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Magigram: 10 effects from volume 10
by Aldo Colombini

#1 Coins, Chips & Buttons author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#3 Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Magigram: 10 effects from volume 10 by Aldo Colombini


  • A FOUR ACE TRICK (John Yeager): A very clever and unique four-ace routine.
  • SEVEN-CARD WILD CARD ROUTINE (Stewart Judah): A great presentation for this classic theme. A very easy handling.
  • ESP-ECIALLY (Stanton Carlisle): Two sets of ESP cards. Two spectators shuffle the cards and end up selecting the same symbol.
  • THE SPECTATOR ACES (Alan Shaxon): A spectator cuts a shuffled deck into four piles. On top of each pile an Ace appears.
  • A TWO DECK TRICK WITH ONE DECK ( I. Rowland): A Do As I Do routine using only one deck. From a shuffled deck you and a spectator pick two mate cards (say the two red Eights).
  • THE TWO'S CONVERGE (Herb Runge): You show two decks. A spectator deals a packet of cards into four piles and freely picks the top card of one pile. The other deck is spread and the same card appears face up in the middle.
  • RED AND BLUE (Kellini): Two decks of cards. A spectator cuts the decks under the cover of a handkerchief and, incredibly, he cuts to two matching cards. Everything can be examined.
  • SUPREME ASSEMBLY OF THE ACES (Aldo Colombini): Four Aces from a red deck. Twelve cards from a blue deck. One by one the Aces assemble in one packet.
  • CARDILEMMA (AndrĂ© Roberts and Aldo Colombini): Four Jokers turn into the four Aces. Using the Aces you find a selected card with a further surprise.
  • SNIPREDICTION (Ken de Courcy): A comedy routine you will use often. A deck is seen to be all 4H. A spectator picks a card but it is the 3H. You reveal your prediction correct with a laugh!

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Magic & Conjuring / Magazines & Journals / Magigram

Magic & Conjuring / DVD (download+stream)