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by Vincent Wilson


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Teleport by Vincent Wilson

Can you really send matter through Zoom? Yes! With Teleport. Perhaps the most amazing virtual effect invented yet. This is an effect for premium shows only. Do not include this in your regular gig. "Want to see me send a coin to your CEO? That'll be x-amount of dollars extra!"

In this new eBook by Vince Wilson, you will learn how to perform it and what you will need to do to prevent them from figuring it out.

1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 1628 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Arthur Roscha (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 13 May, 2021

This is so great. I end every Zoomshow with this. For the participants, this effect is the one that is most memorable, thanks Vincent!