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Phil Shaw

Phil Shaw

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Coauthors: Mark Leveridge, Graham Hey

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Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 115 (March 2024) by Phil Shaw

Vol. 20, No. 1, 56 pages
Cover: Michael O'Brien; chats to us about magic, music and Pokemon

  1. Magicseen Issue #115 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. Subscriptions
  4. What's Inside
  5. Reader's Letters
  6. Blackpool Rocks - 2024 Blackpool Convention reviewed
  7. Masterclass
    1. Book Test Card Revelation - Ian Adair
    2. Do Not Get Confused - Woody Aragon
  8. Back to the Future - The Musical - The Twins FX - Making Musical Theatre History - by Phil Shaw
  9. Securing Success - The Crucial Role of Contracts for Magicians - Vinny Sagoo
  10. How Much to Charge?
  11. Michael O'Brien - Magic, Music and Pokemon - cover story...
Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 114 (January 2024) by Phil Shaw

Vol. 19, No. 6, January 2024; 60 pages

Cover: Jack Rhodes

  1. Magicseen Issue #114 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. Magic Amanda [Lindsey]: Spinning to Success - interview by Phil Shaw
  6. Masterclass
    1. Make Love Not War - Vinny Sagoo
    2. Comedy Card Prediction - Ian Adair
  7. How to Create Magical Moments at Every Table - Gary Jones
  8. News - Renowned Las Vegas Mentalist Paul Draper Elected to Leadership Council of the Magic Circle
  9. Promote Yourself
  10. Jack Rhodes: The Future of Magic - cover article
  11. The Bochord Club - Iain Moran
  12. Approaching the...
Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 113 (November 2023) by Phil Shaw

Vol. 19, No. 5, November 2023; 60 pages
Cover: Marc Kerstein the App Man

  • Readers' Letters
  • Fraser Parker
  • Masterclass
  • The greatest trick that magic forgot
  • Cube magic origins
  • Marc Kerstein
  • Bochord Club
  • Quick guide to magic apps
  • What will happen to book tests?
  • Card Foolers
  • Darwin Ortiz
  • Product Reviews
  • Stewart Francis one-liners
  • Readers' Tips & Advice
Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 112 (September 2023) by Phil Shaw

Vol. 19, No. 4, September 2023; 60 pages
Cover: Carisa Hendrix

  1. Welcome to Issue #110 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. Pete Firman - Tricktok - Interview by Phil Shaw
  6. Enigma - Interview with Christian Grace
  7. Masterclass
    1. Ultimate Payoff - Andrew Normansell
    2. Cut-Up Cards - Ian Adair
  8. Cubeography - Kev G
  9. The Bochord Club - Iain Moran
  10. The Satisfaction of Creativity - Matthew J. Downen
  11. Carisa Hendrix - Lucid Dreaming - cover article by Andi Gladwin
  12. A Miscellany of Mischief and Magic - book by Tom Adams and Jasmine Floyd
★★★★★ $5
Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 111 (July 2023) by Phil Shaw

Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2023; 60 pages
Cover: Derren Brown

  1. Welcome to Issue #110 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. N2G Magic - Nic Cheung - interview
  6. What Happens When Two Magicians Get Married? - Alan & Kat Hudson
  7. Masterclass
    1. The Return of the Muleshoe Gambler - Paul Gordon
    2. Fade-Away Lady - Ian Adair
    3. Old Blue Eyes - Paul Gordon
  8. The Power of Palindromic Patterns - Kev G
  9. The Bochord Club - Iain Moran
    • Art Decko - Simon Aronson
  10. The Comedy Helpline
  11. Ben Hart - Jadoo - new show
  12. Where there's NO will, there's a way - Jay Fortune
  13. Derren Brown - Notes From a Fellow Traveller...
Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 110 (May 2023) by Phil Shaw

