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Ink to Goldfish
  9. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Flights of Fancy - Eugene Burger
    • Flights of Fancy
  10. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Distant Drowser
  11. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    1. Tesseract
    2. Sand Care and Feeding - West McDonough
  12. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Last Card Up the Sleeve
  13. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • online video file available - Lodestones - Tom Stone - The Stockholm Opener
    • A Matter of Taste
  14. Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    1. Adapting Concepts
    2. online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    3. online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
  15. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Pocket Utility Switch - Mike O'Brien
      1. Do As You Want
      2. Hatline Prediction
    3. Thought Card to Pocket - Larry Jennings
    4. One-Hand Wild Coin - Gregg Webb
    5. Swain's Aces
    6. online video file available - Jim Swain - Swain's Aces
  16. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  17. House of Magic by Franz Harary - Lis de Matos
    1. online video file available - Franz Harary - Private Tour
    2. online video file available - Franz Harary - Car Appearance
    3. online video file available - Franz Harary - The Orb
  18. Penn & Teller: At the Top of Their Game Show - Carl Mercurio
    1. Performer Who Fooled Penn & Teller
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • Tenyoism (with 4 DVDs) - Richard Kaufman
      • Key Mysteries - Steve Drury
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Nanomagics - Román García
      • Storyteller - Ravi Mayar
      • At the Table Live Lectures: Marcelo Insua
      • Blaze: Tony & Jordan, "Les French Twins"
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Klaus the Mouse - Card-Shark
      • Sympathetic 10 - Jörg Alexander
      • Heist - Jack Wise
      • Object Permanence - Tyler Twombly
      • Jumbo Quick Monte - Meir Yedid
      • HPad - Henri Beaumont
      • The Search Engine Pen - Jeff Prace
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 3 - March 2016 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - The Forgotten Stars of Magic
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Franz Harary - A New Video Tour - Hiroshi, Chen and Lee
    2. online video file available - Fred Kaps on Michael Parkinson
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Scam-A-Bamma-Ramma
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - James Patton (1940-2016) - by Michael A. Perovich
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The I-II Die Box
  9. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • The Case of the Missing Hats
  10. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • This Time ... I Absolutely, Positively Knew That One!
  11. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • online video file available - By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle - Inferential Wild Coin
    • Inferential Wild Coin
  12. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Split Winnings
    • Split Winnings
  13. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • The Third Time
  14. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • Ready Next Thursday
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  16. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Loser! - Dave Forrest
    3. Made to Measure - Shiv Duggal
    4. online video file available - Made to Measure - Shiv Duggal
    5. Double Duke - Michal Kocio?ek
  17. The Forgotten Stars of Magic
    1. Ball, cone and Handkerchief - Dai Vernon
    2. online video file available - Ball, Cone and Handkerchief - Dai Vernon
    3. Convening Kings - Francis Carlyle
    4. The Squeeze - Away Coin - Ross Bertram
    5. online video file available - Ross Bertram's The Squeeze-Away Coin
    6. And the Part of a Garment - Two Stunts - Emil Jarrow
    7. Jacob's Ladder - Dr. Jacob Daley
    8. The Disconcerting Coins - Cliff Green
    9. The Revolving Pass - Tony Slydini
    10. A Quarter and a Half - Mohammed Bey (S. Leo Horowitz)
    11. Scarne's Power of Thought - John Scarne
    12. Close-Up Magic - Bert Allerton
  18. Magic Chicago: Celebrating 10 Years in the Windy City - Danny Orleans
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • At the Table Live Lecture Series - Woody Aragon (and others)
      • Intro to Sponge Balls: aka Sponge Ball Square Meal - Michael Dardant
      • Transition - Jamie Docherty
      • Bring It (3-disc set) - Will Fern
    2. Books Reviewed by John Guastaferro
      • Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Volume 9 - Steve Beam
      • Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Volume 10 - Steve Beam
      • Kahnjuring: Deceptive Practices With Playing Cards - Scott Kahn
