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Magigram Volume 1 (Sep 1966 - Aug 1968)
by Supreme-Magic-Company

#2 Magazines & Journals author

(1 review, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Magigram Volume 1 (Sep 1966 - Aug 1968) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 1, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

672 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 1, Number 1, September-October, 1966, 36 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Tale of the Captain's Shirt - paper tearing routine - Alan Ward
  5. Sum Cubes - Ken Bowell
  6. Achieved Ambition - Johnny Geddes
  7. Children's Magic
    • Rescue for Robin - Len Belcher
  8. Mainly Mental - Collosini
    • Fantastic
  9. Sticky Sponges - Ravelle & Andree
  10. Card Magic
    • Card Location - Mark Weston
  11. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • Foreword
    • The Partner
    • Opening the Act
    • Closing the Act
  12. Presentation Points
    • Patter for "Addem" - Ron Betteridge
  13. The Milky Way - Val Andrews
    • The Milky Way - introduction
    • Milk and Orange Comedy
    • Milk 'N Candle
    • Vanish of Four Glasses of Milk
    • Flash-Cone
    • Milk Substitutes
    • Milky-Flight
  14. Edwin Calling - comments from Edwin Hooper
  15. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • A New Look for the Vase and Cord
    • Direct from the Mint
  16. Satalite Suspension - Alan Bailey
  17. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 2, November-December, 1966, 47 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Craig Trophy goes to Supreme for the Fifth Time - announcement
  5. Mathematical Bunnies - Alan Ward
  6. Hava Hart - Mysta
  7. Heavenly Bodies - Jeremy Crockett
  8. Old Mother Hubbard - Arthur Carter
  9. Silk and Tube - Arthur Setterington
  10. Supreme Special Vouchers
  11. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Coin in the Ball of Wool Production
  12. Ways and Means of Entertainment - Wilfred Tyler
  13. Ropes and Rings - George Sydney Hutchinson
  14. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • And Generally ...
    • The Chinese (Atomic Rice) Cups
  15. Chinese Thimble Thru - Ken de Courcy
  16. Bate's Way - Jimmie Bates
    • Jimmie's Routine and Patter for: Sympathetic Silks"
  17. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  18. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 3, January-February, 1967, 42 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Psycho Punch - Tony Dexter
  5. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • The Sexy (J.C.) Coin Trick
  6. Patterettes - Alan Stewart
  7. The Milky Way - Val Andrews
    • Milk and Cereal Dressing for "The Rice Bowls"
    • One Good Churn Deserves Another
    • Instant Freeze
    • Instant Freeze, Junr.
    • Milk from Paper Tube
    • Milk 'N Beer
  8. Rope and Rings - Allan Lambie's Method
  9. A Southern Exposure - Paul Marcus
    • Simplicity Ball Routine
  10. Bate's Way - Jimmie Bates
    • Jimmie's Patter for the Ropes and Wand
  11. Presentation Points - letter from P.C. Smith
  12. Patterettes - Alan Stewart
  13. Kid's Show Page
    • Magic Skittles - Ravelle and Andree
  14. The Damon Runyon Card Trick - Eddie Dawes & Bill Milligan
  15. The Knight's Tale - Percy Bee
  16. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  17. The Overhand Pass - Roy Norman
  18. Patterettes - Alan Stewart
  19. Guilty or Not Guilty - Johnny Geddes
  20. Patterettes - Alan Stewart
  21. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Vari-Ball Production
    • Three Stroke Ball Production
    • Treasure Chest
    • A Different Dove in Balloon
    • Another Prediction
    • An Idea for the Kids Entertainer
  22. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 4, March-April, 1967, 48 unnumbered pages - Special Spring Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Ways and Means of Entertainment - Wilfred Tyler
    • The Frog and the Princess
  5. Presentation Points
    • Pavel's "Rings on a Rope"
  6. Balls, Box & Silk - Ravelle & Andree
  7. Lines for the "High-Ball Cup"
  8. Tantilization - Dave King
  9. The Milligan Bounce - Bill Milligan
  10. Fun at the Sweet Factory - Michael D. Pettitt
  11. Exclusive ... The Magi-Fun File [Val Andrews]
  12. All Fingers & Thumbs - Val Andrews
    • Sausage Between the Fingers
    • Impromptu Seance
    • Brand X
    • Zany Impression
    • Removing the Thumb
  13. A Southern Exposure - Paul Marcus
    • Confetti to Silks
  14. 'Sales Talk' for Children - Aubrey Sinden
  15. Talking Blackboard - George Harvey
  16. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Snakes and Ladders
    • Adder
    • Snake Egg
    • Impromptu Just Chance
    • Confetti Fountain of Ribbon
    • Batman Blindfold
    • Kleen-a-Silk Gag
  17. Bates Way - Jimmie Bates
    • Jimmie Bate's Routine for the Bathing Beauty
  18. E-S-Key - Jeremy Crockett
  19. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • Thread-It Card Mystery
  20. Double Indemnity - Ken de Courcy
  21. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  22. advertisement
  23. Kartenkompasse - Card Compass - Jochini
  24. Doppelte Streichholzwanderung - Double Match Moving - George Leitmayr
  25. Overlanders - Jeremy Crockett
  26. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 5, May-June, 1967, 51 unnumbered pages - new feature: Showcase
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Blow-Away Knots - Peter Brooke
  5. A gag to use with the production of a red stocking
  6. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • The Chinese (Stag) Laundry