Vol. 19, No. 2, May 2023; 60 pages

Cover: Chris Cross

  1. Welcome to Issue #110 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. Chris Cross - cover article
    1. Conjuring After Covid
    2. The Chris Cross Convention
    3. What's Next
  6. Masterclass
    1. Tribute to Mullica - Michael O'Brien
    2. Coin Switch - An Alternative Handling for the Bobo - Gregg Webb
    3. Reaper - Brian Johnson
  7. New Quick change World Record Set by Solange Kardinaly & Arkadio
  8. The Right Cube for the Job - Kev G
  9. The Bochord Club - Iain Moran
    • Focus by Phil Goldstein
  10. Classic One-Liners - Bob Monkhouse ...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Masterclass Years 9-12 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Every four years we like to publish a collection of all the great magic that has appeared during the period in Magicseen's Masterclass section, and from the issues which appeared in volumes 9-12 we offer you 51 effects and ideas from such well known and respected performers as Andy Nyman, David Regal, Chris Rawlins, Boris Wild, Mel Mellers, Pit Hartling, John Bannon, Vincent Hedan, Thomas Fraps, Dan Garrett, Anthony Owen and many others.


  • Trapped Prediction - Alexander Erohin
  • Roll and Slide Vanish - Radek Makar
  • The Great Escape - John Breeds
  • More ESP - Arun Bonerjee
  • Moneyball - Fritz...
★★★★★ $5
Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 109 (March 2023) by Phil ShawVol. 19, No. 1, March 2023; 60 pages

Cover: Léa Kyle

  1. Welcome to Issue #108 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. Léa Kyle - Changing Magic - cover article/interview by Phil Shaw
  6. Masterclass
    1. Tour de Force - Michael O'Brien
    2. Spirit of the Pendulum - Brian Johnson
    3. Any Page Number Book Test - Ian Adair
  7. Why Solving is Essential - Kev G
    1. 5 QR Codes (and links) for solving a Rubik's Cube
  8. The Bochord Club - Ian Moran
  9. Worker's Corner - Chris Congreave
  10. Alarna Love - The Secret Magician - interview by Phil Shaw
  11. Memories of Entertaining - Brian Johnson
  12. Deliberate Practise...
Phil Shaw
The Comedy Helpline by Phil Shaw

Routines, visual gags and priceless advice from the top comedy pros.

If you want to create a comedy act, or are a comedy performer looking to supplement the fun that you already have, this ebook will provide you with all the inspiration, advice, effects, one-liners and visual gags that you need.

We have tapped into the knowledge and expertise of top comedy performers such as Scott and Muriel, Gaetan Bloom, John Archer, Alan Hudson, Nathan Kranzo, Andy Reay, Michael Finney and many more, all of whom have revealed what it takes to make your magic appealingly funny.

Reading this ebook will help to find the comic...

Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 108 (January 2023) by Phil ShawVol. 18, No. 6, January 2023; 60 pages

Cover: Hanson Chien

  1. Welcome to Issue #108 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. Hanson Chien - The Magic 'Touch' - cover article/interview by Phil Shaw
  6. The Bochord Club with Ian Moran
  7. Masterclass
    1. Blindsided 2.0 - Michael O'Brien
    2. Three to the Pocket - Three Come Back - Gregg Webb
  8. Online Masterclass (downloadable videos)
    1. Power Off - Hanson Chien
    2. Absurd Card Magic - Kyle Littleton
  9. One-Liners
  10. Worker's Corner - Chris Congreave
  11. Why Cube Magic Works - Kev G
  12. How to Practise Effectively - Phil Shaw
  13. Josephine Lee - The Dancing...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 107 (November 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 18, No. 5, November 2022; 60 pages

