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Magic Print Notes
by Kyle Schofiled

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Magic Print Notes by Kyle Schofiled

Trio a three card revelation with a twist ending.

Convey a signed card transposes with a card mentally read by the magician.

Porous a card penetrates a napkin - perfect for restaurant magic.

Pierce an impromptu, signed card through table.

Re-delinked a rubber band unlinks, vanishes, and appears linked back onto a rubber band.

Ex-change an impromptu, 4 coin only, coin matrix.

Morf change a stunning color change where you end completely clean.

If you get offended by a 15 year old writing about magic, then this is not for you. If you think there is something to learn from a youngster who is crazy about magic and pours his heart and soul into it, then see for yourself. Or perhaps you are about the same age as Kyle. See if you have the same chops.

Certainly one cannot expect a teenager to write with the same depth and sophistication as somebody twice or three times his age. But when it comes to creativity, thinking out of the box, then teenagers have a certain edge on most of us. Oh yes, some of their ideas are wacky, immature and inappropriate, but some are great and a few can even be brilliant. The variability can be huge, from the outright stupid to the ingenious.

I personally enjoy supporting smart and dedicated young magicians. Some of them will become the future stars in magic. Others will find other interests and give up magic. But in either case I rather check what they are up to then ignore them.

1st edition 2007; 15 pages.
word count: 1424 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text