    3. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • RISE - Sean Scott
      • Wordsmyth - Francis Menotti
      • Smoke & Mirrors - Dan & Dave Buck
      • Contained - Jay Sankey
      • Knitting Ninja - Chad Long
      • Sweet 'n Salty - Vernet
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 4 - April 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Irene Larsen 1936-2016
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Tom Mullica with Duke
    2. online video file available - Silvan's Collection
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Crank Cases to Consider
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - James C. Doty (1927-2016) - by Joe M. Turner
  8. In Memoriam - Tihany (Franz Czeisler) (1916-2016) - by Lupe Nielsen
    1. Lessons I Learned from Tihany - Joaquin Ayala
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Tray of Proteus
  10. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Love And Magic - Eugene Burger
    • Love And Magic
  11. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Nomenclature
  12. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Stigmata
  13. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Boodle Box
  14. Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    1. Visual vs. Non-Visual
    2. online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães - Visual
    3. online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães - Visual
  15. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Strangers on a Train - Lewis Jones
    3. The Freshest Coin Transpo In The world - Jonathan Friedman
  16. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • The Pocket Problem
    • online video file available - Lodestones - Tom Stone - The Pocket Problem
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  18. Tom [Thomas Blaine] Mullica's Accessible Legacy - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. online video file available - Tom Mullica - Tom-Foolery Show
    2. online video file available - Tom Mullica - Card in Mouth
    3. online video file available - Tom Mullica - Silent Act
    4. online video file available - Tom Mullica - Egg Bag
    5. online video file available - Tom Mullica - Mullica Wallet
  19. Irene Larsen: 1936-2016 - Dustin Stinett
  20. Irene Larsen: The Genii Interview - Max Maven
    1. Pure Magic - Erika Larsen
  21. Princess Irene: A Brief Tribute to Royalty - Jim Steinmeyer
    1. Pure Oma - Liberty Larsen
  22. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Factory Blanks - Tom Stone
      • Gift Card - Constantinos Pantelias
      • Gone Deck - Shin Lim & Tom Elderfield
      • Phantom - Peter Eggink
      • Telekinetic - Diamond Jim Tyler
      • Insidious - Michael Scanzello
      • Unbound - Gimmickless Invisible Deck - Darryl Davis
      • Over This World - Alex Pandrea
      • Space Time - Tom Elderfield
      • Jot - Jordan Wheabster
      • SCIN (Signed Card in Nose) - Phil Knoxville
      • The Chameleon Deck - Dominique Duvivier
      • Street Thief - A.G.
      • Fabulous! - Steve Shufton
      • Blink - Skymember Presents
      • The One 2.0 - Anthony Stan
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Implausibilities - Hudson Taylor
      • The Rough and Smooth Project - Lawrence Turner
      • Five Stunts - Chuang Wei Tung
      • Induction (2-DVD set) - Spidey
      • Phase - Josh Janousky
    3. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • Impromptu - Martin Gardner - edited by Todd Karr
      • An Essay on Magic - Robert Neale
      • Conjurors, Cardsharps and Conmen - Bernard Reid
  23. Advertisers Index
  24. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 5 - May 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - H?kasen
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - 4 Nightmares DX - Toru Suzuki
    2. online video file available - Riveting Zig Zag Cig - Yasuo Amano
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Still Wanna Bet?
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • A McElroy Brothers Ventriloquist Figure
  9. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Calculating Cards III
  10. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Flight Time
  11. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • online video file available - By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle - A Sound Box Vanish
    • Tones from the Underground - or a Sound Box Vanish
  12. You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
    • Surprise!
  13. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Unplugged v2
    • Unplugged v2
  14. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. High Five - J.K. Hartman
    3. Hummer Job - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. voodoo - Fritz Alkemade
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  16. Paul Daniels: A Life Well Lived (1938-2016) - Barry Murray