Cover: Vegas & Lopez
  1. Welcome to Issue #107 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. The Magic of F1 - Nigel Mansell
  5. Vwgas & Lopez - A Magical Chainsaw Massacre Cabinet - cover article by Thomas L. Swieciak
  6. Reader's Letters
  7. The View from Behind the Stand - comedy re: convention dealers - Mark Leveridge
  8. Masterclass
    1. ACAAN - The Rubik's Cube of Magic - Peter Turner
    2. Aces in Glass - Wolfgang Riebe
  9. Magik Balay Announces Opening of New Magic Shop in NYC
  10. Pro Tips - Part #4 Getting and Keeping Attention - Mark Leveridge
  11. The Magic CRB - Magical Satire from Mark...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 106 (September 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 18, No. 4, September 2022; 60 pages
Cover: Marvin Berglas
  1. Welcome to Issue #106 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. In The Phonebox: Alia Bhatt
  5. Marvin's Magic - The World's Most Iconic Magic Brand - cover article/interview
    1. To Celebrate 35 Years of Marvin's Magic Here Are 35 Things You Probably Don't Know About Marvin and His Company
  6. Reader's Letters
  7. Facebook Competition
  8. Pete's [Firman] Back With a Bag - interview
  9. Masterclass
    1. On The Cards - Adam Hudson
    2. Poor Man's Raven - Gregg Webb
  10. The Chris Cross Convention
  11. A Quick Dip Into ... "Eugene Burger: Final Secrets" by Lawrence Hass...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 105 (July 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 18, No. 3, July 2022; 60 pages
Cover: Christian Grace
  1. Welcome to Issue #105 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. In The Phonebox: James Mercer
  5. Christian Grace - Our New Golden Future is Here - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  6. Reader's Letters
  7. Magicseen Competition
  8. An Alternative Magic Universe - Mark Leveridge
  9. Masterclass
    • Second Thoughts - Christian Grace
  10. Facebook Promo Pics
  11. Masterclass Classic
    • Dictionary 600 - Stuart Bowie
  12. Starting as You Mean to Continue - Why even the pre-show time at kid's parties is important - Mark Leveridge
  13. Wayne Slater...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 104 (May 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 18, No. 2, May 2022; 60 pages
Cover: Laura London
  1. Welcome to Issue #104 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. In The Phonebox with Kim Joo-Hun
  5. Laura London - The Cheat - cover article/interview
  6. Reader's Letters
  7. The Amazing Johnathan - interview by Graham Hey
  8. Magicseen Competition
  9. Masterclass
    • Sox - Gregg Webb
  10. Masterclass Classic
    • Twister - Paul Gordon
  11. What Could Possibly Go Wrong - A Comic Look at Close Up Magic Post-Covid - Mark Leveridge
  12. Taking Shape - How Table shapes and Sizes Affect the Table Hopper - Mark Leveridge
  13. How to Get Yourself Out There...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 103 (March 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2022; 60 pages Cover: Michael Finney