  7. A Hobby!
  8. The Quick and the Unquick - Gordon Prunty
    • A Novel L & D Test
    • A Message from Beyond
  9. The Fish that Drowned - Val Andrews
  10. Telephone Supreme - Arthur F.G. Carter
  11. A Double for the Dovester - Ian Adair
    • No. 1 Simplex Dove Penetration
    • No. 2 Crash Hat - Crash Dove
  12. Pink Elephants - Tony Dexter
  13. Some Patter Lines for the Oriental Water Vase - Val Andrews
  14. Ways and Means of Entertainment - Wilfred Tyler
  15. Magigram Showcase
    • this month presents the magic of Jeremy Crockett
  16. Bill Tube Baffler - Jeremy Crockett
  17. Break Thru - Jeremy Crockett
  18. Angler's Aria - Jeremy Crockett
  19. Loch Ness? Och Yes! - Jeremy Crockett
  20. Self-Opening Matchbox - Jeremy Crockett
  21. Candy Box Closing - Jeremy Crockett
  22. Tassel - Tassel - Jeremy Crockett
  23. The Compleate Angler - Jeremy Crockett
  24. The All-In-One Matchbox - Jeremy Crockett
  25. Colour-Change Balloon - Jeremy Crockett
  26. The Boy Who Laid an Egg - Jeremy Crockett
  27. Silk from Water - Jeremy Crockett
  28. Magic Chalk Act - Jeremy Crockett
  29. Chop Chop Centulee - Len Belcher
  30. Carrier Bag Sir? - Barry Gordon
  31. "Puncture Repair" Routine Suitable for the Above
  32. A Southern Exposure - Paul Marcus
    • Astro-Thought
  33. Presentation Points
    • Die-namic Prediction - Jim Lumley
  34. Exclusive ... The Magi-Fun File [Val Andrews]
  35. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • What Can It Be?
    • Borrowed Ring on Nut Effect
  36. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 6, July-August, 1967, 55 unnumbered pages - Summer Sorcery
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Junior Jumbo Cards Across - Peter Brooke
  5. Magi-Maxims
  6. Patter Routine for Supreme "Spotted" - Ron Betteridge
  7. Body-Bell Gag - Ralph Dell
  8. Magi-Maxims
  9. Stuck for Bookings? - D. B. Lord
  10. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • A Fishy Squared Circle
  11. All Fingers & Thumbs - Val Andrews
    • Kneesy ... Earsy ... Nosey
  12. All Fingers & Thumbs - Val Andrews
    • Bloodless Surgery
    • The Most Portable Puppets on Earth
  13. Hot Stuff - Johnny Geddes
  14. Lines for 'Curious-Coke'
  15. Ein Konfetti-Tip - A Confetti Tip - Walter Fromel
  16. Main Zeitungtest - My Newspaper Test - F. Roknagel
  17. Routine Hints - Anthony Curle
  18. Burlesque Dove Vanish - Val Andrews
  19. The Three Worms - Aubrey Sinden
  20. Two in the Bush - joke
  21. Fourcast - Collosini
  22. Torn and Restored Vanishing Wand Combine - Mark Weston
  23. Rope Prefix - Ken de Courcy
  24. Comedy with Doves
  25. Dave and Dove-Cote Production
  26. Candlabra - Len Belcher
  27. Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  28. Tips on the Fantastic Flask - Ken de Courcy
  29. Coin-Card
  30. Assorted Sweets - Eddie Burke
  31. Magi-Maxims
  32. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  33. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
  34. Music-Music - Eric C. Lewis
  35. Telephone Certainty - Johnny Geddes
  36. Single-Handed Flower Bouquet Production
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 7, September-October, 1967, 61 unnumbered pages - Special British Ring I.B.M. Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Electrifying Leg Show - Alan Ward
  5. Silk Sorcery
  6. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • The Heart She Left Behind
  7. Snake Can Surprise
  8. Tylers Topics - Wilfred H. Tyler
    • News-print Fascimile
  9. Two for One
  10. Patter Bit for the Production of a Stocking
  11. Magigram Showcase
    • this month presents the magic of The British Ring, No. 25
  12. Meet the British Ring - Tony Rowe
  13. Livestock for the Magician - Marjorie Waddell
  14. Bill Strickland - by Jeffrey Atkins
  15. The 30th. Century Trick - William G. Strickland
  16. Seeing Spots - Jeffrey Atkins
  17. photos of some Ring members
  18. Panties Blendo - A Patter Routine - Ken de Courcy
  19. Golden Shot - Alan Kennaugh
  20. Breaking Up - Bill West
  21. Luv-A-Duv
  22. The Magician's Apprentice - Michael Petit
  23. Eggs-tra!
  24. So-Easy Production Box - Norman Rhodes
  25. Darby and Joan Clubs - Eric Williams
  26. Comedy Magic - Geoffrey Robinson
  27. There's nothing Funny about being a Comedy Magician - Billy McComb
  28. Medic - Bernard Woolley
  29. Spot The Tune - Club Routine - Eddie Burke
  30. The Queen Anne Table - Jeremy Crockett
  31. Three and a Bit - Bill Shewan
  32. Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  33. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Candle-ous!
    • Salad Days!
    • Fish Bish
    • Tricky Table
  34. All Fingers & Thumbs - Val Andrews
    • Finger Through Hat ... Plus
    • Wing ... Wing
    • Invisible Pistol
    • An Aside
    • They Just Don't Match!
    • Mummified Finger ... With Extras!
    • Finger Production!
  35. Astronaut Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy
  36. Maxi-Maxims
  37. Club Paper-Tear
  38. Patter for "Pig in a Poke"
  39. Elephant Tango - Michael Jordan
  40. Coin Migration - Collosini
  41. Lines for "The Crazy Compass"
  42. Through - Len Belcher
  43. A Gag with the Mini-Milk Wonder - Val Andrews
  44. Large Family Gag - Eddie Burke
  45. Laugh Line
  46. Double Torn and Restored Card - Ken de Courcy
  47. Appropos of Practically Nothing
  48. The Nothing To Do Match Trick
  49. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  50. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 8, November-December, 1967, 66 unnumbered pages - Tribute to Fogel
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. 6 Suggestions for the Ghost Wallet