  17. H?kasen - Hirase Hose (1764) - Translation by Dan Sherer
    1. An Introduction to H?kasen - Max Maven
    2. online video file available - Maki Kitami - Cups and Balls
    3. online video file available - Maki Kitami - Japanese Egg Bag
    4. online video file available - Maki Kitami - Wazuma
    5. Bakemono
    6. Original Introduction (1764)
    7. The cups and Balls
    8. The Iron Rings
    9. The Technique of Putting Five Colors of Sand Into Water and Not Getting Them Even a Little Wet
    10. The Technique for the Seven Transformations of the Tanuki
    11. The Technique Wherein a Heihku Moves on Its Own
    12. The Technique of Biting Into a Pot
    13. The Technique of Grasping Red Hot Iron
    14. Swallowing a Ball and Removing It from Ear
    15. Escaping From and Tying Ropes
    16. Pranks with a Mandarin Orange
    17. A Strange Figure Appears in Demon-Fire
    18. Paper Into Live Loaches
    19. A Technique of Sword Swallowing
    20. Makeishura? the 3 Eyed
    21. Suspension and transformation
    22. Summoning a Gawatar?
    23. Burning Paper Without Leaving Traces of Being Burned
    24. Technique Wherein A Tatehina Moves About on Its Own
    25. To Assemble Monsters in the Garden and Bring Forth Multi-Colored Clouds
  18. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
      • Framework - Tom Frame
      • Signor Arvi: The Forgotten Illusionist - Trevor Dawson
      • Locked: Locks in Mentalism & Magic - Jim Kleefeld
      • The Other Stories - Leo Behnke
      • The Magic of Skateboarding - Joe Ledoux
    2. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Royalistic - Juan Tamariz
      • Fishing! - G Alexander
      • Automatic Dove Bag - Daniel Ka
      • Ultimate Invisible Dove Harness - Daniel Ka
      • Any Jacket Dove Pocket - Daniel Ka
      • Sharpie Bug Writer - Vernet
      • Marvelous Multiplying Boxes - Matthew Wright
      • Nesting Deck Shells - Matthew Wright
      • Paradigm Shift - Christopher Borer
    3. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Camera Tricks (with magnets) - Casshan Wallace
      • Cut Cards (with cards) - Jon Armstrong
      • online video file available - Cut Cards - Jon Armstrong
      • At the Table Live Lecture Series - Chris Ramsay; Gazzo (and others)
      • The Magicianary Position - Arron Jones
  19. Advertisers Index
  20. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 6 - June 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Hannibal
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Masters of Illusion 2016
    2. online video file available - Tomo Maeda Commercial
    3. online video file available - Tomo Maeda - The Making Of
    4. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    5. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Partly Cloudy?
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Burning Globe
  9. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Second City
  10. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    1. Mix Me Deadly
    2. Sample Set-Up Set
  11. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • online video file available - DaOrtiz al la Carte! - A Thought-Of Selection - Dani DaOrtiz
    • A Thought-Of Selection
  12. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Magic - Virtue And Vices - Eugene Burger
    • Magic: Virtue And Vices
  13. Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    1. Little Details
    2. online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
  14. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • I, Sisyphus
  15. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • Polyrhythms, Primes, and Kid Shows
  16. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Karma Sandwich - Zane Kinkade
    3. Tape Through Body - Chris Wardle
    4. Nuzzo's Propelled Palm - Dr. James Nuzzo
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  18. Hannibal- Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Christopher Hannibal
    2. online video file available - Christopher Hannibal
    3. online video file available - Christopher Hannibal - Free Trick Friday
    4. online video file available - Christopher Hannibal - TedxCharlotte
    5. online video file available - Christopher Hannibal
  19. Erika Larsen Reflects on Her Magical Legacy - Vicki Greenleaf
  20. Becoming Hanussen: Creating and Performing Palace of the Occult - Neil Tobin
    • online video file available - Becoming Hanussen
  21. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • Gene Anderson: The Book - Gene Anderson
      • The Fairground Soo: A Brief Biography of Alfred John Peters - Dean C. Arnold
      • In Order to Amaze: A Collection of memorized-deck magic - Pit Hartling
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Eclectica - John Carey
      • The Count - Alex Pandrea
      • Magic and Madness - Sean Heydon
      • The Foundation - SansMind
      • Influx - Tom Elderfield
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Steam 2.0 - Ali Nouira
      • Slicer - Rizki Nanda
      • Strongman - Jimmy Strange
      • I.D.D. - Christopher Rawlins
      • The Experience - Peter Turner
      • Torque - Christopher Stevenson
      • Bowled over - Christopher Talbot
  22. Advertisers Index
  23. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 7 - July 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Simon Pierro
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - David Copperfield - Red Nose You See It, Red Nose You Don't
    2. online video file available - Simon Pierro on Ellen
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Magic Wipe! An [iPhone] App by Simon Pierro
    • online video file available - Simon Pierro - Magic Wipe App
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. Now Performing
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Going Neuro
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Crystal Bell
  10. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Billy O'Connor's Two Card Discovery
  11. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • Time Will Tell
  12. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Don't Read This!
