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Kaps on Coins
by Fred Kaps

#2 Paper & Paper Money author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Kaps on Coins by Fred Kaps

Coin routines and moves explained in video and text.

  1. Edward Victor's Color-Changing Coins (Spellbound)
  2. Okito Box Routine
  3. Coin Across
  4. Silver And China Transposition
  5. Hoo Coin Routine
  6. Coin Through Hand
  7. Coin Vanish Under Card
  8. Ring Off String
  9. Coin Through Handkerchief
  10. Twin Coin Production From Card
  11. Coins Through Table
  12. Another Coin Vanish Under Card
[Note: The video is silent (no audio track).]

Similar product from Fred Kaps but on cards is: Kaps on Kards.

PDF 10 pages; video length 20 min
word count: 3823 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text