  5. Magic in the Round - Alan Ward
  6. Bouquets
  7. So-Easy Card Diminish - Allan Lambie
  8. Fan-Tale
  9. Secret Agent Card Routine - Michael D. Pettitt
  10. Mr. Flip-Flop - A Close-up Vent. Novelty - George Harvey
  11. Put a Rabbit in the Act - Laurie
  12. A Close-Up Good Night - Bill Shewan
  13. Simplicity Wine and Water
  14. Got a Light?
  15. Rising Flame
  16. Ribbon Release - Ken Chaple
  17. The Afghan Runaround - John B. Linsie
  18. Silk Signet - Ken de Courcy
  19. A Mental Card Routine - Michael D. Pettitt
  20. A Hot Tip
  21. Magigram Showcase
    • Tribute to [Maurice] Fogel
  22. Lexicon Spell - Cecil K. Browning
  23. Fogel in the Pentagon - Fogel
  24. Avoid These Words!
  25. Did You Know That ...
  26. Magician's Choice - Mark Weston
    • Method for Two Cards
    • Method for Three Cards
    • Method for Four Cards
    • Method for Five Cards
    • Method for Six Cards
    • For all remaining numbers
  27. X-Ray Eyes!
  28. Fogel at Butlins - Edwin Hooper
  29. How to Spell Magic
  30. Fogel and Mentalism - George Blake
  31. Cast Adrift on a Desert Island - Billy McComb
  32. Fogel ... Man of Mystery - Jim Lumley
  33. E-Zee Penetration
  34. Bayard Grimshaw's Favourite Closer
  35. cartoon
  36. For Tape-Recorder Owners - A novel presentation idea - Val Andrews
  37. Take Your Pick - Jim Lumley
  38. It's in the Bag - Arthur Setterington
  39. I'll Match Your Choice - Gordon Prunty
  40. The Mirror of Dr. Dee - Tony SHiels
  41. A Handy Hold-Out
  42. The Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  43. Juvenile Blind Date - or They Start earlier Nowadays - Aubrey Sinden
  44. Mental-Clip
  45. Animal Frolics - A Routine for Children - Aubrey Sinden
  46. Bits ... Skits ... and Ventriloscripts - Val Andrews
  47. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Ghostly Routine with the Merry Switch Can
    • Bewitching Prediction
  48. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • Te Magic Cocktail
  49. Festive Fun - some suggestions by Ian Adair
  50. Routine Hints - Anthony Curle
  51. The Ventriloquist-Compere - Val Andrews
  52. A Spirit-Seance Idea!
  53. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  54. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 9, January-February, 1968, 66 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Silversmith Story - Arthur Setterington
  5. Vals Variety Box - Val Andrews
  6. Lightning Link-Up - Ken de Courcy
  7. First Drop Tonight! - Ken de Courcy
  8. Milk It
  9. Club Talk - Ken de Courcy
    • dove pan
  10. Routine Hints - Anthony Curle
  11. Quote!
  12. The Senior Jumbo Cards Across - Eric C. Lewis
  13. The Almost Vanishing Wand - Charles Fitness
  14. The Best of Belcher - Ken Belcher
    • The Diminishing Record
  15. Ken de Courcy's Routine for "Caddy-Tipover-Silks"
  16. Magic on Television - article by June Merlin
  17. William Vanishes a Birdcage on Television - Billy McComb
  18. Bits ... Skits and Ventriloscripts - Val Andrews
  19. A Follow-Up to Hairrising Ribbon - Ian Adair
  20. Sodium Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
  21. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • The Wild West (Hole in the Head) Saga
  22. Thought Machine - Tom Barker
  23. Rediculous Rhyme
  24. Fire! - Michael K. Crichton
  25. Rubber-Cover Tips
  26. A Simple Handcuff Escape
  27. The Phoenix Card Trick - Lu Brent
  28. Fofluff - '1066' Norman Conquest
  29. Incredible Ability - Extra! - A 'twist' on the popular marketed effect - Ken de Courcy
  30. Moon Probe - Ken de Courcy
  31. Horse-Shoe Hex - Ken de Courcy
  32. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Quick Scarf
    • Pipe Dreams
    • The Vanishing Churchwarden
  33. The Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  34. Music for Magicians - Ken de Courcy
  35. Two-Way Twist - Tony Griffith
  36. Instant Pip-It
  37. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  38. A Letter from Fogel - Maurice Fogel
  39. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 10, March-April, 1968, 64 unnumbered pages - Showcase for Children's Entertainers
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Who is Wherry? - personality
  5. Australian Livestock Vanish - Murray Cooper
  6. Club Talk - Ken de Courcy
    • torn and restored newspaper
  7. Hot Money - Graham Reed
  8. Snip Tees - Tom O'Beirne
  9. Summer Season? - Val Andrews
  10. Magimaxims
  11. Meet John Roberts - personality
  12. Bits, Skits, Ventriloscripts - Val Andrews
  13. Routine Hints - Anthony Curle
  14. Duet - Jeremy Crockett & Ken de Courcy
    • And, Furthermore ...
  15. More Compere Stunts by Val
    • I'll Let You Know
    • Where Will He Be Next?
  16. Keep a Straight Face - Book Test - Eric Bloom
  17. Silken Enchantment - Val Andrews
  18. The Best of Belcher - Ken Belcher
    • Unforceen
  19. Compere's Corner - Val Andrews
    • End of the Rope
  20. A New Routine for Howard Gower's Curious Cards - Ken de Courcy
  21. Breathaliser Silk Dye - Ian Adair
  22. Magigram Showcase
    • Showcase for Children's Entertainers - The Kid's Show!
