reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 29 November, 2022)
From studying Finn Jon I would say that these are the most incredible levitation methods. The one where a real solid hoop is passed really over a gold stick is amazing. The light and thread advice also helps a lot. As a printed book this could sell for $40. Look at Who's Afraid of Invisible Thread. Highly recommended as one of the few workable books here. These work better with the new smaller plastic zombie balls. Or Christmas ornaments. Aluminum balls are a few ounces too heavy.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 November, 2022)
This is t.v. special material. The cost to make this is too much. You need permission to do it on t.v. but otherwise, it could really boost ratings. The secret was used by Houdini as I have seen in his books. Highly recommended as this could eventually be performed again someday.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 November, 2022)
Good ideas are taught. For the price, I do recommend it. Easy methods but nothing spectacular. The drink production is unique.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 November, 2022)
Not a good book for me. Mostly covers what is already in 13 steps in mentalism by Corinda and mental effects by Annemann.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 November, 2022)
This is a good book that all mentalists need. Even regular magicians need stogies just to force a design on a force card to have it appear in an impossible place. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 November, 2022)
Nice idea. The newest method uses dry-erase ink but this is another method that doesn't require erasing several marks which are evident using more than 4 objects. The stained clothes idea can really add a visual element that most mentalism lacks. Recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2022)
Methods already exist. They are easy. Black velvet is $15 a yard now. The inflation and supply issues mean the $500 illusions will cost $1000 now. Paint is $40 and up a gallon. Otherwise a good book. The price is high considering Grant books are $10 for 3 times more illusions. You will not use all the ideas. Maybe 2. I only slightly recommend it if you are serious about illusions. Don't buy just for the secrets. They are not breathtaking or a revolutionary. Basically concepts you can find in any easy-to-build illusion book.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2022)
Very similar to impossible bill in lemon. Basic idea to Scott Guinn's pro bill in lemon. Very easy. Have to make a visit to your bank. But you need 6 bills instead of 10 or more as other versions. Does solve the juice problem. Lifesavers are cheaper and last way longer than lemons, kiwis, oranges since those are usually sold by the bag. Recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2022)
Not bad for the price. If added to Secrets to becoming invisible, Paul Harris's tunnel vision, Steve Fearson's Goodbye Vanish, Andrew Maine's Bisection, and Morgan Strebler's Never There where you vanish from a cellphone picture, you can really edit it all together in a video and guarantee a reputation. The Hollywood method could be done using a fake cardboard wall with wallpaper and picture frame set up. This is somewhat recommended as it's not for everyone. Most rooms are small and furniture is in the way. Too much spectator control. Secret is very simple in the first 9 pages. Why he used the gimmick method for the book's cover. But 3 more pics inside look just as convincing.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2022)
The pip and label idea is smart. This is easy to set up and perform. The problem is obtaining the bills from the bank. My bank apparently didn't have a stack available. Larry Becker uses the same idea. This would work great with Grant's Impossible Bill in lemon. They are both different. That way you can perform both on different days at the same location (restaurant) with same customers present without being exposed so easily. Learn million dollar mystery and Dan Garrett's plastic cash updated version and you'll be set for life. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 18 September, 2022)
The serial number secret is known. I have seen it in a few books for amateurs. The label idea also isn't new. However, magicians force color labels or numbers to mark the bill. The produce label already exists. Using it is faster and looks more impromptu since you are not removing extra stuff. I would like a signed bill version where I never touch the lemon using no loads. Besides using a stooge or a lot of gimmicks and setup, this is 1 of the best no thumb tip versions. It could be an easy reputation builder. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 14 September, 2022)
The cardboard cut out and vanish from a picture are the highlights. Walking down the road vanish is good. The rest are stage tricks and may use stooge work. The 3 I named may be worth $10 at the most if it gets publicity. Otherwise, I don't think most people would use this.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 12 September, 2022)