  1. cartoon (advertisement for Magic Dave)
  2. Welcome to Issue #103 - Editor's comments
  3. The Team
  4. What's Inside
  5. In The Phonebox with Rick Moranis
  6. Michael Finney - A Pocketful of Laughs - cover article/interview
  7. Reader's Letters
  8. The Dealer's Booth - Discount Magic
  9. Masterclass
    • The Repeater - Liam Montier
  10. Masterclass Classic
    • Simplex Hopping Halves - Mark Leveridge
  11. Win a Copy of the Reprint of Will Goldston's "Who's Who in Magic"
  12. Going Back with Graham Jolley - 5 Minutes with the Hilarious Master Mentalist
  13. The 7 Deadly Sins of ... Magic...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 102 (January 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 6, January 2022; 60 pages
Cover: The Sentimentalists
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Elizabeth Lail
  5. Festive Facebook
  6. The Sentimentalists - Mind Games - cover article/interview
  7. Reader's Letters
  8. Ben Earl - Two Minutes with The Master - interview
  9. Impact - The Effect of Covid on the Kid Show Market - Mark Leveridge
  10. Masterclass
    1. Crime Doesn't Pay - Pat Fallon
    2. Rimm Ramm Ree - Douglas MacGeorge
  11. Shop Talk - Nathan Buzza from Illuminati Magic - interview
  12. Luca Volpe - Fool Us - interview
  13. One Liners
  14. The Magician's Elephant - A Musical by the RSC
  15. Selecting Magic to...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 101 (November 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 5, November 2021; 60 pages
Cover: Kat Hudson
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Kang-Ho Song
  5. Facebook News
  6. Kat Hudson - From the East Coast to the West End - cover article/interview
  7. Reader's Letters
  8. Leeds Magic Convention - How we arranged a one day magic convention in four weeks - Chris Stewart
  9. Don't Squander Your Magic Earnings - Wolfgang Riebe
  10. The Masterclass Classic
    1. Silk Away - Tony Griffith - Final Reflections (2009)
    2. Luck of All Men - A Magick from Brian Johnson
  11. United Kingdom Escape Artists News & Awards 2021
  12. speaking to the Right People...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 100 (September 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 4, September 2021; 76 pages
Cover: montage of previous covers
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Kendo Nagasaki
  5. Facebook News
  6. Kay Dyson - Miss Magic, Just The trick! - interview
  7. Reader's Letters
  8. Pet Hates - Steve Cook
  9. Performance Character - Paul McCrory
  10. Reflections - The 6 Best Masterclass Tricks
    • 4 Coin Production - Damian Surr - Issue 39
    • The Godmother OF all Book Tests - Dan Garrett - Issue 67
    • The Aaaah Game - Gary Dunn - Issue 48
    • Ring On, Ring Off - Alexander Allen - Issue 26
    • Easy Memorized Deck - Shawn Farquhar - Issue 73 ...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 99 (July 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 3, July 2021; 60 pages
Cover: Ben Earl
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Laetitia Casta
  5. Facebook News
  6. Ben Earl - The Man With A Vision - cover article/interview
  7. Real Magic Exists - An Extract From XYA - Chris Dugdale
  8. Facebook News
  9. Buyer's Remorse - How To Avoid Making Bad Magic Purchases - Mark Leveridge
  10. Reader's Letters
  11. The Big Six! - Greame Shaw
  12. The Masterclass classic
    1. Colossal Card memory - Sean Taylor
    2. Uniquely Surrounded - Dave Loosley
  13. The Evolution of Dave - Jay Fortune & Graham Hey
  14. Amir Lustig - The Imitation Game - interview ...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 98 (May 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 2, May 2021; 60 pages
Cover: Michael Murray
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Anais Demoustier
  5. Michael Murray - Mental As Anything - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  6. The Amazing Johnathan - Part Two - article/interview
  7. The Grumpy Old Magician Does Lockdown - Recorded by Mark Leveridge
  8. magic By Numb3rs - Mark Leveridge
  9. Reader's Letters
  10. Masterclass
    1. 2 Poker chip Transpo - Gregg Webb
    2. The Discrepancy city Prediction - John Bannon
  11. Either ... Or? - with Sean Carpenter
  12. News
  13. It's Competition Time!! - to win the John Bannon Move Zero 4DVD Boxset
  14. Shop Talk...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 97 (March 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2021; 60 pages
Cover: The Amazing Johnathan

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. The Amazing Johnathan - Big Talent, Big Gags, Big Money! - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Either ... Or? - with Alan Hudson
  6. In The Phonebox with Deborah Francois
  7. Did You Know?
  8. All Day and All of the Night with Ning
  9. Chris Cross - The Great Magician of the North
  10. Reader's Letters
  11. It's a Must Have! - Classic magic from the recent past
  12. Deposits and Withdrawals - How to 'bank' on an audience's approval - Jake Strong
  13. Masterclass
    1. Pocket Mule - Andi Gladwin
    2. 57 Cents And...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 96 (January 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 6, January 2021; 60 pages
Cover: Gaëtan Bloom

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. Gaëtan Bloom - Le Faiseur de Miracles! - cover article/interview by Rafael
  5. Romany Writes! - re: Spun Into Gold
  6. Either ... Or? - with Chris Congreave
  7. Either ... Or? - with Andy Nyman
  8. In The Phonebox with Joel Courtney
  9. It's ... Christmas Everybody!!!
  10. Magical Women - interview of Connie Boyd by Jay Fortune
  11. Reader's Letters - Have Your Say
  12. Luca's Lounge! - interview by Graham Hey
  13. You're Spending How Much? - Mark Leveridge
  14. One Liners
  15. Graeme Shaw - UK Family Entertainer of the Year! - interview by...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 95 (November 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 5, November 2020; 60 pages
Cover: Rafael

