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Panama Plus by Supreme-Magic-Company

Many years ago, Ted Collins devised the Panama Rope Trick. With this trick he won the cup for the best rope trick of the I.B.M. Convention at Fort Worth. A length of rope, that can be borrowed, is cut not one but three times and the four pieces tied together. Rope is now handed to a spectator and is completely restored. The routine is fully explained with a novel presentation by Ken de Courcy.

Now for two wonderful little-known variations. 'The Legs Of Man' by Vivian St. John. The idea is that a piece of rope is shown and tied so that it forms two circles. It is then cut in two places, then pulled through the hands and magically restored. You will like the very clever method.

And finally, Eric Williams' Cut and Restored Rope. In this instance Eric contrived the brilliant notion of tying the rope around a box. This presentation gives a logical reason to cut the rope and is worth the price of this manuscript. In performance, a person comes from the side during the show, saying "Oh Mr. Magician, this box has just arrived for you." It is a box which is all bound up with rope. Quickly the magician cuts the rope off and opens the box to find some trick, which he performs, but when he comes to tie the box up again, of course the rope is now in three pieces, all knotted together ... but all's well that ends well and magically the rope is restored.

In the pages of this little manuscript are details of all three effects. No special gimmicks are used, just ordinary rope. Whatever kind of magic you do, you'll find a presentation for you.

PDF 7 pages.
word count: 2248 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text