This is incredible. Expensive for a download. But as a video it is extremely easy to follow. The pad is shown on both sides during the routine and the test condition method involves the pad, pen, drawing- everything sealed in a large envelope. It is stapled all around and signed. Yet the magician duplicates the drawing. To make things easier, I would use 2 dozen drawings made by kids. They would simply think of 1 to draw so they don't try to get too artistic. Some people are actual artists. Some grocery stores dollar stores and Dollar General sell the gimmick in the toy section. If not, Amazon can deliver within a week at the longest. Best $$ spent.Extremely recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 09 September, 2022)
Ben Harris's solid gold easy action is probably the forerunner to impossible location. This has elements of Steve Shufton's emergency cash but more like Paul Harris's window of opportunity using multiple envelopes. Not automatic but relatively easy. Devin spent years on blind spot so he knows the number idea on the envelopes will not draw attention and will fly by everyone. Nobody even magicians will catch it. Not endorsing spending more than I can - this could easily be $25. This can go well with Phoenix rising and Dan Garrett's plastic cash. Even Grant's million dollar mystery. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 09 September, 2022)
Will take practice. The hand test uses some methods Nefesch uses a lot. Muscle reading works but you do need contact. Diabetes and arthritis can hinder you. Even cold weather. If you do not have those it should work. The card stunts are more sure to work for everyone. They are stronger since 5 to 52 cards are used. The hand test is 1 out of 2 choices maybe done 2 or 3 times. Recommended just for the card effects.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 06 September, 2022)
Nice idea. Basically, Harry Lorayne's Don't show me the money from magic for dummies book. But this has a variation with 2 outcomes. The way he gets around it is ingenious. It is fast-paced and over in 5 minutes. Could be done anytime but also a good opener. Highly recommended. Fake bills could be used. Any normal envelopes. If you don't have bills you could use receipts that add up to the same value or copies of utility bills. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 06 September, 2022)
Nice idea. It seems like the stunt where a number on a grid is circled. All the others in that row and column are crossed out. It is repeated until only 4 numbers remain. A 1-16 grid will always add to 34. I don't like the process even though spectators do have 4 choices each step. It is like the T.V. tricks David Copperfield performed years ago where people touched the T.V. screen. It may go well with a memory trick or add a number routine. If you do it make a cue list. Slightly recommend.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 05 September, 2022)
Ingenious method. The last greatest concept involved carbonless paper and clear plastic clipboard that was used in the 1980's. But since then most impression or peeks used very special and expensive gimmicks or fishy behavior. Docc Hilford's Dance of Shiva book cost $45. Devin Knight's Devin-ation was $20. Both great. But this is easier and priced right. September this year I bought coin envelopes for about $40 for 500 at OfficeMax. It was for playing card effects but I have a ton to work with. It will take 15 minutes to make. Get 4 and you can make 2 at the same time which saves time. If one didn't work out the 2nd will. Both mine worked and I can't make anything. Recommended especially for part-time professionals. For amateurs in a home setting just stick with your usual methods. As stated, you may have glue sticks and rubber cement, but add the envelopes and you just spent $50 including instruction price. This is not a money maker for amateur magicians.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 03 September, 2022)
Devious idea. Numbers r us is my favorite. Sort of a variation of Room Service or Meir Yedid's Predict perfect instead random 3-digit numbers are chosen and random digits are called out instead of having 9 cards chosen. That speeds up the process. Plus-there is a mind-reading part also. The one using photos and songs are also winners. I am worried about doing the music version on Youtube may end up deleted for copyright violation. The pictures are not too bad as long as you don't sell them. Getty images are 1 source. Highly recommended. The price is better than the $25 to $34 for the imp pad and Mati envelope. I will get those but not yet. Easy to make. Not all Office Max may carry.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 31 August, 2022)
Most magicians know the hanging load method to produce a dove from a really empty shoebox. The trick is very deceptive. This shows how to make it using very common items. I bet 95% of everyone has the 2 items not mentioned. The shoebox idea I mentioned could be a vanish. Reproduce a duplicate item from paper. I do not think the paper should be used as a vanish. It is too flimsy. Drawing attention to it and having to eventually get rid of it. I could put it in the shoebox and put the lid on after using both. Vanish coke can in box. Remove lid. Show both sides. Reproduce from paper. Put paper in box. Can is empty because of weight. Must switch can. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 31 August, 2022)