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. Rafael's Room of Wonders - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Web of Deceit 2020 - re: online magic suppliers - Mark Leveridge
    1. Alakazam
    2. Illusioncraft
    3. Magic Box
    4. RSVP Magic
    5. Merchant of Magic
    6. Read My Mind
    7. Vanishing Inc Magic
    8. Merlins of Wakefield
    9. Saturn Magic
    10. Practical Magic
    11. Mission Magic
    12. Propdog
  6. In The Phonebox with Jordana Spiro
  7. Hiam Goldenberg - Toronto's Master Mentalist - interview by Graham Hey
  8. The Dealer's Booth - Neo Magic
  9. Get...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 94 (September 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 4, September 2020; 60 pages
Cover: Nathan Kranzo

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. It's The Kranzilla! - Nathan Kranzo - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Zoom Lectures Take Off - Mark Leveridge
  6. A Little Bit of Business - Part Three - Ian Brennan, AIMC
  7. Steve Spade - interview/article by David Peace
  8. In The News - Katherine Mills Gets an (Un)Linked Wedding Ring!
  9. In The News - Mr Popular Derren Brown Became a Magician to 'Show Off and Impress People'
  10. Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow - How to end a close up performance effectively - Mark Leveridge
  11. Reader's Letters -...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 93 (July 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 3, July 2020; 64 pages
Cover: Matthew Wright

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. Matthew Wright - Locked-Down, But Not Out! - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Working Close Up Outside - How to deal with the vagaries of al fresco magic - Mark Leveridge
  6. The Convention - comedy - Mark Leveridge
  7. A Little Bit of Business - Part Two - Ian Brennan, AIMC
  8. Covid-19 And Magic - What Next? - Mark Leveridge
  9. Nikola Arkane - Success Is No Illusion! - interview
  10. In The Phonebox with Madison Thompson
  11. Reader's Letters - Have Your Say
  12. cartoon - Sergey Diomin
  13. The BM...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 92 (May 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 2, May 2020; 66 pages
Cover: Justin Willman

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. Justin Willman - Magic For Humans - cover article/interview by Kris Sheppard
  5. Wonder - Ben Hart - The Redgrave Theatre, Bristol - reviewed by Mark Leveridge
  6. Brain Food - How to Train Your Brain to Remember Everything! - Lucca Lucien
  7. A Little Bit of Business - Ian Brennan, AIMC
  8. A Few Thoughts ... Steve Cook
  9. In The News ShareMagic Live A Massive Success!
  10. The Magic of Austria 2.0 - Martin Haderer
    • Bill Cheung
    • Magic Christian
    • Tommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass (The Clairvoyants) ...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 91 (March 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2020; 60 pages
Cover: 4MG - The Boyband of Magic

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. 4MG - The Stage Is Set - cover article/interview
  5. Making An Impact - How to Generate Great Table Reactions when Performing Commercial Close Up - Mark Leveridge
  6. Kris Sheppard - interview
  7. Magic & Technology - Cooper McRae
  8. Shaman & Showman - Magic and Healing; Magic with Meaning; Magic and Hope - interview by Jay Fortune
  9. Getting Started ... with Magic Singh
  10. Bucking The Trend - The Rise of Megan Knowles-Bacon - interview by Mark Leveridge
  11. Reader's Letters - Have Your...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 90 (January 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 6, January 2020; 60 pages
Cover: Mark Elsdon

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Mark Elsdon - From Kilburn to Killer Tricks! - cover article/interview
  5. In The News
  6. In The Phonebox with Emily Kinney
  7. Masterclass Special - Mark Elsdon
    1. Hands-Off Mindreader - Mark Elsdon
    2. One-Sec Design Dup - Mark Elsdon
  8. cartoon - Sergey Diomin
  9. The Grumpy Old Magician Does Christmas - Mark Leveridge
  10. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  11. Roddy McGhie - Glasgow Punk to Penguin Magic - interview by...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 89 (November 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 5, November 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Fay Presto

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Fay Presto - One of London's Brightest Lights - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. What A Laugh - 10 Ways to Inject Comedy Into Kid's Shows - Mark Leveridge
  6. Masterclass
    1. Vanishing Point - Gary Jones
    2. Pocket Demon - Jeramy Neugin
  7. Share Magic - The Vanishing Inc Magic Fund - Joshua Jay
  8. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  9. Tom Meserol - interview by Jay Fortune
  10. The Branding Guru - interview by Jay Fortune ...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 88 (September 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 4, September 2019; 60 pages Cover: Mandy Muden

