John Northern Hilliard
(Palmyra, New York: 18th August 1872 - 14th March 1935)
Reporter to amateur magician to advance man for Howard Thurston (by 1929). Invented the large ring in 1897 and the Telephone Trick in 1905. Ghosted T. Nelson Downs' The Art of Magic (1909, 334pp), wrote Greater Magic (1938, 993pp; reprinted 1956 in 5 vols as The Greater Magic Library; the card section being reprinted as Card Magic, 1944, 580pp), both classics, and 1 booklet. Also wrote Leaves from My Notebook (1935, 47pp). Note that at 993pp, Greater Magic is the largest magic book published. Tricks in Magic (1905). Coined the term "finger-flinger".
Coauthors: Grace Sartwell Mason