  13. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • Practice What Yoy Preach - or Pugilism and coin Magic
  14. You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
    • Create!
  15. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Straw Ingredient
    • Straw Ingredient
  16. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Box Ping Chien - Pablo Amira
    3. The Hole Trick - Christophe Fouquet
    4. Cigarettes and Candy - Kieron Johnson
    5. Without a Clue - Ryan Matney
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  18. The 48th Academy of Magical Arts Awards Show - Dustin Stinett
  19. Simon Pierro: The Magic of a Digital Native - Denis Behr
    1. online video file available - Simon Pierro
    2. online video file available - Simon Pierro
    3. online video file available - Simon Pierro
    4. online video file available - Simon Pierro
    5. online video file available - Simon Pierro
    6. online video file available - Simon Pierro
    7. YouTube Magic: The Stage is Yours - Simon Pierro
    8. Instant Digital Magic: Ready to Perform in 30 Seconds
  20. Set to Fool - Richard Kaufman
  21. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Guastaferro
      • Ultramodern - Ryan Matney
      • Perplexities - Peter Duffie
      • Card Activist - Peter Duffie
      • Hooked on Cards - Peter Duffie
      • All Done By Coindness - Tom Dobrowski
    2. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Vanishing Coins - John Carney
      • The Patrick Page Audio Archive - Patrick Page and Various Stars of Magic
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • The Experiment - Vinny Zagoo [sic - Sagoo]
      • Sans Minds Wallet (hip wallet street style) - Will Tsai
      • Stand Up Assembly - Iñaki Zabaletta
      • Fixed Fate (aka Predicted Card at Predicted number) - Cameron Francis
      • Awe Struck - Adam W. Elbaum
      • Float - Sans Minds creative Lab
      • Blinked - Kartis
      • RIP - Christopher Wiehl
      • FigMENt - Tom Mullenger aka Jester Styles
      • REM - Dave Forrest
      • Inflexion - Dave Loosley
      • Miracle Bingo - Doruk Ulgin
      • Travel in Mind - Steve cook, Paul McCaig, Luca Volpe
      • The Colossal coloring Book - Danny Orleans
  22. Advertisers Index
  23. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 8 - August 2016 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Derek DelGaudio
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    2. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Bronwyn Clare Anderson Pipitone (1975-2016) - by David Oliver
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. Now Performing
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Are You Backing the Future Yet?
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Vanishing and Reappearing Lamps
  10. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Beyond Magic - Eugene Burger
    • Beyond Magic
  11. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Three Little Words
  12. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • My Word
  13. Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    1. online video file available - Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães - Visual
    2. Purely Visual
  14. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Interlude
  15. Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
    • Road - And So This Experiment Begins
  16. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. One Handed Double Unlink - Jack Carpenter
    3. Impromptu Thought of Card to Pocket - Jared Molton
    4. My Signature Effect - Scott Kahn
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  18. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Grand Show of Magic - Randy Pitchford
    1. online video file available - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
    2. online video file available - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
    3. online video file available - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  19. Derek DelGaudio: In and Of Itself - Dustin Stinett
  20. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
      • The Performance Pieces & Divertissements of the Famous Handsome Jack, etc. - John Lovick
      • Magnum Opossum: A Few Decades of Untamed Magic - John Hostler
      • The Complete Walton, Vol. 3 - Roy Walton
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Premise and Presentation (4-DVD set) - Luke Jermay
      • Bring Back the Shtick (2-DVD set) - Quentin Reynolds
      • Full House - Justin Higham
      • Entertainment Arts - Magical Mike
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • IFlight - Bill Perkins
      • The DREAM Act - Shin Lim
      • Magma - Kyle Marlett
      • Vanishing Ring - Will Tsai & Red Tsai
      • Priceless - Richard Sanders & Michel Huot
      • Clign - Anthony Stan
  21. Advertisers Index
  22. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 9 - September 2016 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Ricky Jay on Buchinger
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    2. online audio file missing - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    3. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Abner Pope Dickson, Jr. (1948-2016) - by Gary E. Bartlett
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Eye - Todd Karr
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Invisibility
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Willmann's Giant Fire Bowl
  10. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Thoughts on Hummer's Monte
  11. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Be Vewy, Vewy, Qwiet. I'm Hunting Wabbit Ideas!
