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Scripted #16: Zodiac and Mom's Favorite
by Larry Brodahl

#2 Patter, Plots & Scripts author

(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Scripted #16: Zodiac and Mom's Favorite by Larry Brodahl

A parlor or stage trick with a single method, but two vastly different scripts using totally different props. Fun and fooling.

Two tricks in one. Each with nearly identical handling but widely different effects.

In ZODIAC, you show a spectator pictures, one at a time, letting the spectator say "stop" whenever they wish. Their selection turns out to have been predicted in a message hanging in full view of the audience.

In MOM'S FAVORITE, you show the spectators playing cards, one at a time, again letting a spectator say "stop". Their selection turns out to have been predicted in a message hanging in full view of the audience the entire show.

Two separate scripts, all pictures and predictions supplied as electronic files ready for printing, construction methods and tips are included, as are alternate endings, alternate scripting possibilities.

The ebook also takes you through the an overview of the steps of the script writing process used to create script, handling, and staging.

1st edition 2018, 50 pages.

Reviewed by Steven Beckley (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 04 June, 2020

Very Nice ideas. I saw this concept used once in a semi close up routine and really liked it a lot. It's just so devious and sneaky! I don't know why but it never occurred to me that this could be "upsized" to play beautifully for a parlor/cabaret setting for a bigger audience. (head slap) The thing I like most is that the first routine can be customized to pretty much any theme or selections that fit your performance style, it's easy to do, and very fooling. You also have the flexibility to play this any way you like.... Prediction, influence, mind reading... whatever floats your psychic boat. I could see this working really well as a good opener to a mentalism set and as we all know good mentalism openers are difficult to find. Well worth the money!

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Magic & Mentalism / Patter, Plots & Scripts

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