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Openers and Closers
by Paul A. Lelekis


(3 reviews, 12 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Openers and Closers by Paul A. Lelekis

"Out of my, 44 books of magic, I am probably most proud of this one...powerful magic that can be used for Openers and Closers! Every detail worked out with pictures, 3 videos, history, and many underground sleights! This is a gold mine!" - Paul A. Lelekis

The ESP effect SHOCK! alone, is worth 10X the price of this e-book. However...all of these effects are priceless. All patter, psychology, history, nuances, and underground sleights are explained in detail.

1) OPENERS - essay of what they are, how they work, how to use them, transitioning, and why they work. ...and then four powerful openers that will knock 'em dead.

2) OPENING MATRIX ROUTINE - This is as much fun to perform as it is for the spectators. A terrific series of effects.

3) UNDER OUR CONTROL - The performer picks two cards...and then the spectator does too...only her two cards are the same value that the performer picked - a 4 of a kind! No fishing, no leading, no clue.

4) PSYCHOTIC DALEY - This is an easy to do effect that will have your spectators' heads spinning. A new ploy in magic that also combines two classic of magic. In addition, learn The Mahatma Control, and its long history. In addition, learn a subtlety worked out by Paul that will allow you to control any number of selections to the top or bottom of the deck using The Mahatma Control, with ease.

5) SYMPATHY OF THE ACES - Paul has combined the brain-child of John Scarne, Bob Hummer, and Stewart James in an easy-to-perform effect that will make the spectator the hero.

6) CLOSERS - Another essay on why and what to use for the most important tricks of your show.

7) MAGICIAN VS GAMBLER - This is a very old classic that Harry Lorayne revived. But check out Paul's improvements on this timeless is easier to get into and even easier to "get out of". Paul has really revamped this beauty to make it even stronger. You'll love this effect.

8) SHOCK! The performer reads the spectator's mind...but next, incredibly, the spectator reads the magician's mind, and you can prove it. This ESP effect is based on a magic principle that is over 300 years old. Hardly anybody in magic (or anywhere else) knows this principle...and yet this effect will absolutely stun your spectators. I kid you will shock them. It doesn't seem possible...the "retro-grade analysts" will go nuts trying to figure this out...and they won't. If you don't know the secret...and few also, will be shoked!

9) NEW COPPER/SILVER/BRASS - Most magicians have this set of coins...only Paul has created a new routine that gets rid of implications of "gaffs" being used (unlike the old method), with some really slick ideas that will end with the coins vanishing, leaving you clean as whistle.

1st edition 2017, 38 pages + 3 videos.

Reviewed by Roy Eidem
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 24 May, 2017

Wonderful mix of strong card & coin magic. Paul works daily in the real word of performers. Great tricks & sound advise on how to connect with your audience maximizing entertainment & magical impact.

Reviewed by Rick Carruth
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 17 May, 2017

Openers and Closers is undoubtedly one of my very favorite ebooks by Paul Lelekis. From beginning to end, there is something for every performer. Setting the mood.. and cementing the performance are the two aspects of one's performance you absolutely can't ignore. First impressions.. and last impressions.. are vital, and Paul teaches several of each to give you a nice selection to compliment your style. I particularly liked the matrix, as I'm not a very good coin guy, and I'm always looking for something to make others think I know what I'm doing! Although most of these effects are certainly within range of most performers, I would say they are generally in the intermediate range. Not to worry.. Paul includes a couple of strategic videos to help 'up' your performance and understanding. Very well written and easy to grasp, Openers and Closers will become one of your 'go-to' resources.

Reviewed by Christopher Weber
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 15 May, 2017

Openers & Closers by Paul Lelekis is just what you are looking for to find a super strong knockout routine to put your close-up performance over the top. Here there are seven top notch effects plus to great articles packed with useful information and advice on presenting your opening and closing effect. Paul’s brilliant take on these time honored effects brings new live to some classics of magic. As always Paul gives you the real scoop on performance and entertainment that you can apply to all of your magical performances. Paul’s clear and precise writing makes these routines a pleasure to learn with cards or coins right in your hands. He always finds a way to make more difficult moves easier and more economical while at the same time strengthens the overall effect! These are all winners for sure. I particularly enjoyed his work on the coin routines, "Matrix" and the "New Copper/Silver/Brass". The ESP card effect "Shock" is a killer that you will really use! Openers & Closers is a fantastic bargain that you should not pass up. Take advantage of the opportunity and pick it up today!