  23. Book It!
  24. Magic Painting Finale - Charles Tadman
  25. Comedy for Children - Berthold Strohlein
  26. Fairy Phantasy = Bob Gill
  27. Magic Gardening - Howard Gower
  28. Rabbit Romance - Wilfred H. Tyler
  29. Round the Camp Fire - John Roberts
  30. Spotted Message - Ian Adair
  31. Superelease - Alan Taylor
  32. Bunking Bunny - Ravelle and Andree
  33. The Enchanted Token - Jimmy Flowers
  34. Just a Thought!
  35. The Teddy Bear's Picnic in Memphis - Dick Williams
  36. Self-Raising Flower - Ron Edwards
  37. Easy Liquids!
  38. Edwin's Routine for Harold Beaumont's Tipple Topple Wand - Edwin Hooper
  39. Edwin's Blendo Pictures - Routine for Kid's Shows - Edwin Hooper
  40. The Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  41. Penny Pack - Ken de Courcy
  42. Keyed Up - Arthur Setterington
  43. Single Handed Thimbles - Ken de Courcy
  44. Thimble Dye Variation - Ken de Courcy
  45. Fun with the Spring Wand
  46. Crash Ball
  47. Missing Bag Competition
  48. Dove Fan & Dove Pan - Ken de Courcy
  49. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Jump Around Note
    • The End
    • Devaluation
    • How Devaluation Effects Us
    • Stop Press
  50. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
    • Supreme to Visit U.S.A.
  51. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 11, May-June, 1968, 66 unnumbered pages - Mid-Year Magic
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Edwin's Little Dog - Edwin Hooper
