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Keep Calm I Do IMC 42
by Patrik Kuffs

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Keep Calm I Do IMC 42 by Patrik Kuffs

These are Patrik's lecture notes for the International Magic Convention held in London, England, 2013. It includes a Foreword by David Acer. Note that there is some overlap in contents with Toronto Kufference 2011.

Lazy Malini
Ever since the very first time I saw David Copperfield perform a "newspaper card stab" in the movie Terror Train, I've considered the card stab revelation to be one of the more seductive presentation in magic as far as card tricks go. (Not quite as seductive as Jamie Lee Curtis in her prime, but close enough to make me watch that movie.) Many great versions have been shared and published and some are real gems. Have you done your homework on this particular theme? I suggest you do some research on the card stab plot and see what others have to offer. I am sure like me you will fall in love with the concept.

Step By Step Brainwave
Ted Anneman's is irrevocably associated to mentalism, and deservedly so; but he also was a relentless and prolific creator of card effects. The inspiration for the following lies in a creation named, "The Walk around Discovery" bring to my attention by the brillant Jan Bardi from Belgium. Jan also suggest one great subtleties for the final of the routine and it change a good idea, into a decent miracle. Thanks Jan for your inspiration over the years and to consider my a colleague.

Card In Pocketus
I got the idea for this variation of the card in pocket for a magic contest. It was one of the very first ideas I had that can be catalogued as truly "out the box" thinking. At the time I was searching a way to fool other magicians with a clear, simple effect for the contest. My goal was to find a way to do the effect, but without any palming of the card; and I wanted also to show my empty hand before going to the pocket. Of course that particular road must have been trod upon... But I could not find anything in print that was similar, or got my attention or got me inspired. But one day, I decide to participate in a magic contest (why does one do such things?) and the solution appeared in front of me. Breastools
The idea for the utility move, came the night I forget my "John Kennedy Mystery box". A was doing a thought of cards segment and always finish with the thought of cards as the card in the box. When I realise I forgot the prop, I search on the spot for an alternative. The following idea was the solution to my new problem. I consider the idea a tool, because you can adapt the principle to various items, like billets, a blank card, a banknote. Many variations have been published already for doing a similar switch, this one is simply another option to consider, and it is fast and easy to execute.

Reflection On A Challenge
If you've never come across a difficult spectator (difficult - a polite word) who was trying to impose his own rules and conditions in the course of performance ... you haven't performed much for real people! And it's too bad, because you may not quite fully appreciate the following designed for that particular "clientele".

Ok let's clarify the title and give you a clue of the routine. The title stands for: "ANY CARD AT ANY NUMBERED ENVELOPE". Of course the inspiration for this idea came from the now famous "Berglas Effect" from the giant of our art David Berglas. The credit for adding a number secretly with a secret writer to an envelop already numbered can be credited to the vastly underestimated Basil Horwitz, in a "Bank Night" routine. This concept is much older than his published idea, but in my mind his idea was workable and extremely adaptable and credit is due for that reason.

Tossed Out Cube
When I share my ideas for using a Rubik Cube in a mentalism routine (Mind Stunts vol.1) it was not my original idea. The routine that will follow is the first ever idea I got with the famous puzzle. The routine was first publish in Genii magazine. It contain a possible patter for the presentation, but you may adapt it to fit your style.

1st edition 2013, PDF 13 pages.
word count: 8165 which is equivalent to 32 standard pages of text