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Magigram: 10 effects from volume 7
by Aldo Colombini

#1 Coins, Chips & Buttons author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#3 Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Magigram: 10 effects from volume 7 by Aldo Colombini


  • SELLOTEST (Rex Taylor): A spectator chooses ANY word from a dictionary and you reveal that word. No questions asked.
  • A TRIBUTE TO THE CARD STARS (Lewis Ganson): In a beautiful crescendo, you produce the four Queens, the four Kings and finally, the four Aces. A stunning routine.
  • IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCE (Arthur Carter): The deck is shuffled by a spectator who deals four packets of cards. After that, four stunning coincidences are found.
  • TURN OVER CARDS (Peter Rees): A spectator shuffles cards face up and face down and gives you a packet of cards. You turn over some cards and when the two packets are spread they contain the same amount of face-up cards.
  • BOLT-HOLE (Ken de Courcy): A Joker is placed inside a card case. A card is selected. Now a great transposition occurs: The Joker appears where the selected card was and the selection appears inside the case.
  • THIMBLE, CHOPSTICK AND SILK (Michael Symes): A series of three penetrations using the mentioned objects. A thimble penetrates through a silk. Again the thimble penetrates the silk using the chopstick and finally, the chopstick penetrates through the silk.
  • SWIVELLEROO PLUS (David Britland): A fancy and spectacular way to cut a deck of cards.
  • PADDLE CIN-CIN (Aldo Colombini): A paddle with a cover. On both sides the cover has a full glass of wine. The paddle is blank on both sides. Suddenly, the glass is empty on both sides. The cover is removed and a face of a drunk appears.
  • DICE-SIMPHONY (Aldo Colombini): Three dice, green, red and white. The white and the green go into a cup, the red in the pocket. Inverting the cup, the three dice are together. The green and red dice are placed in the cup and the white in the pocket, he reappears with the other but double in size. The green is placed in the pocket and a big green ball with spots appears under the cup.
  • LOCKED KNOCKOUT (Arthur Setterington): From a packet of cards a spectator picks a card and signs it. The cards have a hole and a padlock is placed through the hole securing all the cards. Yet, the selected card turns and appears face up in the middle.

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Magic & Conjuring / Magazines & Journals / Magigram

Magic & Conjuring / DVD (download+stream)