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The Astro Card File
by Ken de Courcy

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The Astro Card File by Ken de Courcy

Effects with the Zodiac deck. (Deck not included with this PDF.)

Excerpt from the introduction:

Whilst this beautifully produced pack can be used for card games, as suggested in the small folder that comes with the deck, its main strength to a magician lies in the way that ordinary card tricks can be given an astrological slant and thus personalized. To the mentalist, of course, the pack represents one of the finest adjuncts to have come out for many years. Whilst a spectator may not be able to associate herself with the Queen of Hearts, she can certainly relate to her own birth sign. And this is something that everyone knows because most newspapers and many magazines publish a daily horoscope.

It follows, therefore, that the magical effects should be performed with cards bearing the spectator's birth sign, which means this has to be discovered. Here are some ways of doing this.

  • Discovering Someone's Birth Sign
  • Revealing the Birth Sign
  • My Sign and Your Sign
  • Sign Divination
  • Aquarius / Stanton Carlisle

1st edition 1979, PDF 10 pages.
word count: 4080 which is equivalent to 16 standard pages of text