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Stebbins Surprise Stack
by Unknown Mentalist


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Stebbins Surprise Stack by Unknown Mentalist
  1. Can a Si Stebbins PLUS TWO stack be made useful for stack magic?
  2. Can the values of this stack be made to look random enough for fair scrutiny?
  3. Can this stack be made useful as a memorized deck - knowing the card at a given position and vice versa - without a sweat?
  4. Can this stack have a monodistic sequence instead of the repeating tetradistic sequence like the regular Si Stebbins stack?
  5. After having achieved all the above, will the stack still remain simple and easy to learn?
  6. Can this same framework be applied to the other Stebbins +3 or +4 stacks?
  7. Finally, will it be possible to perform regular stack magic with this stack?
Well, the answer to all the above is a big YES. And that is Stebbins Surprise Stack. You can learn this in under 52 minutes. And that's less than a card-a-minute. Check it out!

1st edition 2017, 15 pages.
word count: 3281 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 10 June, 2017

The UNKNOWN MENTALIST should be named THE UNKNOWN AMAZING MENTALIST!!! This is another GREAT EBOOK! It is one of the most simple yet DECEPTIVE Stebbins stacks I have ever seen. Naturally it will take me a bit to master this. In my opinion every mentalist needs ALL of the UNKNOWN MENTALISTS card stack systems in their libraries. I'm very amazed with this and will learn the simple math that goes with this. WELL DONE UNKNOWN MENTALIST!