  5. Thimble Holder
  6. More Tips!
  7. Egg Bag Finale - Ken de Courcy
  8. Rust Remover!
  9. Duplicated Choice - Gordon Prunty
  10. Fast and Slow!
  11. Chinese Mats - Howard Gower
  12. Flower Growth-Supreme - Ravelle & Andree
  13. Mini Blendo-Pop
  14. Backing Britain Routine - Michael Symes
  15. Needle Through a Balloon - John A. Cutts
  16. The Yellow Ping-Pong Ball - John Roberts
  17. How to Store Them [varnished cards]
  18. Full of Vim - Edwin Hooper
  19. Excelsior Clips
  20. Ancient and Honorable Egg - Edwin Hooper
  21. Dove Pan Ideas - John Roberts
  22. Square Numbers - Manfred Bacia
  23. Standing on the Corner - Val Andrews
  24. Painting Birds - Patter Routine for Supreme's "Bird Book" - Tom Betteridge
  25. Ian Adair's Unusual Dove Interlude
  26. Kidding Around - Bill Gebert
  27. Introducing:- Harry the Brain
  28. How Merlin Became Court Magician - Eric Bloom
  29. Thimble-Tip
  30. Comedy Shuffle Routine - Tony Taylor
  31. Ring a Ding Dong - Ralph Dell
  32. The Golden Bowl of Emhotep - Howard A. Adams
  33. Some Thoughts on Center Tear - Val Andrews
  34. Just a Hobby?
  35. Ken's Komments
  36. Gags and Ideas with a Handkerchief Card - Ian Adair
  37. Some Thoughts!
  38. The Wander-Combo - Ken de Courcy
  39. Salt and Vinegar
  40. The Bingo Book Test - Len Belcher
  41. The Dramatic Sun and Moon - Bill Milligan
  42. Don't Drop a Clanger
  43. Getting the Kids Shouting!
  44. The Make 'em Talk Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy
  45. Magimaxims
  46. The Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  47. The Best of Belcher - Ken Belcher
    • Quasimodo
  48. Introductions - Val Andrews
  49. Double-Faced Cards
  50. Yogi-Bear - Len Belcher
  51. Rub - A-Dove!
  52. Gone to Earth - Ken de Courcy
  53. E-Zee Just Chance
  54. 13 Against Fate - Tom Barker
  55. Crichton's Way - Michael K. Crichton
  56. Doves in the Drawing Room - Ian Adair
  57. The Two Dimensional Cube - Ken de Courcy
  58. "Bits" by Val
  59. The Conquest 30th Century - Norman '1066' Conquest
  60. Socko Dove Production!
  61. Printa Carda Day - Len Belcher
  62. Improvised Ball Holder
  63. Alibi - William McKay
  64. For the Carditan!
  65. Another Locator Card
  66. Cleaning Cards!
  67. Adairs Ideas - comments from Ian Adair
    • Cheeky Card Effect
    • At the Sweetshop
    • Dove-Cote Surprise
    • A Clear-Front Tip
  68. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  69. advertisements

  1. Volume 1, Number 12, July-August, 1968, 70 unnumbered pages - Showcase Presents to Magic of Ian Adair
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Magical Photo Quiz - Ian Adair
  5. Fireman Fred - John Roberts
  6. Lovely Lolly! - Edwin Hooper
  7. Climax Chips Presentation - Ken de Courcy
  8. The Invisible 20th Century Silks - Lu Brent
  9. A Transparent Deceit - Edwin Hooper
