The effects have been constructed with the audience's conditions in mind. By this I mean that practically every close-up, at-the-table worker in a restaurant has to work under the audience's conditions and not the performer's. Thus, angly moves, risky sleights, lapping, etc. have been eliminated from Randy's lay audience routines. Therefore, you can be assured of the practicality of his magic.
As for my section of effects, it is obvious that much of it will not be used if one works under the spectator's conditions. Which also means that I work under my conditions. If the surroundings aren't conducive to my way of working, I always somehow manage to arrange matters to my advantage. But, this is easy for me because I don't get paid to perform. I do so only when the fancy strikes me and when the situation is just right. However, you will find one or two items in my section that will fit any conditions. But, whether they appeal to you is another matter. You should have no such problems with Randy's routines.