This contains a partial excerpt of part 1. If the first costs $15 and the 2nd also teaches the same but also a bonus routine and you have part 1, then you are basically paying for the extra routine. If part 2 was cheaper, then part 1 would be overpriced. It's impossible to price this fairly. You could have a used printed version bought years ago. No records exist of your ownership. That is where I disagree on partial discounts if you downloaded the first book. I only slightly recommend this as the bonus routine is not as quick and direct as I would like.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 31 August, 2022)
Nice. It takes concentration reading it to see exactly what is happening as the book is long. Reading on a phone is not good. I think a peek envelope is better than a switching envelope. He does teach the double back window envelope excellent for a full surface peek. Highly recommend. Mark Leveridge envelope dvd would be the only next step. After that give up on envelopes. Really. Why spend $500 to learn all envelope gimmicks if you only use 3 or 4. Maybe 2 peek methods, and 2 switching methods and 2 ways to secretly remove the contents. That is all you need. This book is recommended mainly for the peek.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 31 August, 2022)
A force I was not familiar with. I prefer not using last letters. The 3 force cards could be marked and a label cue list put under a hinged lid of a case to hold the cards. There are a lot of options. At $6 introductory price it is good. I do not think $12 would be since Annemann's book 202 Methods of forcing is about $8 in print form. The 3/5 force Max Maven is obsessed with also uses the same number of cards and only has a 2-way out. Not 3 outcomes. But a professional mentalist could use it. They probably already know it. Recommended but not strongly.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 30 August, 2022)
Last 2 are well known to magicians. But the number force is brilliant. Even works with newspapers but the number is only 2 digits. Most teen magazines apply. You can do the old pin-up posters vanishing from an envelope and the chosen celebrity appears in a picture frame. The forced number can use a list of people. I highly recommend the force alone for $6.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 30 August, 2022)
Method has been used since the 1950's. It was even in a Linking Ring magazine back then. But magicians usually don't use published methods. However, it is easy and can really work well. Sometimes we have to buy tricks separate to realize the potential. It is a stage trick. You need a tray and hanging box. That is weird in a home. Schools, churches, night clubs. Easy and cheap to put together. Recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 25 August, 2022)
Ingenious. Most magicians have that gimmick. Nothing to make. Highly recommended.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 22 August, 2022)
Like a Rand Woodbury idea. No tips like using veneer sheets so paint don't need to be sanded off between shows. Type of wood used or how to mount the cycle so it can't fall over and break a leg. Even how to move it unseen. May work for professional magicians who know about this. Andrew Mayne has more workable ideas. I give 3 stars just because it is usable to some degree. He needs 1 whole page detailing the construction of the blocks like wheels and the nesting idea. The screen needs more detail too.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 22 August, 2022)
Nice idea. Almost impromptu. I would rather buy a bottle cutter at Hobby Lobby for $20 and glass glue to really put a bottle in a bottle. Then fill the larger bottle with coke. It will hide the reality and sound. Use a latex coke bottle for vanish. I can use this for friends but my idea is t.v. special strong. Recommended for those looking for something new and a little weird.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 22 August, 2022)
Very similar to the trick where the magician vanishes from a borrowed cellphone picture. It could work. I did some tricks using a device that sends TV images to other TVs to use pre-recorded images on a TV. Easily worth the price.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 21 August, 2022)
Now, this is definitely highly recommended. This is one of Devin's better books. The Apple and candy versions are great. l love the gift bag idea for the kids as it makes it easy to see who has the same amount of candy. The magician does not hide anything. It is an odd and even math trick that goes back to the 1700s that I know of. Like The Problem in Gotham or multiplying card trick or Paul Harris paperclip paradox where they disappear. Those work themselves. Not this. You must give instructions. But so easy. I do recommend leaving a cue card nearby to help when first learning who goes next.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 21 August, 2022)
Nice little ideas. I do not do spiritual-type mentalism so I cannot say I can pull it off. All I can say is to try it out.
reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 21 August, 2022)
Most of the stuff I already knew. But very educational. The chemical writing and spirit photos are the best. Yes - some chemicals can still be ordered from online markets. Recommended especially if you want something for newspaper publicity.