A revised and enlarged version of his previous work on this subject. Four dice are tossed on the table, a dice cup put over the first one, and with quick movements, the dice cup is slid over each of the others in turn. Then the cup is lifted, and all four dice are stacked one on top of the other. It is a beautiful close-up trick, easy to learn with the help of this ebook. Many illustrations and dotted here and there with typical Crandall funnies.
1st edition 1974, 18 pages; PDF 25 page.
Dice stacking is not only magical, but it is fun too. The art of scooping up a series of dice and stacking them one on top of the other is not nearly as hard as it looks. Professional juggler and entertainer Todd Strong has developed a method to easily teach you how to stack dice. In fact, using Todd's methods, you can learn to stack dice proficiently in just a few short hours.
Being a juggler, Todd has created numerous unique and highly visual dice stacking techniques, many of which magicians have never seen before, including fantastic aerial dice moves and two-handed stacking. You will...
From the introduction
While some of the sleights are not new, many improvements have been made. Too, many of the ideas incorporated in this book are Audley's own brain children and have never seen the light of print before.
Let it be known that dice stacking and dice manipulation have been used and known to the world's greatest dice men in gambling casinos for hundreds of years. Here is your chance to learn and do the feats which have made them legendary for their skill.
Magic dice. They stack up, vanish, appear, grow larger, shrink smaller, and act in general like they were...
Learn the basics of dice stacking. You can go from zero to stacking four dice in half an hour to an hour of practicing, assuming you have good instructions and good equipment.
In this video you will receive clear step by step instructions to first master the basic back and forth sweep motion, then the dice pickup and finally the stack. You will also understand why it all works.
When you are ready to go beyond the basics we can recommend Mr. Dice Stacking and Friends and Dice Stacking Teach-In.
Here you can watch and study the best moves of some of the best dice stackers in the world: Annika Wahl, Janine Krauskopf, Clemens Schlink, Thomas Fischbach, Jannick Zittlau, Donato Marro.
You will find anything from crazy point landings, juggling, cross overs, backhands, super fast stacking, downstacks, downstairs, and much more - mind blowing dexterity and control. But with practice you can learn these and other moves, too. Keep in mind that this is not really a teaching video where moves are broken down for you to learn. You will see the pros do the moves for real and you can certainly...
Bobby Bernard teaches you how to stack dice featuring Bobby's presentation of School for Croupiers. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.
If you prefer video instructions over photos and explanatory text we recommend Learn the Basics and for sophisticated tricks Mr. Dice Stacking and Friends.
[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.
1st edition 1979; original 23 pages; PDF 27 pages.