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Randy Wakeman Video 2
by Randy Wakeman

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Randy Wakeman Video 2 by Randy Wakeman

All card routines except one, which is a torn and restored paper money effect.

  • All That Jazz
  • Three Phase Follow-Up
  • I Like Nice Things
  • The Odds Against Me
  • The Bill Tear
  • Marlo's Six Card Trick
  • Mini Surprise Stab
  • The Force is with You
  • Heba Haba's Favorite
  • R.W. Ambitious Card Routine
  • Exploding Aces
  • The Formula One Card Routine
  • The Card of a Thousand Faces
  • Smorgasbord Cannibals
  • Playing on the Three-Way
  • Reverse Reverse Surprise
  • Did You Get The Odd One?
  • Shuffle Them Twice ... They Rollover Nice

1st edition 1989, length 2h

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Magic & Conjuring / Cards

Magic & Conjuring / DVD (download+stream)