  10. Odd Angles - Aubrey Sinden
  11. Nut Case - Ian Adair
  12. New Card Stab - Michael Symes
  13. The Automated Double-Bag
  14. Blanks - Christopher-Joachim Schroder
  15. Up and Down - Jeremy Crockett
  16. Crazy Gag Time!
  17. Key Card - Ken de Courcy
  18. The Long S-t-r-e-t-c-h - Val Andrews
  19. Anti-Dust Chalk for Mentalists
  20. A Vent Gag!
  21. Be a Smart Magician!
  22. How the Magic Wand got it's White Tips - Ken de Courcy
  23. Quick Change Compere - Val Andrews
  24. The Best of Belcher - Ken Belcher
    • With the Younger Children
  25. Xmas Competition - Ken Belcher
  26. Magneto - Len Belcher
  27. Bounce - Arthur Setterington
  28. Household Prediction - Eric Bloom
  29. Did You Know? ... Some Interesting Tips
  30. The Absorbed Card Discovery - Edwin Hooper
  31. Magigram Showcase
    • this month presents the magic of Ian Adair
  32. Streamlined Vanishing Wand - Ian Adair
  33. Travelling Transistor - Ian Adair
  34. Oh So Easy Book Test - Ian Adair
  35. Inexpensive Newspaper Silks Plus - Ian Adair
  36. Watch those Exhaust Fumes
  37. In the Crystal Ball - Ian Adair
  38. Breathaliser Routine
  39. The Tides In! - Ian Adair
  40. Blue-it - idea for presenting the Crazy Colour Cube
  41. The Puppet does the Magic
  42. Streamers from the Mouth
  43. Moth Eaten!
  44. Cabaret Dove Vanish
  45. Magical Gardening - Ian Adair
  46. Make a Chart
  47. Shooting thru a Woman - Ian Adair
  48. Indian Rope Cane
  49. Gravity Outdone
  50. Ideas on Cut and Restored Rope
  51. In the Glass Appearance
  52. Dyeing Silks Idea
  53. Record Selection
  54. Vanishing Plate of Eggs
  55. Thumbs Up!
  56. Dove Worker's Diary - Ian Adair
    • Football Fan-Tail
    • Climbing up the Ladder to Fame!
    • Skilled, or Not Skilled?
    • The Children Will be Delighted
  57. Shells!
  58. Fun with a Floating Balloon
    • Snake from Basket
    • Man in the Moon
    • Space-Ship to the Moon (Etc!)
  59. Not a Chance
  60. Egg Gags!
  61. The Magi-Fun File - Val Andrews
  62. Following Fogel - Ken de Courcy
  63. Old Bison - Edwin Hooper
  64. Slide Easy!
  65. The Missing Bag Competition
    • 1st - Michael A. Jorden
      • Production of a Bottle of Beer from Newspaper
      • Slydini's "Flight of the Paper Balls"
      • U. F. Grant's Million Dollar Bill Mystery
    • 2nd - Gerald Sykes
      • Torn and Restored Serviette with Sucker Explanation
      • Table Knife with 3 Pieces of Paper Each Side
      • Card Trick
      • Transference of Borrowed Lady's Ring ...
  66. Edwin Calling! - comments from Edwin Hooper
  67. advertisements

word count: 311951 which is equivalent to 1247 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Vidar Fors (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 08 May, 2014

This was fun reading! It is from 1966 and it is packed with old stuff, and you can even learn a few effects. And it's only 3 dollars.