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Mandy Muden - Natural Born Thriller! - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Friend Not Foe - Using The Humorous Spectator - Mark Leveridge
  6. Masterclass
    1. Safe Deposit - David Regal
    2. Easy Peasy Prediction - Adam Hudson
  7. cartoon - Sergey Diomin
  8. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  9. Allan De-Val - Unshackled - interview
  10. Against The Rules - A Comic Look at Magic Clubs - Mark Leveridge
  11. David Williamson...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 87 (July 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 3, July 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Peter Turner

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Peter Turner: His Majesty of Mind Manipulation - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Masterclass
    1. Riffle Four - Chiam Yu Sheng
    2. Book of the Fallen - Peter Turner
  6. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  7. Reinventing the Magic Model - Jez Rose
  8. Live Review - Monday Night Magic - The Players Theatre, New York - review by Phil Shaw
  9. The Strolling Mentalist - Mark Leveridge
  10. Pros & Cons - "It's a good idea to feature routines...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 86 (May 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Henry Harrius

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox – Your View – Have Your Say
  4. Harry Harrius - cover article/interview
  5. Masterclass
    1. 2 Out of 3 Will – Simon Caine
    2. 1809 Blank – Chiam Yu Shang
  6. cartoon – Sergey Diomin
  7. Shout Outs – Here are some special ‘extra’ announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  8. Look The Other Way – Considering the Art of Misdirection – Mark Leveridge
  9. Club Land - Magic in South Africa – Part 2) – Ricki Gray, compiler
    • Cape Town Magicians’ Circle
    • College of Magic ...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 85 (March 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Gary Jones

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Gary Jones: Life's a Beach! - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. In The Phonebox with Terence Trent D'Arby
  6. Masterclass
    1. T&R Card Penetration - Jeramy Neugin
    2. Metal Sheep - Gary Jones
  7. Lookalikes - Brian Lead
  8. Edward Hilsum: Doves to Downing Street! - interview by Graham Hey
  9. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  10. Club Land - Magic in South Africa - S.A.M.S. (South African Magical Society) - Ricki Gray ...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 84 (January 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 14, No. 6, January 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Alan Hudson

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. One Liners to Cheer You Up!
  5. Ricky Jay Remembered, From The Wings: An Assistant's Thoughts On The Late Magician - Chris Klimek
  6. In The Phonebox with Don Johnson
  7. Masterclass
    1. Deck Flip Aces - Chiam Yu Sheng
    2. Trans Post-It - Fritz Alkemade
  8. Performance Contracts & Cancellation Clauses - Are they worth the trouble - Mark Leveridge
  9. Advertorial - Getting the Balance Right
    • Competition Time!
  10. Show A Bit Of Character - excerpt from "Be More Funny!"...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen (2017) Volume 13 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

All six issues of 2017 for a reduced price. The cover personalities are Eric Jones, Richard Jones, David Copperfield, Jamie Raven, Young & Strange, and Bill Malone.

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen (2016) Volume 12 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

All six issues of 2016 for a reduced price. The cover personalities are Jeff McBride, Joshua Jay, Randolph Tempest, Colin McLeod, The Clairvoyants, and Andi Gladwin.

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen (2015) Volume 11 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

All six issues of 2015 for a reduced price. The cover personalities are Mel Mellers, Anthony Owen, Alan Rorrison, Piff (The Magic Dragon), Mark James, and Kostya Kimlat.

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen (2014) Volume 10 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

All six issues of 2014 for a reduced price. The cover personalities are Wayne Dobson, Johnny Thompson, Sean Alexander, Chris Dugdale, David Regal, and Boris Wild.

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen (2013) Volume 9 by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

All six issues of 2013 for a reduced price. The cover personalities are Andy Nyman, Steve Cohen, Kevin James, Dynamo, Matthew Wright, and David Williamson.

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