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Scripted #44: The Awakening by Dan Harlan
by Larry Brodahl

#1 Patter, Plots & Scripts author

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Scripted #44: The Awakening by Dan Harlan by Larry Brodahl

#2 in Free hot-list

It's Halloween...or any spooky time of the year. And you want a family-friendly scary script for Dan Harlan's "The Awakening". In this free ebook, Larry Brodahl – the author of the Scripted! Series gives you four different scripts, all using the Awakening trick.

A couple of the scripts require some extra props, but most magicians probably have easy access to them.

Please note that these scripts are all 1st cuts, untested, and assume you know the handling of general magic props. is free!

1st edition 2024, 14 pages.
word count: 1986 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text