If you already own 13MM of Si Stebbins or purchase along with this, you will get this ebook for half price.
An unbelievably simple method. No Kidding. You will learn 6 special Si Stebbins stacks in just 60 startling seconds. Does it sound Strange? Shocking? Staggering? Yes, it is simply superb! Just one simple set of easy rules and you can learn 6 stacks in one shot. And all of these as memorized decks, not just cyclical stacks.
In the earlier release 13MM of Si Stebbins, with one single effort you could get triple payoff. Here, your one single effort gives you 6 times the payoff. The rules are so easy that a school kid could learn this in no time at all. Imagine the power of having 6 memorized decks at your finger tips. That too by knowing just one set of simple and easy principles, which almost become intuitive when you get familiar with them.
You can know the card in any position or the position of any card. For ALL the stacks. Also you can know the preceding and succeeding cards for any given card in any stack.
And for your single effort there is a bonus too. In addition to the 6 stacks mentioned, you can learn 2 more stacks without any additional effort. This is like putting rocket fuel into a Si Stebbins stack and sending it zooming into orbit.....multiple orbits!
Of course, with this type of stack power, you can do multiple mega memory type stunts and routines to repeatedly fry any type of audience. If ever there is an Oscar award or Olympic medal for card stacks, you will be in with a serious chance to win it with this. As if this was not enough, a mega card miracle act is included.
The Octopus Date
A 3 phase mega card miracle act. No sleights, no stooges, no pre-show. Totally self working. Completely hands off. The climax in each phase builds up into a crescendo in the final phase. Repeatedly kills the audience without survivors. Involves 12-15 audience members as participants. A stunning piece of card mentalism.
And the best part is, to perform this, the performer need not know any stacks at all. No memory work. No math work. Only polished presentation and pure showmanship.
"IMHO it is a very valuable book with new views and observations in the Si Stebbins field. You describe 8 not 6 stacks. Very Interesting! Its logical by a mathematical point of view but up to now overlooked by magicians. This is IMHO the most valuable fact in your book - One must learn only the first 6 positions in a bank - not all 12/13! New are your terms Lucky Numbers and Deck Value, I will use them. I like your creative idea of the "60 seconds approach". The Octopus Date is a great and amazing original routine but one can play this routine only in the right context. I will give your routine a try in the next time. I'm very excited. Your style is very similar to one of my idols - the German Dr. Aloys Christoph Wilsmann (1899 - 1966) who invented dozens of such (mathematical based) amazing routines. He was a genius. Great job!" - Dr. Hans Christian Solka
1st edition 2016, 48 pages.
word count: 9260 which is equivalent to 37 standard pages of text
Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Saturday 10 June, 2017Even though I prefer THE SLOKA DECK STACK and THE KARMA DECK STACK I really like this EBOOK. This is very thought provoking material that will take me a bit of time to get down but I will use it. I am very familiar with deck stacks. I'm just really amazed with this and didn't know really how versatile the stebbins stack is. Like many mentalists, I've always assumed that the Stebbins was basically just for beginners. I was wrong. Everyone needs to buy this. It will open your eyes to this stack. Well done UNKNOWN MENTALIST!
Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Friday 19 February, 2016Don't let the learning part put you off as some one of mature age it first took me longer than 60 seconds but with the time set aside I can get it down I Reckon providing the cat gets of my key board
Reviewed by Balasubramanian Chandran (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Tuesday 16 February, 2016This is almost revolutionary. It changes everything about the good old stebbins stack. The age old theory that professionals avoid si stebbins due to its inherent weaknesses, now goes for a big toss. This 8-in-1 discovery is a game changer. I can now intuitively SEE all 8 stacks, yes it is 8 and not just 6. And after seeing this terrific suit system and how it plays for all the stacks, you will never go back to the red/black pattern of chased or shocked etc.