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Run Silent Run Deep
by (Benny) Ben Harris


(5 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Run Silent Run Deep by (Benny) Ben Harris

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Run Silent, Run Deep is the highly anticipated sequel to the controversial book, Silent Running (which created such a storm of interest in early 2010). This clever approach to the "Think of a Card" plot gained immediate acceptance with mentalists around the world (being translated into Japanese, Spanish and German editions), yet seemingly baffled some magicians who were not used to the subtleties used in performing "mind" magic. Professional mentalists like Bob Cassidy, Marc Spelmann, Jerome Finley, Marc Paul, Devin Knight, Paolo Cavalli, Looch, Francesco Tesei and Banachek saw the potential, many adding Silent Running routines to their acts. Conversely, a handful of magicians failed to see the potential. Why was this the case? Why do mentalists quickly "get it" while some magicians struggle with the concept?

Ben believes the polarization of opinion boils down to two things: The difference between how magicians and mentalists approach their material and performances, and, therefore, his reluctance to provide every bit of minutia in the initial description of the Silent Running procedure. He assumed magicians would perceive and comprehend the details and nuances as readily as mentalists. In retrospect, he can see how that was a misguided decision!

It is telling that the contributors to the sequel are almost all mentalists. It also speaks volumes that the small smattering of critics of the approach are almost all magicians. Ben thinks that proves that there is indeed a chasm between how both groups approach their presentations. Magicians "shuffle" cards, while mentalists "mix" them. Mentalists know that an occasional failure builds credibility, while magicians shun the thought. And, he is convinced, therein lies the answer: both groups approach performing from entirely DIFFERENT angles.

Run Silent, Run Deep has been written with two very clear goals in mind.

Firstly, it is intended to make the "basic procedure" CRYSTAL CLEAR so that a wider audience of performers will be able to grasp and utilize the procedure, and thus have access to the exciting material that uses it. After all, most of Ben's readers are magicians, so this is a very important consideration. To address this, Ben's very good friend Steve Shufton, (who is a talented magician and mentalist), has distilled his thoughts on the matter into written form. Steve's detailed approach is a thing of beauty. His script and insight of the subject bristles with detail and leaves the spectator with an unequivocal impression that they have had a free choice of ANY OF 52 CARDS IN THE DECK, and that NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW THE SECRETLY THOUGHT OF CARD. Steve has to be thanked for taking the time to thinking this through in such depth, and for conveying the process with such clarity, to the readers. Ben honestly believes that if you really study what Steve has to say, then you too will "see the light," and then feel empowered by the "Silent Running procedure".

The second intent of the sequel is to bring you some truly stunning performance material. Several of the items included could have easily been sold as separate effects for the same price you have paid for this entire collection. Here are some of the highlights:

A FORCE IN THE DARK by Steve Shufton
This is the above-mentioned analysis of the Silent Running procedure that will have you up to speed in no time. Experienced performers will also cull some intricate detail to further enhance their use of the procedure.

HANDS OFF by Steve Shufton
Imagine performing The Brainwave effect entirely in the spectator's own hands. Yes, you hand them the deck, have a card "thought of" and allow the spectator to search through the deck. The spectator discovers ONE ODD BACKED CARD. And, it is his thought of card. This is a miracle, and as mentioned, the performer NEVER TOUCHES THE CARDS!

STARMAN by Ben Harris
A deck of 20 "star maps" from the 1960's is introduced and a prediction is placed separately on the table. This revelation was supposedly received by a Dr Elmer William Bishop and records the exact date of "First Contact" with extra-terrestrials. The spectator is asked to "imagine" this profound moment in human history by mentally selecting a planet and date (any one of the planets in the solar system and a date between 2100 - 2999). She then pinpoints her selected planet on one of the star maps. The prediction on the table is shown to match PERFECTLY! The planet and date recording "First Contact" are correctly predicted. This lovely effect is SUPPLIED WITH TEMPLATES (including trim lines) so you can EASILY print out your own "Star Deck" on your office (or home) printer using light cardboard. You are also instructed on how to "age" the deck making it look like the deck originated in the 1960's.