  12. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • Apocalypse On Hold
  13. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • A Token of My Affection or A Coin Trick to Cry Over
  14. Right-Handed - Josh Janousky
    • online video file available - Right-Handed - Josh Janousky - DMV
    • DMV
  15. You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
    • Third!
  16. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. O'Ferrall Display - Jafo
    3. Flip Toss - Jack Parker
    4. Bluff Finesse - Tom Stone
    5. The Magician and the Card Sharp - Kent Axell
  17. The Magic Path to the Way of The Journey - Rafael Pablo
  18. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  19. The Book on Buchinger: Ricky Jay's Eccentric Quest for "The Little Man of Nuremberg" - Carl Mercurio
    1. online video file available - Matthias Buchinger
    2. Excerpt - Matthias Buchinger: The Greatest German Living - Ricky Jay
  20. Blink and You'll Miss It - Richard Wiseman
  21. Genesis: The Patrick Page Audio Archive Story - Barry Murray
    • online audio file available - Pat Page
  22. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • Standup Card Magic - Roberto Giobbi
      • Secrets of a "Puerto Rican Gambler" - Stephen Minch
      • Cool Kid Show Magic - Norm Barnhart
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • iFlight - Bill Perkins
      • Band Writer - Vernet Magic
      • Lightening Comedy Wrist Tie Escape - Peter the Adequate
      • Scarlet Monte - Malcolm Norton
      • Space Time - Tom Elderfield
      • Cortana - Felix Bodden
      • The Informer - Lloyd Mobley
    3. Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
      • Legacy (4-DVD set) - Fin Jon
      • My Silly Tricks! - Hector Mancha
      • Move Zero Volume 1 - John Bannon
  23. Advertisers Index
  24. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 10 - October 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - 25th Anniversary of The Magic & Mystery School
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Cardistry-Con 2016
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Lesley Hazlitt (1924-2016) - by David Britland
    1. online video file available - In Memoriam - Lesley Hazlitt of The Piddingtons
    2. online video file available - The Piddingtons - Is Thought Transference Possible
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Eye - Todd Karr
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Observation Towers Over
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Neyhart Houlette
  10. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Food for Thought - Eugene Burger
    • Food for Thought
  11. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Stack Cats, Senile Felines, And The Switchless Rotor
  12. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Epidemic
  13. Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    • The Narrative of Actions
  14. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • In Series
  15. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • Like a Lotus
  16. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Proteus Bound: Interlude Chapter Two
  17. Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
    • On The Busk, November 2012
  18. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Hidden Secrets - Andi Gladwin
    3. Convincing Depth Illusion - Andi Gladwin
    4. Road Trip Sandwich - Andi Gladwin
    5. Pop Top - Andi Gladwin
  19. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  20. 25 Years of the Magic & Mystery School: Unveiling the Mysteries - Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.
    1. Celebrity circle
    2. Faculty
    3. Scholarship Program
    4. How to Become a Magic & Mystery School Member
  21. Cody Clark: A Different Way of Thinking - Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Cody Clark
  22. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Art of Magic Video Downloads - Various Artists
      • Forces of Nature - Meir Yedid
      • C2P (&-disc set) - Steve Valentine
    2. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Trilogy Extreme - Brian Caswell & Alakazam Magic
      • Smooth Prediction - The Other Brothers (Darryl David & Daryl Williams)
      • The Wallet Clip - Ben Morris-Rains
      • Praemovo - Alan Rorrison
      • Regrowth - Alan Rorrison
      • Never There - Morgan Strebler
      • Leap of Faith - SansMinds Creative Lab
      • Flaming Coffee - SansMinds Creative Lab
      • Vice - Jeff Prace
      • Blistering - Alex Latorre
      • Lightning - Peter the Adequate
      • Deal Sealer - Cody Fisher
      • Ambitious Chips - Tango Magic
      • Funeral Sampler - Fred Rosenbaum
    3. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • Mentalissimo - John Bannon
      • The secrets of So Sato (with disc) - So Sato & Richard Kaufman
      • Super Sized Silly - David Kaye
  23. Advertisers Index
  24. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 11 - November 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Magic University - Johan Ståhl & Tome Stone
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Helder Guimarães - Verso Trailer
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Paul Ferris Osborne, Jr. (1948-2016) - by Dustin Stinett
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Eye - Todd Karr
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Magicshops - Sanctum Santorums?
