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★★★★★ $3.99

Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 49-51, 54, 55, 78

Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb
Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 49-51, 54, 55, 78 by Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb

All these episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops, and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound.

  1. The Vanishing Brooch
    While attempting to get his watch repaired, the jewelers ask Blackstone to solve a rash of robberies that are leaving their own detectives baffled. Could one of the store's oldest and best customers be to blame?
    After another mystery is solved by magic, Blackstone teaches a strange little card trick with a singing revelation. Originally broadcast 09/04/1949
  2. Crimes on a Merry Go Round
    The police are...

Crispin Sartwell

Crispin SartwellCrispin Sartwell is Associate Professor of Art History, Political Science, and Philosophy at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. A former newspaper columnist and music critic, he is the author of a number of books, including Political Aesthetics (Cornell University Press, 2010) and Six Names of Beauty (Routledge, 2004). He is a card hobbyist.

Mike Powers

Mike Powers

Mike Powers is an award-winning magician who has over 30 years of experience performing in both close-up and stage environments. He performs, lectures and writes, for example the monthly column "The Card Corner" in The Linking Ring. He was formerly a Professor of Physics at Holy Cross College in South Bend Indiana.

(The photo is copyright Robin W. Dawes, and is used with permission.)

Irv Weiner

Irv Weiner... first trick by mother in 1930, then self-taught from library books. Inspired to become a pro by seeing Blackstone at age 14. Attended Chavez School in 1947 on GI Bill, graduating to become an instructor there. Owner of "Irv Weiner's Studio of Magic" in Boston 1949-55. Pro close-up, specializing in college 2-hour one-man shows. Pet effects: Vernon's Travellers, Thumb Tie.

Wrote Dabbling with Daub (1951, 7pp). Invented over 200 original effects published as "Manu-Secrets", including Soft Dice (1952), Flabbergasting! (1952), Red Tape Thumb Tie (1953), No Nest Cups & Balls (1953), Soft Dice (1954), The Travelling Salesman (1954), Just Imagination (1954), Alphabet Soup Card Trick (1955), Beyond...


Magicseen No. 86 (May 2019)

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 86 (May 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Henry Harrius

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox – Your View – Have Your Say
  4. Harry Harrius - cover article/interview
  5. Masterclass
    1. 2 Out of 3 Will – Simon Caine
    2. 1809 Blank – Chiam Yu Shang
  6. cartoon – Sergey Diomin
  7. Shout Outs – Here are some special ‘extra’ announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  8. Look The Other Way – Considering the Art of Misdirection – Mark Leveridge
  9. Club Land - Magic in South Africa – Part 2) – Ricki Gray, compiler
    • Cape Town Magicians’ Circle
    • College of Magic ...
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