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Fred Kaps

#2 Paper & Paper Money author

(8th June 1926 - 22nd July 1980)

Born in Rotterdam, Holland. Stage name of Abraham "Bram" Pieter Adrianus Bongers. Inspired as child. Aka "Mystica" at start of career until December 1950 when he became "Fred Kaps". Student of Henk Vermeyden. Top-line pro close-up and stage magician.

FISM Grand Prix 1950 (as "Mystica"), 1955, 1961, making him the only 3-time winner of magic's most prestigious competition award. Toured all Europe in 1955 and USA in 1956. Called "World's Greatest Magician" in 1972 by George Anderson, a widely shared opinion. 1980 AMA Masters Fellowship. SAM Hall of Fame. Died of cancer.

Coauthors: Trevor Lewis, Patrick Page

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★★★★★ $10
Fred Kaps
Kaps on Coins by Fred Kaps

Coin routines and moves explained in video and text.

  1. Edward Victor's Color-Changing Coins (Spellbound)
  2. Okito Box Routine
  3. Coin Across
  4. Silver And China Transposition
  5. Hoo Coin Routine
  6. Coin Through Hand
  7. Coin Vanish Under Card
  8. Ring Off String
  9. Coin Through Handkerchief
  10. Twin Coin Production From Card
  11. Coins Through Table
  12. Another Coin Vanish Under Card
[Note: The video is silent (no audio track).]

Similar product from Fred Kaps but on cards is: Kaps on Kards.

PDF 10 pages; video length 20 min

★★★★★ $15
Fred Kaps
Le Banconote di Fred Kaps by Fred Kaps

Il gioco delle 11 carte di Edward Victor eseguito con delle banconote da un dollaro.

I dettagli ed il metodo segreto di questa routine sono stati tenuti segreti fin dai giorni di Fred Kaps; prima di allora era stata solamente divulgata ad un manipolo di amici e, occasionalmente, spiegata da Fred Kaps solo a performer seri come Trevor Lewis, il quale aveva elaborato una propria routine, guardando Fred Kaps, ancor prima di incontrarlo. In seguito la routine originale venne indipendentemente sviluppata, cambiata ed adattata da Trevor, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper ed altri ben noti artisti,...

★★★★★ $10
Fred Kaps
Kaps on Kards by Fred Kaps

Sixteen moves and card bits by Fred Kaps on video and also explained briefly in text.

  1. A Flourish and a Pass
  2. Square-Up Pass
  3. Lap Dissolve
  4. Shuffle Turnover
  5. Snap-Out False Cut
  6. Spin Flourish False Cut
  7. Crimped Packet False Cut
  8. Swivel Palm
  9. Hugard Top Palm
  10. Goblet Reach Palm
  11. Bottom Glimpse
  12. Snap Change ("Single" Card)
  13. Snap Change (On Face of Deck)
  14. Fadeaway Card Change
  15. Aces Up!
  16. Cutting to Aces
[Note: The video is silent (no audio track).]

Similar product from Fred Kaps but on coins is: Kaps on Coins.

PDF 6 pages, video length 15 minutes

Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Purse by Fred Kaps

From a manuscript written by Fred Kaps.

The descriptions are almost entirely Fred Kaps' own, taken from the manuscripts in his handwriting. Changes of words or grammar have only been made where the meaning could have been in doubt had Fred's terminology been used. Fred Kaps' Purse uses techniques by Fred Kaps, fully explained and illustrated with original photographs.


This is one of my pet effects that I practically always carry with me because I can do the routine anytime, anywhere, without any set-up.

The effect is: you show an elegant little purse frame...

★★★★★ $15
Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Currency by Fred Kaps

Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills.

The details and inner working of this routine have been kept secret since the days of Fred Kaps; before then it was only divulged to a handful of very close friends, and occasionally discussed by Fred Kaps with serious performers. Subsequently the original routine has been independently developed, changed and adapted by Trevor Lewis, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper and other well-known performers to suit their own individual styles.

The transcript of the manuscript in Fred Kaps' handwriting has only been very slightly edited. It is substantially the routine Fred always presented,...

★★★★ $15
Trevor Lewis & Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Cups and Balls by Trevor Lewis & Fred Kaps

As taught by Fred Kaps to Trevor Lewis.

"This Cups and Balls routine has several Vernon touches; but there are alternative strategies which are truly outstanding and characteristic of the master, Fred Kaps." - Trevor Lewis

The warm, bright Mediterranean sunshine and Phillipe Fialho's delightful villa looking down on Nice in the French Riviera was the setting for Fred Kaps to teach Trevor Lewis his Cups and Balls routine and generously tell Trevor he could do what he liked with it. Trevor had a video of Fred performing the routine and had written it up in rough notes.

Twenty years...

★★★★★ $15
Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps Lecture - It's So Simple by Fred Kaps

Back in 1965 Fred Kaps gave a landmark lecture at the Magic Circle and now this lecture is available as MP3 download including a PDF which is a transcription of the lecture with additional illustrations. Bearing in mind Fred Kaps' reputation, it is strange that so little has been written about the man and his methods. Just the first ten minutes of this recording holds a fundamentally important lesson every serious student of magic needs to know.

Other than several magazine contributions, little of Fred Kaps' work exists in the English language. There are two sets of lecture notes, one dealing...

Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 products)