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Antique Card Rise
  10. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • The Verbal Challenge
  11. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • online video file available - By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle - Never Too Many Coins
    • Never Too Many Coins or Let's Gab About Routining
  12. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Pb
    • Pb
  13. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Floating Pencil - Jindai Nishikawa
    3. Lie To Me - Peter Duffie
    4. Coincealed - Raj Madhok
    5. Final Thoughts
  14. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  15. Tenyo 2017 - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Water Crystal
    2. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Magic Maze
    3. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Psycho Gravity
    4. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Perpetual Puzzle
    5. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Dream Psychometry
    6. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Mentalist's Flash Cards
    7. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Miracle Magic Square
    8. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 - Hyper ESP Cards
  16. The Magic Play - Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - The Magic Play 1
    2. online video file available - The Magic Play 2
  17. A University for the Art of Amusement - Dr. Will Houstoun
    1. online video file available - Swedish U 1
    2. online video file available - Swedish U 2
    3. online video file available - Swedish U 3
    4. Pedagogical Methods - Tom Stone
    5. The Team & Students
    6. Plenty Up His Sleeve - Matthew Field
    7. Magic is an Art - Walter Ferrero
    8. Stockholm's Magic Bar - Mikael Hedna
    9. Sweets from Swedes
      1. Odd(s) Triumph - Tomas Blomberg
      2. Ourobouros - Axel Adlerereutz
      3. Group Dynamics - Peter Brynolf & Jonas Ljung
      4. online video file available - Swedish U 4 - Group Dynamics
  18. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
      • The Aretalogy of Vanni Bossi - Stephen Minch
      • Outside the Box - Jeff Prace
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Move Zero, Volume 2 - John Bannon
      • Pen-nomenon - Steven X
      • At the Table Live Lecture: The Other Brothers - Carry Davis & Daryl Williams
      • Routines - Guy Hollingworth
      • Catch 23 - Asi Wind
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • TaeWANDo - Timothy Pressley
      • Locked In Thought - Paul Brook
      • Black Bird - Jeff Copeland
      • Wired - Danny Weiser
      • Larry's Bag - Mago Larry
      • Astrological sign Book - Edwardo Kozuch
      • NetWorker - Paul Brook
      • Monte Test - Anthony Stan
  19. Advertisers Index
  20. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 12 - December 2016 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Julie Eng
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    2. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    3. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Facts-Of-The-Matter Matters
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Adolphe Blind's Card Rise
  9. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Paper Magic - Eugene Burger
    • Paper Magic
  10. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Poetry in Motion
  11. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • Binary Luck
  12. Lodestones vs. Panmagium - Tom Stone & Jonathan Pendragon
    1. Tricks of the Eye - Spatial Frequency Manipulations - Tom Stone
    2. Accidental prophecy - Jonathan Pendragon
    3. Psychic Paper - Tom Stone
  13. You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
    • Reality!
  14. Invisible Strings - Helder Guimarães
    • Filling Up the Spaces with Real Bricks
  15. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Direct Triple Prediction - Harapan Ong
    3. Late Night Aces - Fritz Alkemade
    4. Scrabble Sum - Nicholas Sinamon
  16. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Pete McCabe
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  17. The World in Play - Carl Mercurio
  18. Julie Eng: Buried Treasure - David Ben
    1. online video file available - Julie Eng 1
    2. online video file available - Julie Eng 2
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
      • Mnemonica Miracles (online) - Juan Tamariz
      • Pasteboard: SansMinds Worker's Series - Various Artists
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Pizza Paddle - Rob Thompson
      • Revolution - Gregory Wilson
      • Imagination Holding Coins - Kainoa Harbottle
      • Inferential Coins - Kainoa Harbottle
      • TP Prediction - Ted Outerbridge
      • UV Gypsy Thread - Ted Outerbridge
      • Force of Will - Dave Hooper
    3. Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
      • The Jerx, Volume 1 - Andy [Pseudonym]
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information

word count: 548221 which is equivalent to 2192 standard pages of text