ETERNAL FLAME (Silent Blister) by Ben Harris
Here, the "blister" concept from Jack Tillar, is given the Silent Running treatment. Now you can give the impression that any "thought of card" can be plucked from the flame of a BORROWED LIGHTER - appearing as blisters on your fingers! The unique "stealth" gimmick is in full view, yet unnoticed. COMPLETE WITH TEMPLATE so you can make this up by taking the supplied keyline to your local "laser cutting" shop (or by using your own tools).

WAKING DREAMS by Jason Messina
This is a cunning "lucid dream" effect that uses a DIARY, thus getting away from playing cards altogether. Includes full details on preparing your own diary for this amazing effect. Make your dreams, and the dreams of your spectators, come true!

This lovely "pure mentalism" effect is inspired by Silent Running, yet is actually very different. A spectator imagines they are sitting in a totally white room, and you then take them on a voyage of discovery. Currently sold by Ran Pink at his website for $15.00 it is now further refined and presented here in full.

SILENT PAST by Jamie Badman and Colin Miller
Jamie and Colin have taken their classic marketed effect, and revised it for Silent Running. The thought of card appears in a photo in your wallet. INCLUDES THE NEW PHOTO TEMPLATES so you can print this out on your own printer, or have it done at your local photo-mart. The magician weaves a tale about his childhood and a poker game in which a card was glimpsed; a winning card which became a lucky charm. The spectator imagines that very game, naming the card they visualise in that legendary game... whereupon the magician produces an old photograph of a man holding a playing card - the spectator's freely-chosen selection!

SILENT PRESENT by Jamie Badman and Colin Miller
A deck is placed on the table and two spectators each name a card. The deck is turned face up and the first spectator's card has disappeared. The second spectator, though, can see her card. The deck is very fairly turned face down then the magician produces from his wallet the first spectator's card. The second spectator then names her card. The magician spreads the face down deck to reveal a single face up card in the centre - the second selection.

SILENT FUTURE by Jamie Badman and Colin Miller
The magician predicts a card on his iPhone screen and places the phone screen-downwards on the table. A spectator removes the deck from the case and shuffles the deck, turns it face up and cuts the deck, arriving at a totally random face-card. The phone is turned over to reveal the prediction exactly matches the card. Can be immediately repeated.

Richard Busch amazes
Leading mentalist and thinker, Richard Busch, has contributed a lovely effect sure to impress the fussiest. Pure class.

Tommy Chimes In
Tommy, of ACAAN fame, has contributed some fascinating ideas and handlings for consideration.

Japanese Addition A wonderful routine from Japan's Hiro Sakai, which has been translated for you by Yuki Kadoya.

Italy Lectures
Francesco Tesei, Italy's leading mentalist has developed a lovely stage presentation for Silent Running. He's been featuring this in his recent lecture. You'll love this. And it will be part of this ebook.

The above effects are only some of the highlights.

*MANY MORE routines and ideas (exploring the use of electronics, varied selection processes, other fishing angles, the use of imaginary dice, faro shuffles, muscle reading, the Tossed Out Deck, numerical predictions, multiple spectators, and the simultaneous use of multiple CrossRoads "keys", etc) are included from:

  • Jamie Badman
  • Richard Busch
  • Ben Harris
  • Claude Imperiale
  • Isaac Louie
  • Colin Miller
  • Bernardo Rodriguez
  • Matthew Shepherd
  • Steve Shufton
  • Robert Smith
  • Christopher Taylor
  • Francesco Tesei
  • Mario Unger
  • and more.
Run Silent, Run Deep is a massive tome, and although the final page count is not complete we estimate it will be well over 200 pages!


Order at the special pre-publication price of US$39.95 prior to July 31 and you will receive a special COLOR SET OF TEMPLATES for STARMAN. (The regular set is mono to allow for aging). You will be able to print out and make the FULL COLOR DECK on any color copier, bubble-jet or laser printer. And, the included trim marks make it easy to cut the cards out perfectly.

*Contributors and content subject to change due to the vast variety of material submitted and our efforts to provide a diverse cross-section of ideas and routines.

1st edition 2010; 216 pages.

Watch Criss Angel's performance of Bill Goldman's mental yarn which is very similar to the Silent Running method (this verbal technique was created by Ned Rutledge):

word count: 45804 which is equivalent to 183 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video